Beginners - February 2012 (Page 55)

what is the difference
Hi everyone, What is the diference between the two codes.(I think they are correct)? // this is what my class looks like template<typename TYPE> cla...
[2 replies] Last: The first one obviously manipulates the content of the class (I guess ... (by coder777)
Guessing number game C++
I need to make a program. I need the number sets generated using loops. The user answer is either "yes" or "no" (indicating whether or not the secret number is ...
[1 reply] : I need something like this... (by closed account ECGNwA7f)
by PL285
HELP Please! What am I doing Wrong??
Hello, this program is supposed to take the user's "desired car" input (model,mileage and price) and compare it to cars in an inventory file (current_inventory)...
[2 replies] Last: I am trying to make my function get_next_auto to run the function comp... (by PL285)
Okay, here's a program i made and I know it has 2 errors at the bottom. with the accelerate and brake. But what i need it to do is the accelerate function shoul...
[9 replies] Last: Not quite. [quote=fun2code] In a for loop then, you want to do the fo... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
class programming
Hello everyone I had a question and I'm stumped. This is a question I need help on and so far what i have down i'm getting errors. Design a class for a widg...
[4 replies] Last: This is the hardest part about learning to program, figuring out the e... (by biaspoint)
Need help
I just started with c++...i know the basics and stuff but all these posts seem like Greek to me :P could u suggest a decent book to learn c++,available in Ind...
[1 reply] : Some online tutorials http://ww... (by biaspoint)
by Asuzu
Simple Code Error
Hey guys Im working through a simple if else problem and it is not recognizing my "else" lines...any assistance appreciated! #include <iostream> using names...
[2 replies] Last: { excess=max_capacity-attending; cout<<"It is legal to hold the meeti... (by biaspoint)
by Canvas
SDL linked...but erros?
Hey guys, ive just followed LazyFoo's tutorial on how to link SDL with visual studios 2010 express C++, Now i have it worked on my home computer which is 64bit,...
[1 reply] : "unresolved external symbol" means it can't find the function bodies, ... (by Disch)
Three Pointers and One Piece of Memory
I posted this previously but accidentally deleted it. Im working through a book exercise that reads this, "using one piece of memory. store a long integer, four...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks Moschops. Is this where a person might use a void*? Because I d... (by jwroblewski)
I don't know what is wrong with my program :(
//I'm trying to write a program that uses linear search to see if an entered winning 5-digit lottery number matches the number on any of the player’s tickets(...
[4 replies] Last: Is it really impossible to read? Yes. It is now obvious why it's not... (by kbw)
when should I use "size_type" instead of "int"?
When should I use "size_type" instead of "int" to claim the type of a variable? Similarly, should I write for(vector<int>::iterator i=vec.begin(); i!=vec.en...
[5 replies] Last: Still good to have a good understanding of the types and not just blin... (by Peter87)
Convert string to Uppercase
So I do know about toupper function and using it as a loop to convert the a lowercase string into uppercase. However, this is not what I require for my program....
[7 replies] Last: If you are looking to make sure all user input in an interactive conso... (by Duthomhas)
Reading punctuation as spaces.
This segment is supposed to read in a single word and is working properly with one minor failure. when punctuation is introduced instead of ignoring it is readi...
[1 reply] : It looks like it would read the punctuation and then break out of the ... (by histrungalot)
by Dasat
Reading of text
Please i need help with a work i'm doing, i'm just a beginner in C++. What i want to do is i have some information integers to be precised in a text file and i ...
[8 replies] Last: @Sarhat: 1. Use code tags. ... (by webJose)
Virtual destructor confusion
Hi, Consider the following snippet: class Base{ //some code here }; class Derived: public Base{ //some code here }; int main(){ Derived cDer...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks Peter87. (by NGambit)
New programmer requires help with linker error.
Hey im stuck with what i think is a linker error i cant seem to get rid of on a uni project any help you guys could give would be appreciated my code follows: ...
[5 replies] Last: Try ./Playing_card_test (by Moschops)
File reading/writing
Hey everyone! I have made a small and very simple console game with C++, but now I want it to save the score to a .txt file. That's not so hard, but when I w...
[7 replies] Last: Aaahh now I see :) Haha good point, thanks alot guys! (by reiniersanders1993)
How do I measure time accurately and use random numbers?
I'm in the process of making a game that needs rather accurate time measurement, but I don't know how to measure time. I also need some random numbers, but I d...
[7 replies] Last: Why does my code not display decimals when run? (by blueeyedlion)
by Cole99
Console Ideas
Any good Console application ideas? I use Code::Blocks so all I can make are applications in the console.
[2 replies] Last: Code::Blocks doesn't restrict you to the console. You can use Code::Bl... (by Peter87)
I need to write a menu controlled program using classes and arrays and integer data to 1) create a hash table (i.e. mark all the elements in the table as "EMP...
[6 replies] Last: Line 18-19 in exType.h is wrong. Those function declarations should be... (by Peter87)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 5354555657... 64
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