Beginners - February 2012 (Page 60)

Help with a program I have for class. Im stuck!
This is the program I am told to create. can anyone help! Write a program that will calculate both roots of a quadratic equation. The program should ask the ...
[1 reply] : Post what you have done so far. EDIT: Why did you make two threads ? (by Wisely Done)
I need to write a program for the question below can anyone help me!? Write a program that will calculate both roots of a quadratic equation. The program sho...
[no replies]
Outputting to file rounding problems
I am currently trying to output an array of integers to a file, I have got it working however I am dealing with some small numbers and the output is messing up....
[1 reply] : Assume that 'value' is 'clusterPerimeters ': eigenvalues << (value ... (by LB)
State Program
Hello all. I have to write a program that prompts the user to enter the name of a state and outputs the state name followed by its abbreviation. There are two k...
[2 replies] Last: Ok cool. I found out what you were talking about. The error occured in... (by Maese909)
Difference between different compliers for c++
Hey, i have been writing most of my programs on Dev-c++, but i recently installed code blocks, and it shows me a list of compilers that it supports, so it made ...
[8 replies] Last: I don't know what gcc you're using, but mine has C++11 regex (at least... (by hanst99)
vector of pointers
I need to write a program that reads in a text file of 1000 words, stores the address of each word into a different element in a vector of pointers, and store e...
[6 replies] Last: This is where I'm at now. #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #incl... (by tjcrandall)
by ihato
Useless! cstring is useless i tell you!
There is nothing useful there for strings! I need these functions: int string_pos(char* str,char* substr); -To return the Position of the substr in str ...
[2 replies] Last: Good idea. (by ihato)
Exception handling
My program asks a user for input and I want to throw an out_of_range exception if they give me something not in the expected range. This is what I have right no...
[3 replies] Last: No, I mean simply checking whether the letterGrade you get is a valid ... (by hanst99)
how to read data from a textfile and convert the numbers into array
I am trying to read from a file created by openFOAM. the first 18 lines are not interesting, in line 19 is a number that tells the size of the vector. 2000...
[3 replies] Last: hi, i improved the code, so at least the size of the vector is recogn... (by edmundus)
still having a little trouble with my vector
problem with userMain.BookingsVector .name(); here's the errors: 19 IntelliSense: call of an object of a class type without appropriate operator() or con...
[2 replies] Last: overall thing is trying to display all of the booking names so i can t... (by maharris)
Random number generator, always generates same number
This is my code: #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main () { int number = rand()%100; int guess = -1; int tryc...
[3 replies] Last: Ok. Thanks. (by yasar11732)
Using iterator in lists in c++
//suppose oblist has three values 100 , 90 , 11921 for(O=Oblist.begin();O!=Oblist.end();++O){ if((O->Obstacle_ID) == 100 || (O->Obstacle_ID) == 9...
[2 replies] Last: Great Great Great ! It works, My First problem posted on this forum a... (by imranrobotics)
Best c++0x compiler?
What's the best C++0x compiler out there? gcc or v11? Plus most importantly which one supports multi threaded programming the c++0x way?
[4 replies] Last: Here are some comparisons: (by Moschops)
Image Processing (2-D Arrays)
Hello, I am looking to get my program to take in an image and then take the grey level (0 to 255) and put it into a 2-D array. The array size is set to 1024x...
[3 replies] Last: I... (by LB)
goto statement ??? Need help
This is program which i need help. #include<iostream.h> void main() { int c=0; jump:c=c+1; cout<<c<<endl; goto jump; } OK When statement(goto jump) i...
[3 replies] Last: thknxxx bro>>>> prb is solved>>>aaaahh (by afridi26)
codeblocks program stopped working
Hi, here's my program. It is to reverse a float array using function. I'm just learning c++ programming now(high school). #include <iostream> usi...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; float rev(float a ); ... (by Aramil of Elixia)
problem with my semple calculator
hello all i'm write simple calculator and i have some problem at verfiy the input and using functions and need some advice to make the code better at this cod...
[3 replies] Last: Texan40 thx for help i will try your instead and comment back Vor... (by ringawy)
Using crypto++ to encrypt and decrypt strings
Hi guys, I have been using crypto++ recently and I have managed to make most of my program, except the username and password authentication. I wanted to make...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks for all of your help, I have solved the problem using your feed... (by Frankincense)
Is there a place where I can play other beginners/amateur's games?
I just started learning C++ on my own, and am particularly interested in making games and what not. I was wondering if there was a place where I could play o...
[6 replies] Last: I've made a couple of games in C++ but my website is down right now. ... (by MrHutch)
by gift81
English instead of programming
Hi. Who wants to learn programming, please. At the moment I am a practicing developer, a former teacher. My specialty is C, C++, C#, .net (WF, WPF, SL, ADO, ASP...
[5 replies] Last: shadow123 You are completely right! I have good experience of teachi... (by gift81)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 5859606162... 64
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