by interputed
My first program, problem with large numbers.
[7 replies] Last: In C++03 it would be compiler specific. In C++11, it becomes standard.... (by Mats)
by velvetymouse
loops for invalid entries
[3 replies] Last: hmmm it seems to work with a do while and a if statement. im not sure ... (by velvetymouse)
by Falconsoft
Templates how are they done?
[6 replies] Last: it doesn't mean GM is bad No, Game Maker is bad. (by ascii)
by Chuckleluck
Need help adding to collision detection algorithm
[2 replies] Last: Ok thanks. I'll just come up with my own algorithm. :) (by Chuckleluck)
by moot1
guessing game
[6 replies] Last: oh wait nevermind they are both > (by moot1)
Multidimensional Array issue |
[4 replies] Last: Sweet, thanks. ;-) (by Lvl80RetPaladin)
by stuted
project for an upstepping beginer
[9 replies] Last: (by Lynx876)
How to convert const char * to const char |
[4 replies] Last: I think your probably want something like this: #define DEFAULT_BUFL... (by Galik)
by stuted
project for an upstepping beginer
[4 replies] Last: @Krofna sorry for the repost, posted it at the same time... (by strongdrink)
by singularity
Converting from allocator to vector
[5 replies] Last: Well, then it should be easy enough to do! string::operator + vector... (by andywestken)
by swimba
Should I have main() run all function calls?
[6 replies] Last: It is generally seen as good practice to sort out the structure of a p... (by andywestken)
by rozick1
Don't understand this cin/while loop example.
[2 replies] Last: Yes, every time the expression "cin >> ch" is evaluated, it reads (and... (by Cubbi)
by nk2020
Centering output of a function
[7 replies] Last: I'm sorry, I don't/can't do peoples homework! If I do your homework; ... (by Lynx876)
by PhonyWizard
"does not name a type" and "has incomplete type" errors.
[3 replies] Last: It isn't a problem with all includes in general, but just this situati... (by strongdrink)
by Veltas
[1 reply] : Yes , and can do whatever the Command Prompt can . Edit: could be m... (by Catfish)
by hentaiw
&= and |=
[4 replies] Last: x&=y; does the same as x=x&y; , as with all compound assignment ope... (by Athar)
by micpayne
A specific case of using assembly in C...
[no replies]
by Lynx876
char = () ?
[4 replies] Last: Yeah, that's more than likely why I've never seen it like that! lol (by Lynx876)
by Thetr
mouse interactions
[2 replies] Last: Clicking in console ? How can I do ? (by hentaiw)
by Integrater
I'm having a problem.
[2 replies] Last: WOW, I think this book may be badly designed. I assumed it would be po... (by Integrater)