Beginners - February 2016 (Page 15)

Need help with destructor and pointers
I got my program to initially work, but I realized I was supposed to add a destructor to my Employee class. So I went online to watch some tutorials and learn a...
[7 replies] Last: Because any file that happens to include this file will then be using ... (by jlb)
by froz
Making password requirements.
So.. my teacher asked me to make a program that asks for a new password and asks the user to confirm the password followed by checking if the password and the c...
[12 replies] Last: Hahaha, that made me laugh, thanks ;) (by froz)
Can't figure out how to make this work.
Hi! I recently made a tic-tac-toe program in C++, and I lately thought of more optimized ways to write it, but I can't get it to work as I intend it to, heres ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! I altered it a bit and got it to work!! do ... (by Harutyun)
char* to char fpermissive error
#include<iostream> #include<cstring> using namespace std; char word ; char a ={a}; char e ={e}; char i ={i}; char o ={o}; char u ={u}; int x,y,z;...
[2 replies] Last: I guess you want to count the number of vowels in a string. Here is on... (by Thomas1965)
[4 replies] Last: Here is the part of the code that is actually executed when you run th... (by keskiverto)
Nested iterator class?
Im having a very hard time wrapping my mind around this nested iterator class within a Vector class. I've written the Vector class myself, so I understand that ...
[6 replies] Last: Member parent is a reference. Reference members must be initialized ... (by keskiverto)
Why do I get an error while compiling this code that overloads the addition operator?
Hello everyone. I'm just going to get straight to the point. While compiling my c++ source code on overloading the addition operator I get an error called unhan...
[2 replies] Last: Im assuming you want to add the area's of the two objects. In that cas... (by Arslan7041)
Help me!!
how to make outputlike this How many number of cylinder = ? Enter height 1 (cm) =10 Enter radius 1 (cm) =15 Surface area of cylinder 1 is = ? (in square...
[no replies]
How to Calculate the Mode?
For my comp sci class i need to fix code i made for a program that calculates the mode of a specified amount of numbers and spits it out at the end.I have my pr...
[1 reply] : You have to store the # of occurrences for each number because there c... (by closed account 2UD8vCM9)
Making descisions using if and else statements. Console shutting down.
Write your question here. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int actualage = 0, dogweight = 0; cout << "Wel...
[6 replies] Last: Try: bool ValidAge = false; while (!ValidAge) { if (actualage < ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Color Class Program
Hey guys, I have to write a program: "Program 4 - Pick color Class -Create a class that randomly pick a color from an array of colors: string colors ; -Hav...
[3 replies] Last: Ahhhh caught the error! Thanks guys much appreciated. (by jgialis)
Do while
I have a simple question So usually my do while menus will have a basic condition where if the user doesn't enter 'n' for NO, the menu will loop back The ...
[3 replies] Last: If it's a yes/ no question, just use an if statement. Stick to a sin... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Lucid1
istream problem, file does not open
My program below compiles and runs, but does not open NumsIn.txt. The input file (NumsIn.txt) has sixtyfour 1's. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thank...
[4 replies] Last: It is in the same directory and actually, it was something even simple... (by Lucid1)
NEWB!! Error "Undeclared Identifier"
Write your question here. #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string name; int minsbadminton, minsrunning, minswalking, minst...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you all! I appreciate the help. I'm so new to this. You helped a... (by tsilverman)
by asya
Help woth assignment - Class person, with two constructors
I need help with this assignment. I need a lot more time to read the textbook and understand it better, but I have a deadline to submit it. Here it is: Create ...
[11 replies] Last: I changed it a little bit: #ifndef PERSONTYPE_H #define PERSONTYPE_H... (by asya)
by VICR93
Getline Issue!
I am having an issue using getline in my for loop. when I use cin the program runs fine. to clarify instead of using cin >> student; I want to use getline...
[4 replies] Last: That did it, Thank you for the help. Hey, just out of curiosity, If I ... (by VICR93)
Counting Char from InFile
I must count Characters from a text file I read in. Store them in a Char Array, and then print how many characters were actually in the text file. Here is what...
[4 replies] Last: I see ... and appreciated. Now on to the next fcn! (by jonrogers44)
Help writing some functions
I'm trying to get a head start on some homework, and the functions we're meant to write are a bit more complicated than the ones I've done before. I'm hoping fo...
[3 replies] Last: Hi, The i on line 3 is a different one compared to the one on line 8.... (by TheIdeasMan)
Help with .cpp and .h CLASS REUSE
Write your question here. Hey guys so I'm trying to get my program to work I'm in the final steps. I separated it into 3 files, privatizing my class into my ma...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Tarik, I tried analyzing it and caught that error I just wasn't... (by jgialis)
by blkpny
Newbie to C++ needs help with Car Race errors
I thought I was getting closer to finishing and now, I have lots of errors to fix ASAP! I'm researching them one at a time, but really need some help! Thanks ...
[12 replies] Last: Hi Guys, thank you so much for your assistance here. (by blkpny)
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