Beginners - January 2012 (Page 48)

What are hits?
what are hits in graphics. Especialy in opengl. OpenGL uses the name stack to differentiate between the different objects in the scene. Hits are discovered on...
[2 replies] Last: sure: what ... (by biplav17)
by Arcand
cin and how much I hate it... =+)
im trying to write a basic program based of a game loop, it calls function setup, says something, waits for info, then loops basically the same thing for functi...
[6 replies] Last: why dont you use scanf if you hate ciin so much ? (by biplav17)
by Talon
C++ Learning :)
iv been reading this tutorial and am on Operators atm So what im looking for is some an assiment....tha...
[2 replies] Last: make a quiz program. Just needs if structure. (by biplav17)
Clarifying some points
Hi, I started learning C++ a couple of days ago as I hear it is a superior language to C for general purpose programming, and have a few questions. Question ...
[5 replies] Last: ok thanks (by Aramil of Elixia)
Passing ostream into a function
happy New Year everyone! I just had a question about passing an ostream into a function. My main calls this function print_braille(char* string, cout); with ...
[3 replies] Last: its ok, sorted just had to do std::ostream in header file - whoop, now... (by redrubia)
How do you make a game do this?
I wanna make a game where the window grows and shrinks to throw the user off. But it has to grow in a circle not a rectangle. Like I want a circular window f...
[2 replies] Last: Why make the game window do that? You could just put the game in full ... (by Mats)
Program that looks for repetitive numbers in a file
I don't even know where to begin on this at the moment. I have some large text files that have 9 digit numbers on each line. (We're talking probably thousands...
[4 replies] Last: @ James2250 You are doing a couple of dangerous things there. @ daly... (by Duthomhas)
Data type selection for mathematical calculation
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main () { double a,b,x,i,c,g,d,t; cin >> g; cin >> i; cin >> d; cin >> t; ...
[2 replies] Last: Wow, this cleared up a lot. Thanks. About the remark on the bottom of... (by krakenbul)
by b2meer
dynamic memory allocation
Hello everyone, I have a simple question If make a char pointer and then create dynamically a char array of say 5 size....and then at the pressing a key i w...
[2 replies] Last: Unless your array is allocated element by element, I mean by that that... (by eypros)
problem with variables and multiple classes
Hello I have a class called Player and have two function SetGold() and GetGold(). I also have a class called HUD and I setGold() to 10 in HUD class. now I want ...
[9 replies] Last: wow thank you very much its working. that looks so very complicated. I... (by Fantasy)
by woogi
code::blocks and wxSmith
My issue is that I have a Button set on a page. Default is "No". Simply put, all I want is for the button to alternate between "Yes" and "No" when clicked. The ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you, Andy. I made a couple changes, including keeping the macro ... (by woogi)
how long can a variable of clock_t be?
is it a long int? Also, if I wait for a 10 seconds, and then ask 2 different threads to store clock() in a variable at the exact same time, will those two varia...
[2 replies] Last: In time.h of my compiler (VS2010) I have the following: typedef long... (by Stewbond)
Coutning Primes
Hi, I am new to c++ and while I have seemed to have tackled the Prime Number program, I want to expand it to not only display the primes, but display the number...
[2 replies] Last: int main() { int x; // input int y; // divisor int z; // prime i... (by Null)
Simple password checker
Ok, so i started learning c++ this morning and decided to create a program that checks a password that is already set. I compiled the program with no errors, bu...
[10 replies] Last: Change "=" to "==" and you're on your way. (by Spoon Licker)
Question About Dying
Ok, so I am making an RPG game of sorts and I have ran into only one problem. I am using a void for the battling system and i wanted to know if anyone knew a w...
[7 replies] Last: Make a "bool" that holds a value of being dead or alive(0 or 1). When... (by Spoon Licker)
Computer Guess My Number
Allright,, To begin with, I'm just a total beginner. I've started programming a week ago, and I've stumbled upon the "Guess My Number" program. Here is the code...
[7 replies] Last: Yeah I could definitely try that.. After I've tried that I'll just co... (by NutHoofd)
Assignment - Find Character in Character Array
Hi there, as part of my assignment a program has to take in string of characters (using character array for that), then sort it alphabetically . Subsequent...
[5 replies] Last: You may not start counting at 0, but I do. At least whenever I am pla... (by Stewbond)
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