Beginners - February 2012 (Page 7)

MAKING A triangle LINE
i dont how to make a diagonal line using FOR LOOP.. were just using <stdio.h>, <conio.h>, <dos.h>.. please help me :( because out professor didnt teach us how...
[2 replies] Last: @whitenite1 thank you for help.. it helped me alot.. but i was a lit... (by swellrock)
Gravity. How??
Ok so I was reminiscing on my times of my high school programming class. This classed darkBASIC to create some simple 3D games rather easily. Anyway, I could ne...
[13 replies] Last: Oh yeah, it's taking me a while to make a program the calculates volum... (by roberts)
help new to c++
First my problem is that its not coming out right its coming out .169 but its suppose to be like 5.9 also here are the inputs you have to put in Hours = 1 minu...
[1 reply] : Doing dimensional analysis on your equation for TotalMiles... You have... (by Zhuge)
can you guys help me out. must be a logic error
My algorithm is working and it compiles correctly but for some reason i get NaN for the value of Xstd which is standard deviation heres my code: //-| ---...
[2 replies] Last: i figured it was the formula, but that is the one our professor issued... (by byronflds)
by xKeb
Possible Rounding Issues
I should be getting these results from my program. I'm not. I'm thinking I'm having rounding issues. The Italicized portion is the output, the normal font is th...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks! (by xKeb)
by Lio
Function pointer
Hi could you show me how to compare x with the return from the int (*poly)( int a) Thanks int evaluate( int x, int (*poly)( int a) )
[6 replies] Last: poly expects 1 argument. You are passing 'a', that is never defined. M... (by ne555)
by alasqa
Need help with text_based_rpg
Hi I'm fairly new to C++ and I am trying to write a text based RPG. I am having a few difficulties trying to add weapons to the game. I want to be able to have ...
[no replies]
biggest number handled by c++ ? (1,2)
Problem number 8 on Project Euler: Find the greatest product of five consecutive digits in the 1000-digit number. 731671765313306249192251196744265747423553...
[23 replies] Last: It is worse than just obfuscation; code that makes such assumptions is... (by JLBorges)
problem with prime numbers
Hi, I'm working on a program to output the number of prime numbers in the first 50,000 numbers, in increments of 1000. Does anyone know what is wrong with th...
[2 replies] Last: Oh! Yeah, now it works. Thanks so much! (by gregarian)
calculate pi
Hey guys, my professor wants me to write a program that calculates pi to about 15 digits, and i am just stumped. He wants us to use the formula pi=4arctan(1/5)...
[6 replies] Last: thanks guys, this is kind of helpful. I'm still a little confused, you... (by btfrenchy)
Will this code work?
It is my first time testing out files, and I have already had one BSOD due to really bad coding, could you please tell me if this is going to work. I just have ...
[2 replies] Last: It does compile without any warnings and i have -Wall, but so did the ... (by Asif Hirai)
by Jhuyt
Code::Blocks Undefined reference error
Hi everybody I've been getting a very strange error when I use codeblocks, the "undefined reference error. Now if I was using a library which I hade to link ...
[11 replies] Last: On the workspace pane, on the left-hand side, locate your project. Rig... (by closed account zb0S216C)
string.h included, string still undefined
Working on a project for school, need to use a couple string variables in the project but cannot get them recognized. I have #include <string.h> and also tried ...
[4 replies] Last: That did the trick, thank you. (by platatomi)
help desperate
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> using namespace std; void printWordLengths(char inp...
[1 reply] : It compiles fine with me. Rebuild/clean your project. Edit: Your lin... (by closed account zb0S216C)
How to make sa simple Game using only 1 C++ File ? T^T
i've been wanting to create a game using c++ and is unable to, can anyone help me how to make one by only using one cpp file?
[2 replies] Last: That's going to be one hell of a big cpp file. (by Athar)
by moot1
what can i add to this program to make it better #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main() { int Total = 0; int Amount; ...
[9 replies] Last: Lol well now you have a void function, with a return -_- http://www.c... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Need help finishing this assignment
Assignment title: Question 1: Game of Life assignment details: Conway's Game of Life For this assignment your are to write a program, that pl...
[no replies]
by rfrapp
The Game of Life Help
I need help with the game of life. It seems that I am not calculating then number of neighbors correctly. I'm not sure how to fix this. Here's my code: // ...
[1 reply] : nCount should probably be an array, so you can store neighbours count ... (by Berzeger)
Calculating Inverse of a Function
Hello, I am trying to calculate the inverse of a matrix using C++. I used to have the functions in the actual code, but that was creating infinite loops by red...
[no replies]
Multiply function not working
I am trying to take 2 numbers that have been input into 2 arrays, and place their product into a third array. My multiply function is way off. It is only multi...
[no replies]
February 2012 Pages: 1... 56789... 64
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