by Anas123
Program Crashing
[1 reply] : Really that program shouldn't even compile. If it does I suggest you g... (by jlb)
by Zlpres96
8x8 Checkerboard
[3 replies] Last: Your checker board is actually a 2D array. Maybe read this first: htt... (by Thomas1965)
by DarkParadox
Game Library
[no replies]
by poohbear
quotation marks in string
[1 reply] : Hello! A very good way to get the movie name surrounded by quotation ... (by Misenna)
by lucdeux
pointer copy causes data corruption inside node
[no replies]
by zarkangelks1
for loop question.
[1 reply] : Hi, The for loop consists of 3 parts: 1 The starting value 2 The en... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Zelante
Nested If..Else + And/Or operations in them
[1 reply] : Hi, The expression is incomplete, you probably meant: if (loanAmt >... (by TheIdeasMan)
by barry23
Swapping values in vector
[6 replies] Last: never mind i got it. thanks jlb! (by barry23)
by Kloppite
Multiple Read-file handling
[no replies]
by espoice
About pointers to a double derived class
[5 replies] Last: > I'm still working to get it run correctly, anyway I need those rando... (by ne555)
by Hex213
Point argument (vector argument)
[4 replies] Last: Thank you very much. You are god of programming. :-) (by Hex213)
by sharbu
Largest group formed by combinations of pairs - Java
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <se... (by lastchance)
by arielga96
class vector, matrix 2D
[1 reply] : the best way is vector<double> matrix(numrows*numcols); access via m... (by jonnin)
by arielga96
dynamic matrix
[1 reply] : consider using notation. for(x = 0; x < a; x++) for(y = 0; y < b; y... (by jonnin)
by nickhere
vs2017 AND Fwrite
[9 replies] Last: another dumb mistake for some reason the was a int fwrite=0; in my cod... (by nickhere)
by idknuttin
What is the standard convention when creating multiple default constructors with the same arguments?
[12 replies] Last: @MikeyBoy, I just figured out how to do what I wanted using only one c... (by idknuttin)
by Zelante
Help with Do..While and If..
[2 replies] Last: Ah, thank you so much! I think I understand how it works now. While s... (by Zelante)
by Nickoblack
Stuck at 4 in a row game, checking who is the winner
[8 replies] Last: game_model.h: #ifndef GAME_MODEL_H #define GAME_MODEL_H #include <ar... (by globaltourist)
by cosimo
help on a function to compute quantiles
[5 replies] Last: Thank you!!! (by cosimo)
by flamminghot
special characters
[1 reply] : 1. Use std::string . 2. Check each character 3. #include <cctype> and... (by Duthomhas)