by JT Maston
Size of array too large
[3 replies] Last: You are allocating 1 billion numbers. If those numbers are integers, t... (by dhayden)
[2 replies] Last: Please stop spamming the forums, we're not your slaves. Post in The jo... (by TarikNeaj)
[2 replies] Last: And I need a billion dollars so I guess we're on the same boat. On a ... (by TarikNeaj)
by Elementalist
How to divide a string into pieces.
[1 reply] : For this, I would look at the standard regular expression library (int... (by TheToaster)
by Gondvanaz
A program which finds the divisors of the numbers
[4 replies] Last: Thank you very much for the good explanation. This helped me a lot. (by Gondvanaz)
Using Loop problem |
[3 replies] Last: What am i doing wrong here? Probably input. If you move what I sa... (by TarikNeaj)
by vickyhu95
Converting a string of words of arbitrary size to an array of C strings
[1 reply] : Since main function can not be altered, I have to return an allocated... (by cire)
by saherch
Understanding strcmp implementation in 'C'
[4 replies] Last: Thanks man! =] (by etrusks)
by nanJIL
Increment and decrement operators
[1 reply] : Wouldn't it be faster to try running it? (by helios)
by Jpinto96
Grade book program help
[1 reply] : What are you stuck on exactly? Just ask the user for the number of sco... (by DeathLeap)
by leeram
Help with MultiplyPolynomials issue of c++
[no replies]
by alvinblee
Why are my files not opening?
[8 replies] Last: Ok, The input files need to be in the same directory as the executable... (by TheIdeasMan)
Hex addition program. |
[3 replies] Last: what is stoi? s tring to i nt... (by integralfx)
by BigMMM
can you guys help me write this program?
[5 replies] Last: How do you expect to learn if you let others do it for you ? (by SamuelAdams)
by CGunn86
Managing larger projects
[2 replies] Last: SDL2 is a library though, isnt it? So what are you suggesting? (by CGunn86)
by aiiight
Help with output (random spacing problem)
[3 replies] Last: getline(cin>>ws, itemOne); Skip whitespace before extracting th... (by cire)
by joshuatz
Returning value from a void function
[2 replies] Last: Or have additional function argument (references are neat too): void ... (by keskiverto)
by armando2
Show all numbers betwen 2 variables
[2 replies] Last: Oh :D Thank you so mutch :) (by armando2)
by Gondvanaz
A program which determines if a given number is prime or not
[7 replies] Last: It is easy to test: #include <cstdio> int main() { int num = 7; ... (by keskiverto)
by aerichsen
passing functions
[9 replies] Last: thanks =) (by aerichsen)