Beginners - February 2012 (Page 8)

General Program Flow.
My textbook yields different results from the same code entered in my program. This code is to show how objects are created. Questions: 1. Why does my...
[5 replies] Last: @learn2adv, just because the standard says so. It would be a bummer if... (by hamsterman)
by Ch1156
Help with simple vector game
Ok so i posted something about this but i cannot find my post so here is a new one, now the vector makes a grid but it doesnt place my O character in the grid a...
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; char cha... (by Moschops)
file appending
hello i started to learn input and output with files. but when i try to open a file it doesn't work. ive just took an example from the documentation. can someo...
[8 replies] Last: It works for me without any changes. Try with the full path to the fil... (by naraku9333)
Error and if needed before else
Ellow guys, i've been messing around and also got the Code Blocks now, and i've been trying to work out with this code, #include <iostream> #include <stri...
[8 replies] Last: Woah ^^ , thank you guys so much, i am a total newbie at this but tryi... (by Dexterr)
by ztegao
Else if, If and Else Blocks
Hi. I'm trying to write a simulator for a supermarket, where customers are read into a queue, they line up, and then they are checked out at the register. Each ...
[2 replies] Last: I've indented it, thanks (by ztegao)
an array of more than one data type
Hey everyone this is my first post here, I am a beginner in c++. I was solving the tasks I found on this website here:
[5 replies] Last: @roberts: thanks mate i will try using a struct, i will have to learn ... (by alter ego)
problem with my code
I don't understand why something isn't working on my code. I have the dat file and the cpp in the same folder this is the problem: Write an interactive c++ ...
[1 reply] : [co de] "Use code tags" [/co de] why something isn't working on m... (by ne555)
by Barkin
Need help please!!
Output a prompt using the cerr object that instructs the user to type in a temperature in °F (i.e. Fahrenheit). Write code that converts the Fahrenheit te...
[no replies]
unsigned char* - arguments or return pointers
Hi all, could you please tell me if it's better return a pointer or passing the pointer as an argument? EXAMPLE ONE: unsigned char* process(int& ln) {...
[4 replies] Last: Many thanks for your suggestion. I try! (by hottosho25)
cout dealys my game of life
Hay all. Im new to programming in Cpp. (3rd day now) But i do have som experience programming AS2 (yea i know, flash) And now! I've run into a delay. so...
[5 replies] Last: So. just to recap. i got some help from another forum. telling me t... (by Michlas)
Determining largest and smallest number from a loop
Without using arrays or the for function, how would I be able to determine the largest and smallest numbers from a loop? I used -99 as a sentimental and a while...
[7 replies] Last: One possible realization #include <iostream> int main() { ... (by vlad from moscow)
Error identifier "xxxx" is undefined
Trying to fix the error below not sure why I am getting it. I overloaded the >> istream in my CTest class CTest ::CTest (string name, int id, string color) ...
[4 replies] Last: Do you have defined a default ctor? Can you test your operator>> wit... (by eypros)
by wulpo
Check sum
in this program, i want read hexadecimal numbers from data.txt, and creating checksum. I have a problem witch reading nu...
[2 replies] Last: thanks a lot. (by wulpo)
[4 replies] Last: Who cares? It's not standard and shouldn't be used You're being ... (by roberts)
by suine
else if, no/yes question with loop.
Hello. I'm really... really new to c++ and coding. I got the assigment to do one simple calculator, but first there is this one part. The program should look...
[4 replies] Last: Okey thank you Muckle ewe. That must mean that we're excepted to use j... (by suine)
isset ?
hello i need some kind of function that checks if the integer is already set or not. in php this functions name is:' isset ' ive seen the isset in c++ codes t...
[4 replies] Last: the user had to input the int a once and after that he only had to add... (by gelatine)
Constructor Problem, Displaying Blank
I think I might actually be doing this wrong. Is this allowed? when I try to display the choices, they are just blank. What is the proper way of setting values ...
[1 reply] : Its the scope. You have a private airports in the class but in the co... (by histrungalot)
setter and getter function for an array
How do I return an element of an array using a setter or getter function? I know that the following is the format for any data type: ---------------- void ge...
[19 replies] Last: I got it-thanks I will probably keep it in my main function. (by cpplover)
What's wrong with my program??
/*Write a program that dynamically allocates an array large enough to hold a user-defined number of test scores. Once all the scores are entered, the array sho...
[1 reply] : I'll start it off and get you passed the reading of the input data. I... (by histrungalot)
by viliml
C++ dialect
How do I know which dialect of C++ am I programming with(C++98, C++03, C++11 etc.)?
[17 replies] Last: It is some sort of a C++ compiler all right, but: Either: It is a pre-... (by JLBorges)
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