Beginners - February 2016 (Page 46)

What would the big O worst case be if it calls a function that is of an independent size parameter?
What would be the worst time complexity big O notation for the following pseudocode? The function call to the algorithm is an O(n)) I'm very new to big O notati...
[2 replies] Last: It looks to me like either O(n log n) or O(m log n), depending on what... (by helios)
Using functions from C#
I am working on a dll written in c++ but need to use functions included in the file icm.cs included in the sngegt project which is c#. I can compile the sngegt ...
[no replies]
need help with pointers
how to fix prefix_sum function? , i go an error message says invalid conversion from ‘int’ to ‘int*’ only the prefix_sum part need to implement int...
[1 reply] : Line 8 is assignment. Use == for comparison. Presumably on lines 9... (by cire)
How can I go back to the start of a program?
Hello, I'm writing a program for my brother. I'm a beginner in these things. So, what I want from a program is that it'll write random word and then ask continu...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks you very much everyone! I couldn't do that without you. :) (by GodySvK)
Could somebody confirm...
the difference between . and -> my understanding from a little play around is that . is for values and -> is for pointers?
[2 replies] Last: The dot is a member access operator for accessing public members. If ... (by hankstr100)
the || operator checking for strings allows anything to be true
Hi! I have just started making a simple text-adventure/Rpg, and i'm currently trying to get the basic movement working. I decided to let the program check for s...
[2 replies] Last: damn! Good catch, that fixed it! Thanks for helping me out! (by Boneman)
by gebla
Hi I am trying to write a program that it will going to display random numbers from 1 to 10000 and it going to display 1000 numbers and then the user need to en...
[6 replies] Last: no but at first I am trying to display fewer numbers before doing the ... (by gebla)
Help with some codes
Heloo, can someone help me with these codes please? all variables are integers. What will be the answer? a) 1 3 9 b) 1 2 3 c) 1 10 9 d) 1 10 3 vo...
[3 replies] Last: It is clear the code is not in the right form. Here might be a workin... (by liuyang)
by noaboa
Array not updating right
Hi, I am writing a "building game" with sfml and C++. I managed to make it work in one class, so I figured out I had to do it with classes. I have currently mad...
[6 replies] Last: Found out It stopped because I did not have more money :/ (by noaboa)
Virtual time!?
Hi guys, so I'm having this exercise in Stroustrup's book and I think its by far the most interesting one! You can check it out if you want - chapter 20, exerci...
[4 replies] Last: Ok tnx you man!:) (by etrusks)
Error c2660, function does not take 2 arguments
I'm writing a program the asks a painter to enter the number of rooms he needs to paint and then the length and width to calculate the sq ft and tell him how mu...
[3 replies] Last: Your function prototype specifies that the function takes 4 arguments,... (by firedraco)
Help please
So this is my assignment and when I get the answer after typing yes for bringing vehicle the totals are wrong. You have been contracted to write a C++ prog...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you! All those corrections helped. I do have one last question. ... (by gigibear08)
Any thoughts
I am having issues getting this code to perform properly. Toward the end under the "//get answers" section, the program isn't adding in the vehiclDriverFare to ...
[3 replies] Last: Again, why would driverAge ever be 'n' or 'y' ? Just pause a mome... (by TarikNeaj)
February 2016 Pages: 1... 444546
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