Beginners - February 2015 (Page 2)

by Nanyo
Protect file with password
Hi can someone tell me how to protect a .txt file with a password. For example the user tries to open test.txt and the C++ program(running all the time) gives ...
[2 replies] Last: Can you procide me with some code, thanks! (by Nanyo)
Assignment - Perfect Numbers with Multiple functions
I have to write a program involving multiple function, and im having a lot of trouble even starting it. The assignment is the following: A perfect number...
[8 replies] Last: Two notes: First on style. It is legal to have only one statement on... (by keskiverto)
Do inline functions support seperate compilation?
Do inline functions (including inline class member functions) support seperate compilation? Do inline function definitions must be included inside the header...
[5 replies] Last: > Does it mean that inline functions are internal linkage like const v... (by JLBorges)
How to differate two default constructors or some other solution.
I have class student Student{ public: Student(){ id = idCounter++; } private: static int idCounter; int id; } but when...
[6 replies] Last: You could use placement new . Learn about it if you are interested. N... (by Peter87)
by koopey
Converting number into words jumping into c++
Hi everyone. The problem is: "implement source to convert number into words. eg: if input is 454, result is four hundred fifty four. I spent my entire noon an...
[7 replies] Last: @duoas, latter. in fact previously i only glanced there, and it seemed... (by anup30)
by MrOx
back AGAIN idk why this is not working im doing this from watch a video step by step and some how it driving me nut and i know im missing 1 little thing but i c...
[3 replies] Last: welcome mate.... :D (by shadder)
by enilc
Recursive vs Iterative
This is my first post to this website. If I am failing to abide by any rules, please let me know, so that I will not do it again. I am working on a homework...
[13 replies] Last: I greatly appreciate everyone's help on here tonight. I have read the... (by enilc)
Changing and shifting of elements in 1D array
Just taught myself about arrays and now I have this problem: suppose if I have a any random array ike this: | 12 | 13 | 7 | 9 | 7 | now if i want to assign...
[2 replies] Last: thanks man..... (by shadder)
Help! Need help assigning numbers to month
Basically I want to output the month and its rainfall. The thing is I have to do it in descending order. I already got the descending part down, but how would ...
[2 replies] Last: When you sort, you are swapping the rainfall amounts but not the assoc... (by Duthomhas)
Doesn't stop for user input
I have put this code in int main() and it worked fine but in a separate function is just runs straight thru non stop for users input ? I got this code from a al...
[3 replies] Last: I forgot to respond to the issue about line 4. Did you #include <fstre... (by Duthomhas)
Why is using namespace std bad practice?
I've just recently come across a discussion where some say using namespace std; is bad practice due to its global scope. Can anyone input further analysis on...
[4 replies] Last: This author explains it pretty well: (by Duthomhas)
by ProNov
Attempting to make a text RPG
Hello, I am trying to make a text RPG and for the first part of the program I have it ask the user their name, a output statement welcomes the user with their n...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you that did help. (by ProNov)
Why do I have a bool error code?
I'm on my second class of C++ need help trying to figure out why I'm getting an error. The compiler says "expression must have bool type" The code has two clas...
[1 reply] : Put your code in code tags < >... Also, post the error. (The (by shamieh)
Return Book function in library management system
What is the right thing to do to create the return function and so i can update the input from the borrow book funtion?? // Transaction 5 if (menu == 5...
[1 reply] : You don't even have any functions, what are you really trying to do? (by shamieh)
how to know how complexity of the program ?
how can I know how complexity of the program and what's the time to compile and execute ?
[4 replies] Last: Refer to the wiki links above. I still don't understand what you're tr... (by shamieh)
by Blue22
Rainfall array
So for my assignment, I have to: Write a program that lets the user enter the total rainfall for each of 12 months into an array of doubles. The program shou...
[1 reply] : Hi, Good work, your code is reasonably Ok, although you forgot to cal... (by TheIdeasMan)
letter counter
in a string how do you put counters on specific letter for example i input VXXI and the computer counts v as 1, x as 2 and I as 1 .
[10 replies] Last: how do i set specific character such as I,X,L,V,C,M to 4 so the user ... (by axel609)
converting to string problem
Hey Guys! I'am just trying to write my function to converting from int value to string . it seems it'll work , but there is some problem , can any body help !...
[4 replies] Last: it should work i use visual studio also. maybe you did not include "st... (by rafae11)
Online Compiler with OOP capability?
Hi I'm a relative newby and haven't used online compilers before. Does anybody know of any that can handle objects in header files? I have a program that I a...
[no replies]
Problem with code
Hey guys, The jumbled up word is completely wrong has letters in it that don't belong there :D im guessing im screwing up in the for loop where im jumbling up t...
[2 replies] Last: No idea for me it for example when the word is wall I have t's and e's... (by sourcedesigns)
February 2015 Pages: 1234... 52
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