Beginners - February 2012 (Page 51)

Simple Calculator using pointers help!
Hello! Would anyone happen to know why my program is not running correctly. In main I have a switch function, but it doesn't seem as I implemented it correctly....
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Peter!! I knew the switch was something small and frustratin... (by packerfan128)
by codrgi
question about signed/unsigned
by default when i declare a variable like so int variable; by default does that variable come as a signed or unsigned variable? and does the same apply ...
[5 replies] Last: Some compilers let you specify default signed or unsigned for ALL typ... (by Peter87)
Copy Constructor Not Functioning Properly
I have a copy constructor, declared explicit , that takes a reference to the same type, like a normal copy constructor. However, it's not behaving. I've placed...
[14 replies] Last: and the only way to invoke MemoryRegion's copy constructor is through... (by Cubbi)
by moot1
what next?
hello, i have learned all the basics and some more advanced stuff...what do i do next...i know for some of you c++ is your you make apps or games.....d...
[6 replies] Last: Also can you give me a idea fora program that I need to use classes an... (by moot1)
What am I doing wrong?
What am I doing wrong? I am trying to build a file to enter in information so I can retrieve it later but for some reason address line 1 and city keep showing...
[no replies]
Various Questions About Code Efficiency (array length, funct eval, etc)
Hi All, I've been coding in MATLAB for a while now, and I recently decided to switch over to C++ to join the big boys. I attempted my first C++ code for an a...
[5 replies] Last: Awesome. You've been a tremendous amount of help. Thank you very much!... (by AliMoradi)
Proper definition
I ve created the above function std::vector<int> WorkerAgent::code() {} and i want to define it proper in the header file. I vetried something like vector<int...
[4 replies] Last: Yes, codebook is not a member of your class. You have created... st... (by clanmjc)
Issue with simple while loop
So my current code works in Dev C++ but doesn't work in the SSH client (which I'm to understand is Unix). My 2nd to last line of 'cout' is to see what numbers a...
[2 replies] Last: When I put the 'cin' into the loop it doesn't end, it'll repeat the 'c... (by Trashcan42)
by morano
Help with simple program?
I'm reviewing the chapters for my C++ class and came across this problem: Develop a program to find the average of a sequence of integers entered by the user...
[1 reply] : std::vector<int> arr; do { int num; std::cin >> num; if(s... (by LB)
Could this turn out to be dangerous?
Assume this is destructor for a file class: file::~file () { if (parent != NULL) { parent->removeChildFile(this); // parent is a pointer...
[6 replies] Last: I guess what I was getting at was Destructors are usually used to deal... (by clanmjc)
Really newbie question, Can someone clearly define Indice?
Can someone clearly define Indices?
[4 replies] Last: Exponents indeed. Although I was trying to avoid the word under the ci... (by MrHutch)
Help Debug Please
// HW 5.6 Write a program that uses a for statement to calculate the average of several integers. // Assume the last value read is the sentinel 9999. #inclu...
[5 replies] Last: Actually the summation IS in the loop but it's hard to tell without pr... (by cnoeval)
Need help with hangman game code
The computers in my college's computer lab have borland C++ and MS visual studio. At home I have a mac. Here is the assignment: For this assignment your a...
[6 replies] Last: EDIT: Here is my near completed code. Can anyone please help me wit... (by shywolf91)
by Yart
(SDL) Putting an integer in a char*?
EDIT: Solved relatively quickly. New question in post 3. Hi. I'm very new to SDL and I'm currently fooling around with it. I want to set the window ca...
[7 replies] Last: Ah thanks! clanmjc's suggestion did the trick. Program's working pe... (by Yart)
Need help with a beginners code.
So here is our assignment, Write a C++ program that prompts the teacher to enter the total number of students in a class, and then loops to read in that ma...
[4 replies] Last: Awesome!!! that worked! Thank you so much, I have been going at it all... (by doc2142)
Urgent help required!
Hey everyone Im VERY new to C++ programming and as part of my electincal engineering HND I have to tackle a C++ module but I urgently require some help with ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for the tips, what is EE? Electrical Engineering! But I actu... (by cnoeval)
Implementing Boundary Value Analysis of Software Testing in a C++ program?
#include<iostream>` `#include<stdlib.h>` `using namespace std;` `int main()` `{` `int n,a ,x,c,u ,m ,e ;` `cout...
[1 reply] : [co de] "Please use code tags" [/co de] The code executes sequenti... (by ne555)
How does a class obtain the class it is enclosed by?
Suppose I have this set up: #include<string> class PetOwner { private: string name_; public: PetOwner(string name) : name_(name) {} cl...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you, that makes sense! (by johnhoffman)
a c++ error
I created this code so that it would code anthing inside of a file that you have. heres the code with cin instead of a file, it works. after that is the code w...
[2 replies] Last: @Framework - completly agree with you in all aspects! @OP (original P... (by absawis)
Changing veriable names while it excutes?
can i change a name of a veriable like int one; to int two while the code is running
[4 replies] Last: Capital NO. Why not try using Indexing? (by OxBADC0DE)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 4950515253... 64
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