Beginners - February 2012 (Page 56)

What is the difference between double and long double?
Both the double and long double data types take up 8 bytes according to They also seem to have the same prec...
[1 reply] : Compilers vary. Some compilers will have different sizes for these. (by Moschops)
vector and too few arguments
the while loop is the reference. here are the errors: Warning 1 warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch c:\users\mike\documents\hw\project3.1\project3.1...
[4 replies] Last: got it, switched the declaration thank you! (by maharris)
by Bob M
Finding the matching curley bracket { }
I have been away from programming for some time, but I recall there was a way, at least in the Borland compiler IDE to locate the matching curly bracket by p...
[10 replies] Last: I found the answer I was looking for. While the cursor in positioned ... (by Bob M)
y/n while loop
okay i had homework to make a choose your own adventure story but whenever i enter y to tryAgain it just says "press any key to continue. . ." here's m...
[3 replies] Last: ah it works, thank you (by tiberiushodgerius)
by Atari
ANY number into digit
Hello everyone, I have a question. Could anyone write an algorythm for 'How to put any number into digits?' Ex: If i type 12345, it should be 1 , 2 , 3, 4...
[6 replies] Last: MooreCM's code puts any number into digit, and then you can use that d... (by Moschops)
by Valz
How to prevent alpha from keying in ??
void DecToHex() { while (true) { int InputNum; system("cls"); printf("\n"); printf("\n\tDec...
[no replies]
Could someone please look at my code, Specifically the initSim Function
I am writing a program that will simulate a forest fire, I have moved many functions into one larger function called initSim where each should be called in orde...
[11 replies] Last: Do they look ok or do any of them need some help that I obviously have... (by chriscoleo)
Algorithm Intensive Online Programming Contest - INSOMNIA, presented by IIT Roorkee
Hi Coders We duly invite you all to participate in INSOMNIA - Algorithm Intensive Online Programming Contest, presented by IIT Roorkee. Register at http://www...
[no replies]
Read int from a file, delimited by "\"
I am trying to read ints from my file, they are delimited from each other by slashes. Here is my code so far: int main() { int A = 0, B = 0, C = 0, va...
[4 replies] Last: @Stewbond Thanks! It worked! (by ZachZundel)
Complete beginner in need of urgent help
Hey i have recently started programming at uni and am stuck trying to overload some operators im currently using g++ as my compiler and ubuntu as my os i am get...
[4 replies] Last: That throws up the error /tmp/ccjoQroR.o: In function `PlayingCard::... (by septicx)
by patris
reset conditional
In the following program how can i remove the conditional code and reset without using if, while, do-while,select-case or any conditional text: if(capacity<=...
[6 replies] Last: Yes i think it can't be replaced, thanks all (by patris)
by ihato
Quadruple precise variables?
I saw o Wikipedia that apart from normal floating points (float/double) there variables called Quadruple as well. Why wasn't that included in C++?
[3 replies] Last: Quadruple just means that it has 4 times the precision of a float. (by hanst99)
help needed
hello, i am a university student taking the first c++ course but my major is civil engineering (it is a core requirement) so i am not so good the professor gav...
[4 replies] Last: i dont have the c++ program on my computer You've got the interne... (by Moschops)
Void* arithmetic
Hello everyone, For a school project I am working on, I must use an array of unspecified objects: void* voidarray; In addition to this pointer, I...
[1 reply] : How about sticking these two arrays in a struct? I think this forces ... (by Stewbond)
by Dosk3n
cout Enumerations as text?
Good morning. This is my first post and I am sure that I will be having to make a few more. Anyway after every chapter I am learning I am trying to make m...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks I really appreciate your responses. Thats a bit out of my lea... (by Dosk3n)
Subset strings
So I am making this game kinda like super text twist. I was wondering if there are functions in c++ that lets you know if the guess word is a subset of the scra...
[3 replies] Last: I would prefer to write the code in three separate functions. (Which i... (by JLBorges)
by poda19
what should i do with dll files?
hi when i run my program from the IDE(code::blocks) it runs fine but when i start it from windows explorer it says the xxx.dll was not found. i know the dll fi...
[3 replies] Last: thanks for your responses just wanted to make sure i'm not doing anyth... (by poda19)
by eves
large integers
Using vector, characters, and strings, how do I add two very large numbers accurately? (ask for input of two numbers, output the summation result) Thank ...
[6 replies] Last: It can be done simply with 3 strings. This sounds like a homework prob... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
Only sharing some recent progress. Managed to find a book about C++ game programming. Instead of writing about aliens I figured I would write about pizza th...
[6 replies] Last: You'd have to redefine it later. However be careful because this is d... (by Stewbond)
by eves
Storing input of numbers as characters and storing them into vector
How do I get an input of very large number, store them as characters and store them into a vector? I tried using cin.get but it only takes in one character at ...
[4 replies] Last: The code above DOES store it as a vector of chars: vector<char> myst... (by Stewbond)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 5455565758... 64
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