Beginners - February 2012 (Page 59)

Just a slight bit of help.
So im currently working on a hangman game and was wondering if i could just get a little help into which direction to go from where i am. I am stumped. #inc...
[1 reply] : I'd say that your next step is to fill out the gameSearch function. ... (by Stewbond)
quick question on fstream
so when i read a file into a class object like this*)this, sizeof(object)) it starts reading the file into the beginning of the objec...
[1 reply] : Yes. If you read data into an object from file, you can access its mem... (by The Palm Tree Magician)
by bailey
Calling the variables from a constructor function in a function outside the class
/class CRectangle { private: double S0; double U; double D; double R; public: CRectangle (vector<double> _S0,double _U,double _D,double _R); };/ I ...
[6 replies] Last: For this functionality you once again need to do one of two things: 1... (by Stewbond)
Simple cout question
Below program gives output "me here". That mean's it's eliminating the initial 5 characters from the string because of "5 + " before it. An explanation of its w...
[3 replies] Last: I got it. Thank you ihato and L B. :) (by ITFreak)
need help
Write a program that outputs the following variables: -Define a variable called S3 that represents the sum of all numbers from 3 to 45 that are dividable by ...
[1 reply] : You haven't even made an attempt yet? Show us what you've got started... (by closed account 3TkL1hU5)
Calendar Program (Hard part is over!)
Hey guys. I have to write a program that, by entering the year, will output a calendar for that year. I have two problems with the code. 1. Inputting a chara...
[4 replies] Last: Build the string in the function and return it. #include <iostream> #... (by histrungalot)
by Steves
I dont understand pointers.
Hey guys I'm on the pointers section of C++ and I understand that & is a reference operator. so if you had a and b and you said a=&b that would be saying that a...
[12 replies] Last: you declared that a= the address of b so when you output a alone it i... (by Athar)
problem with simple conditional
I'm about at my wit's end here. All I'm trying to do is get this function to work. Every time it hits it, it'll go through the if statement whether or not the c...
[3 replies] Last: The condition if (attempt != 'A' || attempt != 'B' || attempt != 'C'... (by fatal1ty92)
by fanasy
include <iostream> cause different result
testPoint.c #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; void swap(void *a,void *b) { void* temp; temp =a; a=b; b...
[2 replies] Last: oh, thanks athar. (by fanasy)
DESPERATELY confused...
Hi, I was assigned this homework but I'm just a beginner and have absolutely no idea at all how to work on this. =( I do need your help!! Here's the assignme...
[13 replies] Last: Well, I tried to do the assignment myself but I got caught in a bug I ... (by Tork)
vector strings and ouputing user input
I am trying to write a program where i let the user input a string, and compare it to see which words where used the most least and the mode, i having trouble w...
[3 replies] Last: well here's what the programming principles and practices using c++ bo... (by vega512)
Learning profiling, Where do I start?
I have to learn profiling but I'm not even sure of where I can start on this. What are the best starting methods for newbies in this category?
[1 reply] : You could look into gprof h... (by histrungalot)
Need Help -- String Reference
Hi. I'm supposed to be creating a very simplistic auction sequence where only one bid per person is allowed for two bidders. #include <iostream> #include <s...
[1 reply] : What happens if you comment out string getName(string bidder1); strin... (by histrungalot)
Class member variable array
Since everyone here has been so helpful, I have another question for forum gurus: Suppose I wish to declare an object with a public function, void someFunction...
[1 reply] : An array size must be a constant. So, the example you showed above won... (by Wisely Done)
problem with inheritance
//usingemployee.cpp #include <iostream> #include "salariedemployee.h" #include "administrator.h" using std::cout; using std::endl; using SavitchEmployees...
[5 replies] Last: Im using Code::block to build and I just got the problem solved. For s... (by superaitaotao)
Random Number
Hello, For the purposes of an algorithm class that I am taking, we are asked to create an array of random numbers which will be used in a specified function. ...
[6 replies] Last: What if its a random integer between two other integers? int rand... (by closed account 3hM2Nwbp)
Dynamic Multitype Array
Hello! I'm trying to make a simple array that will increase its column size dynamicly and it will have 3 rows. On the 1st row i want the user to enter a ...
[2 replies] Last: Another way to skin your cat could be std::tuple if you're using a com... (by closed account 3hM2Nwbp)
Prime Numbers Function and Driver
I need to write two separate functions (preferrably void), one that determines whether it is a prime number, the second one that inputs an upper bound and displ...
[1 reply] : [co de] "Please use code tags" [/co de] Read the definition of pri... (by ne555)
Bug: undefined reference to `_countof'
The thread I'm coming from: This is the program, which I named kodekode.c: #include <stdio.h> #in...
[6 replies] Last: @Moschops: Following your directions, I changed the first few lines as... (by closed account 9EqM4iN6)
by mowali
Can someone help me on Arrays.
Can someone help me on this? a. After the first pass, the largest number is guaranteed to be in the highest-numbered element of the array; after the secon...
[1 reply] : Can someone help me on this? I take it you actually meant "Do my ho... (by Athar)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 5758596061... 64
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