by kugyo01
Pointer to an address of a row in a 2 dim array
[3 replies] Last: OK, so let's start with a simpler example. Let's say we have the fol... (by Peter87)
by Propheciah
Stuck With Creating Encryption Program
[1 reply] : On line 35/42 you need to pass four parameter but you provide none. To... (by coder777)
Simon Says using For Loop |
[2 replies] Last: I chose 10 since there are ten letters in the sequence and so the loop... (by juliabrushett)
by NovaCore
Output doubles help
[1 reply] : (by SamuelAdams)
Finding Errors
[3 replies] Last: If you needed to hold the values, you would use an array of type int, ... (by Ganado)
by huiscat
Search in file handling error
[1 reply] : (by SamuelAdams)
by newbstarter
Im back with another assignment.
[11 replies] Last: I got it, not completely but im like 95% done with it. added a few mor... (by newbstarter)
by jblsx8
Not returning the correct output
[2 replies] Last: Thank you!! That fixed my problem! (by jblsx8)
by garza07
Calculating the Average/Max/Min of the 5 grades.
[1 reply] : How many times do you show "Enter a number" in the code? On which line... (by keskiverto)
by awong918
How to set number of digits after decimal point for a float value?
[1 reply] : floating point values are stored in IEEE format in bytes/binary. the... (by jonnin)
by dairyqueef
debugging a sorted list program
[1 reply] : The most obvious problem I missed was trying to call a void function t... (by dairyqueef)
Switch statement help |
[4 replies] Last: @icy1, Thank you for the evaluation of my code. I honestly was just as... (by mamabear111407)
How do I use a vector to store numeric user input? |
[4 replies] Last: Could you just take a line of numbers at a time and use stringstream? ... (by lastchance)
by adam2016
Pong game problem
[3 replies] Last: n line 137's switch. You are doing ballx++ regardless of whether o... (by adam2016)
by aaronpeart
Help with syntax on function
[4 replies] Last: Interesting trail you're building here, aaronpeart. Let's take a trip... (by icy1)
I learned C++ Now what? |
[6 replies] Last: [quote=brianbathorycpp]I Picked up the C++ Primer Plus [quote=rjphar... (by Cubbi)
by Zlpres96
Improve the chessboard program
[4 replies] Last: heh, that's not too shabby ;P But yeah, you could lessen the number ... (by icy1)
by Newbieess
Finding perfect number within 1 to input
[3 replies] Last: what do you think p is in the wiki page? Edit: since for this particu... (by icy1)
by Newbieess
HELP!!!! Function definition is not allowed here
[3 replies] Last: It appears that your for() loop only runs once. (by jlb)
by Elarionus
Change a structure from other functions
[2 replies] Last: Another description on splitting a project into multiple files: http:/... (by keskiverto)