Beginners - February 2012 (Page 53)

I just installed code:blocks for use with c++. I was wondering if anyone would help me get around it? I am only familiar with borland c++ 4.5. Also the c...
[1 reply] : Code::blocks comes with many different compilers you can test your cod... (by ResidentBiscuit)
generate a random number, then exclude that number from being generated again?
So, I have a typical system time-seeded number generator and I need it to exclude the number it generates from generated again in the same run (it's a simple Q&...
[1 reply] : Typical approach is to shuffle the array, or if it's expensive, to shu... (by Cubbi)
What is wrong with my assignment operator??
I am having a serious issue with this. It works and does what it is suppose to do but the object that is created using it doesn't seem to agree with my destruct...
[3 replies] Last: Wow. Thanks. Works fine. I have it right in several other places in th... (by jokerfwb)
Having some trouble with my program output
I am making a Forest Fire Simulation using ASCII symbols and I am suposed to get a display of one "forest" that updates with burning and burned out trees every ...
[10 replies] Last: Try to clear screen (by histrungalot)
vector that grows and shrinks
OK, so I need to create a vector that shrinks and grows as the user processes the transactions from a input data file called "data3.txt" Transaction file can on...
[3 replies] Last: Pos=position and wd=word (by lugiamaster)
Disable console scrolling
Is it possible to disable the scroll bar at the side of a console application?
[no replies]
Initializing an object with a stream in a (!is_eof) while loop
I am writing a program that uses HFST (a finite-state transducer library). I have pre-compiled FST that I'd like to read with HFST and run some strings against ...
[no replies]
by vlc25
Class help
Create a class called Number and another called Double. These classes should have separate header and .cpp file Each of these classes should have the follow...
[1 reply] : This is nonsense, tell your teacher that this assignment is ludicrous ... (by LB)
How important is it to know this?
for(int a = 0; a < 5; ++a) for(int b = 3; b < 6; b=b + 2) cout << a << " " << b << " "; cout << endl; The answer in compiler = 03051315232533354345 I...
[3 replies] Last: for(int a = 0; a <5; ++a) cout << a <<endl; return 0; This code... (by Bigjosh11)
Help before tomorrow..
Hello, This question pertains to a programming problem that I have stumbled across in my C++ programming class. The Assignment: -------------------------...
[4 replies] Last: Oh, okay. That made it go to "Press any key to continue..." but it sti... (by closed account 2NyT0pDG)
Need some help with some keywords
What does printf do differently than cout? Is printf considered C or C++? How could I use cout instead of print in this situation: for( i=1; i<=t; i++ ) ...
[4 replies] Last: > Need some help with some keywords Neither cout nor printf are k... (by JLBorges)
Trouble with program
Alright so i have program that im working on that i need the user to input a positive value and then out put that positive value into an inverted triangle of as...
[4 replies] Last: now i need the triangle that this code produces to be right justified ... (by paper32)
Deque not storing properly
Hello. I have a Deque which I am trying to use to store a certain position for a letter in a sentence. The code is as follows: #include <iostream> #include...
[1 reply] : The why that you have it coded, it will only store a new value other t... (by histrungalot)
My Tic Tac Toe
I made a tic tac toe but at the end it keeps saying game is a tie and I cant fix it. Please help. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() {...
[6 replies] Last: If you're making a console application, I'd recommend using a 2D array... (by MrHutch)
by Nalyk
Primes program.
I'm delving further into C++ and I've just come across pointers. In particular I'm running into trouble understanding the following program a little. Code is a...
[4 replies] Last: Haha, after posting that, I wondered if I was reading that wrong. Tha... (by Nalyk)
by niemi7
help with my program
this is my program right now. I am getting an unresolved external error and unresolved external symbol_main referenced in function_tmainCRTStartup. What does ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! it finally works! (by niemi7)
by ipoood
Help with Bank Account using Inheritance
I have a homework assignment that I am totally stumped on. Here is what is required: "Define the class BankAccount to store accout’s owner (define the...
[no replies]
by eves
help with storing input as vector!
i have the following code but it doesn't seem to be working. anyone could tell me what's wrong with the loop and how I should do it? thank you! int i=0; ...
[10 replies] Last: oh it's working now, thank you!!! (by eves)
How to make C++ code interact with files
Hey all!I have just registered in this site and I am really excited!I have been reading upon C++ programming for some days and I have learned some basics, funct...
[1 reply] : 1. You can put functions, but if the header is included in multiple so... (by LB)
by malice
Player.attack(Enemy), how should I do it?
If I want to use a function to modify Enemy.HP, but have it written as above, how would I do that? I want to keep Enemy.HP private because I feel like that's t...
[5 replies] Last: Great point. If you have any knowledge of inheritance, now would be a... (by MrHutch)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 5152535455... 64
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