Beginners - February 2015 (Page 8)

i was taught about stack this week. i tried my best to read the notes, but surprisingly i found it more harder than array. then, i was given a task to write a p...
[4 replies] Last: well a stack is a container (i believe FILO). so what you would want t... (by Little Bobby Tables)
Why does this print a value...?
So let's say I have this code... int a = 5; int& myReference = a; int* myPointer = &myReference; Why does... std::cout << *myPointer; ...print '5' ...
[2 replies] Last: ohhh... crystal clear when you remove line 2 to simplify. Thanks. (by Mike Teavee)
Error with brace and subscript which requires array or pointer type. Code written, needs slight tweaking to debug?
Hi, So I have a code written to multiply 2 inputted matrices together and display the answer. However there are a few errors I can't seem to rectify: Line(53)...
[1 reply] : On line 43: All parameters must match the prototype on line 3 There n... (by coder777)
by koopey
menu(loop)problem from jumping into C++
HI everyone! started c++ programming 2 days ago. I am using jumping into C++.couldn't get my head around a practice problem from there. Problem is: write a m...
[3 replies] Last: I came up with an answer(after a lot and lot and lot of thought).so ju... (by koopey)
How should I proceed with my C++ study?
Hi, guys. I have been studying C++ for about a year. I finished reading C++ Primer by Stanley Lippman, and stagnated since then. Someone suggested that I co...
[no replies]
Reduce checks in a for loop
This loop checks if the input can be achieved with the sum of 2 number raised on 2,but i want it to stop doing the same sums like 0^2+1^2 and 1^2+0^2.Something ...
[1 reply] : Use i as the start value of j: for(unsigned int j = i ; j <= rootm... (by coder777)
Temperature conversion loop program
Hi, What is wrong with my program here? // temploop.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <...
[5 replies] Last: After line 13: if (temperature == 999) return 0; ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by c1885
comparing strings and std::
I'm to understand the use of the std::string str1 ("green apple"); assignment in the second set of code. The first set of code is a simple routine that build...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks you very much! First time on this forum. Good stuff. (by c1885)
Is it possible to display (Easy, Normal, Hard) instead of 0, ,1 ,2 enum difficulty {Easy, Normal, Hard};
[5 replies] Last: yea the array method I can get, need to read up on maps imtereted in t... (by sourcedesigns)
What is "INEXACT" in this code?
Hello everyone In this following code I have a trouble in understanding the INEXACT. Is it a parameter or variable? and how it is defined later as INEXACT REAL...
[4 replies] Last: To add to Peter87 explanation: Here you can... (by MiiNiPaa)
by koopey
(anamoly)beer bottle redemption ptoblem from jumping into c++
I got the correct result from one way but not from the other way and thus can't seem to find what is the problem with the other way. the problem is: "write f...
[5 replies] Last: So, I suppose you mean that we cannot include statements like x++,... (by koopey)
by koopey
password cracker problem from Jumping into C++
Hi everyone. came across this problem from loop chapter of jumping into C++. The problem is: "Write a user login program that allows user to enter login inf...
[3 replies] Last: that is because you mispelled the main into man; by the way that err... (by xenovia12)
Menu Error Handling!
For my program I pose a question, "Would you like to play a game?," before the program presents the menu options of the types of games to play. I am trying to a...
[1 reply] : playGame = toupper(playGame); while(playGame != 'Y' || playGame != 'N... (by shamieh)
Getting incorrect sum of square roots
Hi everyone, Im working on an assignment which involves listing all the EVEN numbers from 20 to 60 (inclusive). I then have to calculate several summary stats...
[7 replies] Last: Someone else will have to help you with the output formatting. I don'... (by Arslan7041)
I am having a hard time understanding if statements. This is what I have so far. I wanted to make the program use the if statements, but it's not even running ...
[18 replies] Last: @daernac Thank you! You too haha. No problem. Again, I'm glad I could... (by closed account 2LzbRXSz)
Linked List
Hello, I'm having some issues with the following project. It basically reads info in from a txt file and then creates a linked list with nodes in alphabetic...
[2 replies] Last: Yes! Thank you! I can't believe I did not notice that. I guess starin... (by druid84)
A Scrabble Problem
Hey everyone. I am new to C++ and I am working on some homework from a class of mine. The program is supposed to prompt the user to enter a sentence followed by...
[9 replies] Last: Okay I figured it out using a do-while loop. Like fin2code said I just... (by WonderingSage)
Integration of a function
Hi, I'm having trouble. I'm writing a code to integrate a function. What I've done seems right to me but my calculation seems to be wrong some where. I've be...
[8 replies] Last: Awesome thank you so much!! It works perfectly now. And thank you for ... (by brosephius)
Send click to coords without moving the cursor
Hi there, I'm wondering if it's possible to be able to send a click to a window at a selected location but without disturbing or moving the hardware cursor's l...
[1 reply] : You can use the send_input winapi function to send just about any keyb... (by ultifinitus)
by mjs
Compiler Error on return 0
When I compile my program in putty I get the following message: "railTicket.cpp:108:5: error: expected ‘(’ before ‘return’ return 0; " ^ Her...
[1 reply] : Read what the error is telling you. You're having problem at the retur... (by TarikNeaj)
February 2015 Pages: 1... 678910... 52
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