Beginners - January 2012 (Page 46)

by tcd
Writing to an output file
I am trying to write data to an output file from a C++ program, but i want this output file to appear on the console also. I think i have the code to make it wr...
[5 replies] Last: Here's part of one I made that will use one command to simultaneously ... (by Stewbond)
by pazza
calling delete on pointer after sprintf causes crash
Hi, I don't understand why this causes a crash, can anyone explain? #include <stdio.h> void func() { while(1) { char *string = new char; ...
[3 replies] Last: That makes sense thanks for the quick replies! (by pazza)
by marray
happy new year
Happy new year, I am a junior programmer, please a lot of attention
[2 replies] Last: happy new year :) (by Michael Thornton)
Error with platform?
So i am trying to do the "Learn C++ in 21 Days" i downloaded this borland compiler and i am just trying to the the ...
[7 replies] Last: trying Microsoft VS 2010 and getting errors with that program I wou... (by anonymous23323124)
pointer (1,2,3,4)
is there any diff b/t pointer variable and refrence variable if yes then i want to know the program by which we can diffrentiate it is it related to har...
[67 replies] Last: It won't compile without that const (except on Visual Studio, arghh, t... (by Moschops)
Binary Search
Hello everyone! I have to solve a problem using binary search, but i am not sure i wrote the code corectly. Here it is: It is given a sorted array, having...
[4 replies] Last: I am sorry for making it difficult to read. As i said before, i need ... (by Scorpius)
SFML vs Polycode
Hello everybody, which one of these two is the best for 2d & 3d game developement i know that SFML doesnt Support 3d graphic but i can use assimp lib for thi...
[5 replies] Last: Agreed... also, having to use multiple libraries for 3D graphics may s... (by strongdrink)
by JMan
Reference and Pointers--My opinion
I just saw a topic about Reference and Pointers and whether they are same thing or not. I think it’s time for some brief introduction for everyone. A point...
[8 replies] Last: what is taking up space? what is the it? (by JMan)
Problems with functions
I'm trying to get the code below to call out what you say but its not any help for me? Sorry if I do any thing wrong I am new to this form #include <iostream> ...
[5 replies] Last: Gaminic I used it because it calls errors if I don't I use mac so it m... (by lijrobert)
Conversion error?
Ok, so I thought I was done with my program, but it seems I have another error, which, for the life of me, I cannot find out why! I have this following code:...
[3 replies] Last: I no longer need help with this. Don't know why I never thought of thi... (by Lynx876)
settign up SFLM in Code::Blocks
I showed the Code::Block the location of lib and include. I added them manually. I but the .dll files in the project folder. I but the files needed in linker in...
[1 reply] : step by step what i did: 1) downloaded Code::Blocks 2) Unisntalled C... (by vastrolorde)
by Brayan
I have an error and I dont know why...
Please help :) #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct Piramida { double bok; double wysokosc; }; double obliczObjetosc (struct Piramida p) { r...
[3 replies] Last: just one note--the debugger or the error list provided is always a VER... (by JMan)
Arrays in Functions
Hey Guys, I had a problem where I needed to use a function with an array as one of the parameters. All I had done was the main() function and a function protot...
[11 replies] Last: Really? Oh ok thanks then. I just wanted to check if the code was erro... (by tejas1995)
Please tell me how to make a choice
i ask few people for what kind of programming language is for a beginner and now i know programmimg can be list in 3 that is web development Application Pro...
[5 replies] Last: I guess that does make sense as well. Personally I find that most begi... (by Dacster13)
how to use a pointer to function?
I'm trying to understand my colleagues' codes in which a function fn is defined in the following way: fn() { ... return creator(instanceId, attributes, Saf...
[2 replies] Last: Cubbi, thank you! (by subjugater)
Best way to shut down console
Hi, I am a beginner at C++ (only can write basic console programs ATM), and I was wondering what the best way to shut the console down from the program is? Wha...
[1 reply] : main should return an int. Always. void main() is nonstandard and ... (by Disch)
istream::read problem
// Use random-access I/O to read specific inventory records // from a data file. This program reads the file InvDat.dat, // which is created by the example p...
[1 reply] : It knows that entry is an inventory because of the line 22, where ... (by Cubbi)
call function from function
lets say i have a function i want to call anthor function(function2) from the original function (function1) for example : void function1() { // ther...
[4 replies] Last: My guess is you have this situation: function2(); // <-- Function 2 ... (by Mats)
convert array to for-loop..
heey guys ... can someone tell me how to fill the array with "*" by using for-loops instead of this way?? char star = {{'*','*','*','*','*'},{'*','*','*'...
[1 reply] : How about you replace cout<<start [coulmn/*?*/]<<" "; with start [c... (by hamsterman)
problem with (+=) operator in operator overloading
extern "C" { int printf(const char*,...); int scanf(const char*,...); int kbhit(void); void clrscr(void); int main(void); } struct console { static ...
[3 replies] Last: what is the problem with printf() and scanf() is both these functions ... (by JAI SINGH)
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