Beginners - February 2018 (Page 20)

If statements that check for ALL values???
I'm trying to make a code that outputs prime numbers. I wrote an if statement that says if the number is not divisible by any numbers less than its square root,...
[2 replies] Last: First, please use code tags when posting code. See http://www.cplusplu... (by keskiverto)
Binary Search of a String Array
I have to get a binary search to search through a string array that has some animal names in it. I think I have everything else as it should be, however I'm sti...
[1 reply] : Your line 22 calls function "binarySearch". The one declared on line 7... (by keskiverto)
[help]Data type in MKL examples.
Hi, In the example of The to-be-diagonalized matrix is declared to be a dco...
[15 replies] Last: It usually means an out-of bounds error. Your line 4 is not consistent... (by lastchance)
Changing size of dynamic array
How would I go about fixing my memory leaks? Once I try to change the size of my dynamic array the program gives me errors. #include <iostream> #include ...
[1 reply] : > How would I go about fixing my memory leaks? By using std::vector<... (by JLBorges)
is possible using switch statement for guessing game?
I am trying to create a guess game by using switch statement. But when I wrote the case It shows that the case value is not a constant expression. Here is ...
[1 reply] : You should check the switch statement documentation again, check out t... (by joe864864)
Vector Subscript out of range error
I create a program which accept the name of the animal and age And if I type stop the program should stop ans show me the input that I typed so far. but when...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <iom... (by JLBorges)
by libi
split string into array
I have this string with names and numbers extracted from a file and now I'm trying to figure out how to split just the names into an array without taking in the...
[5 replies] Last: Something like this, perhaps: #include <iostream> #include <string> ... (by JLBorges)
password verification
Hello, I am struggling with Password verification. Can someone please help me. Problem with this code: Just sets the characters between 6 and 15. and it doe...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks @JLBorges. Although I am not quite sure if my professor allows ... (by flamminghot)
by AxeH
Carddealing funktion
Hello! Im currently trying to make a CardGame but it doesn't work the way I want. I want the deal funktion to deal cards from the carddeck to individual player...
[2 replies] Last: Something along these lines, perhaps: #include <iostream> #include <... (by JLBorges)
how would I make a table that outputs ASCII values using nested loops? I know I would need two variables, say x and y, where they add up to the numerical value...
[1 reply] : if you feel compelled to use integers or something: cout << (char)(x+y... (by jonnin)
reading from a file into a 2d array?
I cannot figure out how to go from having 3 parallel arrays to 2 parallel arrays while making one of the arrays a 2d array while reading it from a file. my prog...
[8 replies] Last: Smiley 662 Curley 88 Clementine 335 Jasper 105 Lucinda 775 Brunhilda 1... (by elgyro1)
Minesweeper - checking adjacent cells for bombs
Hi, i'm trying to create a minesweeper board in visual studio. So far I've managed to set up two boards using arrays(a visible play board for the user and a hid...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah just needed to change the 0's to 9', works fine now. Thanks for e... (by hayden2k7)
I tried to make small program that asks the user how many Asterisks (*) it should print out. The user responds with a number then the program prints that number...
[2 replies] Last: Here's an example of what you are requesting: #include <iostream> u... (by An Integer)
Self destruct / one time use
I'm wondering how i would go about making my program one time use only? Basically either corrupt my code or delete the actual .exe itself after it is done. Than...
[10 replies] Last: there used to be ways to tell windows to unlock files that are in use ... (by jonnin)
how to add two numbers using console app. dev-c++
Write your question here. Please am new and i don't Even know how to chat on this forum so please briefly help me before I can ask this my question. Put ...
[1 reply] : I don't think this forum has a chat feature. Sorry. Just clearly and... (by MikeyBoy)
Rice Rolling with Probability
Hello guys! I have a question. I'm able to produce correct sums and count those sums in an array but I can't implement the probability into my program. I under...
[3 replies] Last: only if it is taking too long to run. ? store could be unsigned if yo... (by jonnin)
Cant think of title.
Why can I do this: struct myClass { int a; int b; myClass(int &A, int &B) { a = A; b = B; } }; But not this? struct myClass { int a; int b; myClass(int &A...
[4 replies] Last: Variable and function declarations do look similar; both can have comm... (by keskiverto)
Help with Loops and I/O Files - Where am I going wrong?
I need to know where I am going wrong in this code. These were my instructions: Do not use arrays or tables, functions are not required. I am providing yo...
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> #include <s... (by lastchance)
'Pure Abstract Base Class'
Hello Community, Once again I kindly ask for help with the following problem. My book's current assignment is titled: "Pure Abstract Base Class Project." ...
[12 replies] Last: 'Solve the problem, since there is not very much to think about besid... (by TheIdeasMan)
Dynamic array reference within function
Hey Guys, just a quick questions about what I am doing here. This function currently works, but I feel I may be violating the standard rule by not deleting this...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the idea, I have gone with vectors and all seem to work wel... (by Kloppite)
February 2018 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 28
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