Beginners - February 2012 (Page 58)

Help reading numbers to written form (1,2)
Hey everyone I need some help with this code. I need to get the a number and have it in written form. Like 1 turns to one. 2 turns to two and so on. Here is ...
[20 replies] Last: Yeah im just going to clean it up and get the bigger numbers to work. ... (by thecloud)
class with templates
Hi everyone, I have a class that plays the role of a list and I am having some difficulties on some functions: template <typename TYPE> class OrderedColle...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply, I am a ware of the decleration in front of t... (by detroit)
Can somebody help me on how to use dll's? Say in one dll i have a hello world script and in the other i have a script that runs the dll? can anyone tell me how...
[6 replies] Last: I don't get it :( How can I transfer: #include <cstdio> #include <cs... (by Bartek Sowka)
by seth23
Random number between decimals
Hi guys, I am trying to get a random number between two decimals. I have tried the typical modulus between a set but I got an invalid operand of double error. ...
[1 reply] : you need to use rand() this function returns a sudo-random int. That... (by Stewbond)
Simple Help Please
For some reason, this code: int ball::collision_detection(obstacle_ball &OBSTACLE, char return_x_or_y) { int distance = std::sqrt( (std::pow( (OBSTACLE.g...
[5 replies] Last: I am glad I could help. Also note that, return value will be whatever ... (by yasar11732)
Need help with nested for loops!!!
C++ Programming How do you write a program that displays a tax rate table. Amount Tax Rate 4.0% 4.5% 5.0% 5.5% 6.0% 6.5% ...
[1 reply] : @dantecreed You could use an array for the amount, and then need only... (by whitenite1)
by BNut
how can I take this source code into doc or picture
Hi!! I'm the beginner and I have to present C++ in front of my class by using .ppt I just want to know, how can I put my code into .ppt with line number in fron...
[9 replies] Last: There is also the listing environment. (by ne555)
by Jinz0
when i run this it crashes :/
Hi, i have an array of pointers to pointers. Its a deck of cards and we've been told in class to do it that way. I have a build_deck() function and a shuffle_de...
[10 replies] Last: Let me guess. PlayingCard has no default constructor. here's the de... (by Jinz0)
Error while trying to create a deck of cards
Hello, I've not long been learning C++ and for an assessment for University, we have to create a deck of cards separated in various files and then create thr...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you I have now removed PlayingCard:: on the operator<< but I am ... (by spencaz)
Identifier "CImg" is undefined????
So here's the code: #include "stdafx.h" #include "CenterOfMassLocation.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "CImg.h" double c...
[1 reply] : (by ne555)
by Skico
Crash on calloc()
int** vlocky; vlocky = (int**) calloc (pocVlociek,sizeof(bool*)); for(int i = 0; i<pocVlociek; i++) vlocky = (int*) calloc (6,sizeof(bool...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, I can't believe that I put bool there instead of int. I have w... (by Skico)
how to call out the function. C++ keeps saying identifier not found
I am sorry. I cant call out the function. C++ keeps saying identifier not found. Thank you so much!
[13 replies] Last: No problem. Don't worry about mistakes, they'll happen to anyone, n... (by MrHutch)
is this the best way to do this
Hi Im new to programing and am not taking a course or any thing just using this site so I would be very great full if someone would tell me if this example is...
[9 replies] Last: @LB yeah, pretty much what I was trying to say.. (by strongdrink)
by ihato
Problems with double precision
This is the code: #include <iostream> int main() { double a=999999999; //If I add any more to this variable... std::cout<<a; } ...The compiler sais:...
[2 replies] Last: :O I get it now! Thanks! (by ihato)
by ihato
How doesn't this work?
I know these are strings: char* s1; char s2 ; But how to make an array of strings? I have tried: //These char* s ; //This won't even compile cha...
[3 replies] Last: I thought I could use a variant array like in int a ; but you say th... (by ihato)
char *argv[] - I'm missing something
Follow my logic here for a second: char argv: argv is a single char char argv : argv is now an array of single chars (aka a string) char* argv : argv is no...
[6 replies] Last: Ahaha WHEW! Thanks for the help guys those last two explanations made... (by Integrater)
How to get out of a loop
I'd like to get out of a loop without breaking and still continuing with my code. For instance, say I have a for loop that goes over a length of a word, and the...
[9 replies] Last: Yeah, that's why you initialize guessHold with lots of hyphens in the ... (by Athar)
advice about c++/directx/win32
So I'm interested in game programming and I need some guidance. From what I've learned after you have a basic understanding of c++, to make an actual program...
[7 replies] Last: Win32 is a horrible abomination that should be avoided in any situatio... (by hanst99)
[2 replies] Last: thanx alot buddy (by hassan2)
the mastermind game cannot show the results in the round 2 or above
The first round of the game seems okay. The game will generate the result but >1 round , the result wont be show. And the is another mistake I found. For exam...
[2 replies] Last: thank you so much!! the task have done!! thanks so much! I changed i<4... (by kyky365)
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