Beginners - February 2012 (Page 54)

while loop?
Im trying to make a while loop but im not sure on how to do it. In the program I need to ask the user how many employees payroll they need to calculate and use ...
[2 replies] Last: Nope, more like this: do { unsigned int Employees; cin >> Empl... (by LB)
Why are constructors defined outside of C++ classes?
I noticed that constructors are often defined outside of the class, but declared inside the class. For instance, class MyClass { int x, y public: My...
[5 replies] Last: clanmjc's example is a superb explanation there. Companies on large s... (by MrHutch)
by n00buk
very large objects
Hi, sorry for being a complete beginner. I want to create a very large object. If it were possible for example an array: float thingy ; Since that...
[2 replies] Last: What are you trying to do? Why do you need so much RAM? Possible fix... (by Mathhead200)
Using a loop
I just started programming a little under a month ago as a college course, and I am working on a "Wheel of Fortune" program. So far I have the switch and cases ...
[9 replies] Last: Sure, it could go in the first bracket, but you'd be redeclaring a few... (by MrHutch)
no output?
When i try my program i get an input screen but no output screen, i dont know what to do, How do i make it work? the output screen should display the following...
[4 replies] Last: thanks for the help (by kingsamuraix)
I need help
HI I am beginner in c++ ,I need a algorithme to program this suite: S=1-X+2X2-3X3+4X4- . . . + (-1)n n Xn
[2 replies] Last: use a for loop (by BrokenSilenceDev)
by Cnewey
C programming: Exc bad access - struct array.
Hello I am stuck with this latest problem, hope someone can help me. Thank you very much in advance. === CODE STARTS === struct nodes { int numberStore...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you Moschops and ne555 (by Cnewey)
c++ error
I created this code so that it would code anthing inside of a file that you have. heres the code with cin instead of a file, it works. after that is the code w...
[no replies]
by Ahsen
What is std and what does it means?
What is std and what does it means? What is the full form of these 3 letters? And what are these "::" for eg std::cout.
[5 replies] Last: Sexually transmitted disease. Stay safe kids :D On a serious note, it ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by CMinus
Dynamic memory
Hi guys , I have just read the article about dynamic memory in the documentation and tried to compile the code provided with it . But when I enter a large numb...
[9 replies] Last: Also note that std::uint64_t is optional. A conformant C++11 implement... (by Peter87)
Can programming Indices be a veriable type like int, float in some way?
Can programming Indices be a veriable type like int, float in some way?
[4 replies] Last: I imagine accessing arrays with a floating point is similar to that, ... (by MrHutch)
Code help
Hey all, I am having some problems with a program I am writing. It has to do with shipping a product. The program is a bit long, but I am very much a beginner, ...
[11 replies] Last: Yea, I managed to get it figured out, but I waned to say thanks. I jus... (by Kseidel)
Deque problem.
Hello. I have a code in which I am trying to store the position in a sentence in a deque. This is what i've figured so far. int main() { char...
[8 replies] Last: As stated before you cant see the entire code as it was irrelevant, at... (by shooninjo)
by han613
(recursive functions) whats wrong with my program?? =(
hi!! can someone help me out? im trying to make a program using a Recursive function. in the main(). my program asks the user to enter 2 strings (2 words) and t...
[5 replies] Last: I CANT THANK YOU ENOUGH!!!! =D (by han613)
while loop not working
Can anyone tell me why this function is not working? It passes in an array, and the total number of values in the array (j), and the average of the array. The...
[4 replies] Last: Mark as *solved* (by MoXo Dester)
A Problem with Vectors
Hi, i have a little problem with vectors in c++.First i will post the code and then explain what happens, and what it should. std::ifstream file(szFilename); ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a lot! It works fine now :D (by Ruscris2)
by sikora
hi i have some problem i wannt to add some functions to my list but i dunno how exacly make it so pleas help me :) i need: -reverse list -save it to binar...
[4 replies] Last: FILE* pl1; pl1=fopen("naz.txt","rb"); for(int i=0;i<1;i++){ fread... (by sikora)
by Nalyk
So, I've been fooling around in C++ for maybe 2-3 weeks now and the book that I'm using calls goto "dreaded" or "horrendous". Why is that? It seems to me that...
[11 replies] Last: [quote=Galik]I think it is good to avoid goto to begin with. It is alm... (by moorecm)
Am I able to use C++0x features?
I'm using Codeblocks with the GNU GCC compiler. Does it support C++0x features? Thanks
[7 replies] Last: If it complains that it can't find the gcc "command", be sure to sta... (by Catfish)
sa se afiseze patratul primelo 90 de nr intrun tabel cu 7 coloane . nr vor fi aliniate la stanga.
[16 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i,n; cout... (by Cristi Stefan)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 5253545556... 64
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