by DLPineCode
C program that will search all donors with the same type
[2 replies] Last: This is part of my code //donor information struct donor_info{ c... (by DLPineCode)
by firedragon1
How to display alphabet base on a number given
[3 replies] Last: Initializing is good and you should do it, but your problem was that y... (by TarikNeaj)
by dana18
[1 reply] : the result it's always 0 look at lines 7 and 9. What happens when mu... (by Chervil)
by plus2
Insertion Sort
[1 reply] : Two problems. in main(), the program needs to maintain the size of th... (by kbw)
C++ |
[5 replies] Last: This topic comes up regularly on this forum. Here's a recent post on t... (by Chervil)
by rojan1918
program makes c++ slow
[no replies]
by CaveManFred
Sorting class array
[2 replies] Last: Of course! Thank you! (by CaveManFred)
by stmaki16
Im new and I need help very bad
[1 reply] : You are required to do: Make a constructor which sets the denominator... (by kbw)
by weee
what is type*& p?
[2 replies] Last: (by integralfx)
c++ |
[5 replies] Last: 'GetMagnitude': identifier not found 'GetAngle': identifier not found... (by naaissus)
by gameguy8888
How to make a program keep going after a task has finished? (plus some additional questions)
[2 replies] Last: This code stays open after it runs a task, and runs the same task. I... (by admkrk)
by Hazard24
Array and Loop Trouble
[6 replies] Last: By any chance is there a way to fix Error (active) cannot open source... (by admkrk)
by honeyclaws
Beginner looking for help
[4 replies] Last: Yes, that's kind of what I was telling you. I said that lines 28 and... (by newatthis)
by Hazard24
Need help with error prompt.
[no replies]
C++ Console Window Font Size |
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the link, Moschops! (by RUNNER PRO AGARIO)
by KayKay12
Help with a Binary Search Tree
[1 reply] : This is for a homework assignment. This is what I have so far. uhm..... (by TarikNeaj)
Help with coding |
[no replies]
by newUser3940
Interaction with pc
[4 replies] Last: I didn't understand anything. I guess I'll just look up more C++ tutor... (by newUser3940)
by rmayer
Assignment statement
[3 replies] Last: Suggestion: test the code. Change this line: celsius=(fahrenheit-32... (by Chervil)
by m0bb1n
array declared in header doesn't print anything
[3 replies] Last: What you have in your latest post should work. This assumes main.cpp,... (by AbstractionAnon)