What's wrong with my code? Tic Tac Toe
[16 replies] Last: No problem! Glad you understand it! (: (by Lynx876)
Cannot figure out why I'm getting an error |
[3 replies] Last: Thanks to both of you. That should have been obvious, but we learn fr... (by egg management fee)
by xsemel
sine functions wont compile
[9 replies] Last: oh yeah and just so ya know, xsemel, chervil reminded me of somethin i... (by cPlusN00b)
by Gamer Freak
Newbie Problem
[4 replies] Last: Resolved, thanks you two! (by Gamer Freak)
by send
How make binary tree with this code
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cma... (by send)
by mindheavy
need to return more than one value? (1,2)
[21 replies] Last: great thanks cherv! I will not be so scared to use new from now on :3 (by cPlusN00b)
Gaussian Primes > is_prime function |
[1 reply] : > I'm having some trouble modifying an is_prime() function to accept o... (by JLBorges)
by DANNY123
poblem with the swap()
[1 reply] : the hint: you're not likely to get an answer if you don't at least try... (by cPlusN00b)
by Heartly R
Operator Overloading in Class
[5 replies] Last: Instance functions take an additional hidden parameter which is a poin... (by LB)
by toseefasim
can any one elaborate the steps with comments
[5 replies] Last: Thanks Vlad and Chervil (by toseefasim)
by Heartly R
Loading Tab delimited File in 2D vector string
[3 replies] Last: My 2D vector got collapsing after reaching this statement. indexTable... (by Heartly R)
by zxcvbnm123
sorting list to ascending and descending order
[4 replies] Last: i can do it with predefined element in my list of structure. but my pr... (by zxcvbnm123)
by ofey
What does cin return?
[2 replies] Last: Can I use the following to check for end of input? while(cin>>num1>... (by Catfish3)
by tcdnewb
Matrix inversion through EROs
[no replies]
Resizing Boost matrix class member |
[3 replies] Last: Problem solved. I was doing this #ifndef __CHILLER20_H__ #define _... (by littleneutrino)
by imgregduh
threading ?
[10 replies] Last: actually that might work overloading the operator>> , it will save me ... (by imgregduh)
by NetCoder
TCP socket Server: Render image on window
[11 replies] Last: I'd suggest using CreateDIBitmap: (by coder777)
by ocdjg
Issues with coding and compiling class
[4 replies] Last: Can you provide the error messages? And perhaps I missed something bu... (by randisking)
by science man
assigning a pointer to multiple numerical values?
[6 replies] Last: All this I'm on board with because to me I'm thinking that both varia... (by cire)
by mindheavy
use a variable defined in main from another source file?
[2 replies] Last: You should either to pass this variable as an argument to the function... (by vlad from moscow)