Beginners - February 2012 (Page 62)

Counting repeating operations
Hey, Is it possible to count how many times a repeating operation has happend? For example while (a>3) a = a-b; Would it be possible for the program...
[1 reply] : Sure: int count = 0; //Make a variable to keep track of the number o... (by Stewbond)
How does standard library inserted into executable file.
Hi, For this is my first post in this forums, let me first introduce myself; my name is Yaşar. I am doing programming as an hobby. I know Python, PHP and a ...
[3 replies] Last: So, does this mean my program's behaviour might change if shared libr... (by Athar)
trouble with a problem
Hello. I'm new here. I want to learn c++ programing so I started solving problems. If you don't mind, I could use some help on this one: Write a program which d...
[8 replies] Last: 30/100 results in 0. Two integers in a quotient result in an intege... (by Stewbond)
error with including header multiple times
I've got a program with multiple classes, class A uses classes B and C, and classes B and C both use class D. However when I run it there is a problem with rede...
[4 replies] Last: Don't worry I've found the problem! Turns out I had missed off the _H ... (by Shifty89)
Can somebody explain this code?
Hi - I am going through a book about programming and we're doing tic-tac-toe. Here are the two functions I found puzzling. void displayBoard(const vector<ch...
[3 replies] Last: That clarified things very much. and to answer residentbiscuit I did... (by mcoduti)
by bailey
using vectors
Hi, I am trying to understand how vectors work in particular how to pass them from a constructor function to int main. This is my current code. Its pretty ba...
[8 replies] Last: Hello everyone I have posted the code above and it coming up with two ... (by bailey)
by bailey
Calling and using a constructor function containing vectors
Hi, I something similar to this before but realised I was asking slightly different question to the one I needed answering. Basically I have defined 4 variables...
[3 replies] Last: I'm doing this for a project that I need to do by the way where I need... (by bailey)
Need C++ compiler
Hello, I am in need of a C++ compiler for both Mac OSX Lion and Windows Seven 64-bit. They will need to produce code that will work with Borland C++ and M...
[2 replies] Last: For Mac: Xcode For Windows: Visual ... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
[9 replies] Last: Why even bother defending the use of void main() ??? It's an extra c... (by cnoeval)
A big tangled mess
ok I need some help. I'm doing this programming project where I'm supposed to get 5 students names, then the test scores they made on 4 tests, average them toge...
[4 replies] Last: Mark the asnwer as solved. Button located at top under " Tangled Mess"... (by absawis)
Kindly Solve My Simple Questions And Give Answers
Q: 41: Write a program with different variables V1 and V2 and print out it (hexadecimal, decimal, octal) form use one manipulator Q:42: What is structure and ...
[1 reply] : Ha! Well, at least you asked nicely... But still, no. http://cplusp... (by cnoeval)
by crax
compile errors
When i go to compile my code /**NOTES//! == MY NOTES == */ const char *FS_ReferencedPakPureChecksums( void ) { static char info ; searchpath_t *search; int...
[1 reply] : I'm guessing this is just a small portion of the code as you have quit... (by Stewbond)
best way to define global veriables in cpp
Hi all just wonderd what is the best way to declair a veriabel accross multipel files in the same project. for example in a game a currency system would need ...
[3 replies] Last: If there is an instance where a variable needs to be declared globally... (by Stewbond)
by mowali
how to use a for loop?
Hello I am glad to be a member of this forum. I have a little problem starting this problem. "Develop a compound interest program to repeat its steps from ...
[6 replies] Last: @L B Haha, that made me chuckle. #define PEDANTIC (by MrHutch)
by Taylrl
Ok, does it get more basic than this? (slighty theoretical)
Hi, I have been writing programs in C++ or rather have recently started to, but have just gone back to tutorial 1 and have a slightly theoretical question....
[6 replies] Last: Okaayyyyy now I'm really starting to get it! Lights switching on! I h... (by Taylrl)
by Zain
how i code text box in turbo c++? please help me as soon as possible.
[1 reply] : What kind of text box? Like this? cout << "-------\n| text |\n------... (by Peter87)
by Rave
operator overloading and return type is an object
i am trying to execute the following code, i keep on getting error, that: time does not name a type, for time time::operator+(const time &a) const #include <...
[3 replies] Last: The code as shown looks OK. Is the code you're using perhaps not exact... (by shacktar)
new char[2] -> strlen == 14 ???
So it's quite a straight forward questioin really? char* msg1 = new char ; len = strlen(msg1); cout<<len; output: 14 What? shouldn't it be 2 since Ive onl...
[3 replies] Last: Put another way (m'learned chum Palm Tree is bang on, so this is just ... (by Moschops)
Files, reading, writing, and naming?
Using C++ I know how to write a file and read from it, this site does a good job of explaining how tod do that, however, I was wondering if there was a way in w...
[2 replies] Last: Adding on to the above point (which essentially talks about how you ca... (by dolphin spa)
Trying to not use all global variables...getting an error (1,2,3)
I'm working on not using all global variables for my programs. So what am I doing wrong here? I thought I did have my variables declared in the beginning of th...
[47 replies] Last: Nicely done! Hope we helpped in some way (: (by Lynx876)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 6061626364
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