Beginners - February 2012 (Page 48)

Source not seeing header?
Hey guys I've always had this problem, always... I like to keep my code clean and as such, like to keep my source in source files and declarations and suc...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you :) Solved by putting my header include AFTER stdafx (by Zinglish)
by linh
Source information stripped?
I just started to learn about C++, but my professor hasn't said anything about getting an error like mines. I'm trying to run it on Visual Studio 2010 Express a...
[16 replies] Last: [quote=Albatross]All you needed to do is run the program with the debu... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by M987
Hi! I am creating a project in c++, it is to create a calculator oop. I have the calculator.exe,calculator.cpp, and calculator.h. when i try to run and compile ...
[no replies]
by Barkin
Aritmetic operators-- I need help.
Prompt the user to enter an integer number. Prompt the user to enter a C++ arithmetic operator (i.e. + - / * %). Print an error message and exit the program...
[5 replies] Last: what about this part --Print the result obtained when the arithmetic ... (by Barkin)
by CheyPR
Code screen size
Hi people. I was wondering if it's possible to run a program widescreen. I found a matrix code and i wish to run it widescreen on my laptop. Where in the c...
[3 replies] Last: Hi, I tried changing the numbers on those lines and it kept the same. ... (by CheyPR)
Is there a simpler way to do this?
// HW 5.12b Write a program that displays the following // ********** // ********* // ******** // ******* // ****** // ***** // **** // *** // ** // * #inclu...
[9 replies] Last: Weird, I'm not seeing the value of j = (0+i), since 0 + i = i, regardl... (by roberts)
Structures, Arrays, and 'no match for operator[]'
So, I need to write a program that (as far as I can tell) needs me to build an array without actually using an array(?).Based on recent class material, I think ...
[5 replies] Last: @histrungalot Yeah, I didn't really understand what I was trying to sa... (by Mr Spudtastic)
Declaring variables for use on Calculus deriving program
I'm pretty new to programming and I'm trying to create a deriving program to do derivatives. For now, I would only like to know how I could declare a variable s...
[13 replies] Last: I know what my problem is in the code and I can work around it' but th... (by Matt Morin)
having trouble with vector begin
I read the vector:begin reference but i'm still having trouble implementing it into my code. i dont know how to exactly use pointers, should i do cout<<"["<<lo...
[no replies]
by zicoos
Good IRC server for C++ programming? Or general programming.
I am still learning and would like to know if there is a good channel somewhere on abundance of servers in the world with enough active users that could possibl...
[1 reply] : Freenode IRC network has many good programming channels. List of serve... (by Cubbi)
Need a hint
I need some help on my assignment: The program shall be able to encode a list of letters into a list of numbers. For example, we can encode A/a as 21, B/b as ...
[8 replies] Last: And thanks again! (by isoto4705)
I keep having errors...
I have read of the program whenever it gets failed but still don't know what's wrong with the source code. This is what I have: // # include <iostream>...
[1 reply] : @skhailie716 You have a few problems. 1... You don't have an opening... (by whitenite1)
pausing using char HELP!
Hello. I need some help here. I'll show the code first, it is a math tutoring program. cout<<"Input a number then hit enter to display an addition problem....
[no replies]
Why does N keep changing its value?
In the program below, when I input a number bigger than 99 for variable N, N changes its value during the execution. When I input a small number, it does not! ...
[7 replies] Last: Only on some systems (particularly little-endian.) Don't rely on this ... (by Mathhead200)
[HELP] On my school assignment
Im completely lost on how to even start this assignment. If someone could give me a push start in the right direction it would be awesome. // Homework ...
[2 replies] Last: Ok, thanks for the start. (by nickoolsayz)
reference places and research
been looking around and I've seen headers that I cant find any reference for -_- the <Windows> header for instance......I dont know whats in it I just know some...
[6 replies] Last: k, thanks ^^ (by alucard33592)
How do I declare an object function?
I've been looking everywhere for this and the answer is probably really simple, but I haven't been able to find it. I have a homework problem (graded through a ...
[4 replies] Last: oh wow thanks, that was my first try and all I was missing was the par... (by MeltyGoblin)
Assistance is appreciated
I am very new to programming and still don't totally understand how everything works, but I'm posting on this forums hoping I might find some help. In the pr...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks to the replys, I managed to get my menu working ! This is a dif... (by JRimmer)
Gray code
Hi. I am asked to write a program using recursion. when input n, then program will generate all length n bits strings in increasing order. e.g. n=2, output...
[12 replies] Last: Here is a program using recursion. And I think it will fulfill your ne... (by sazzadmim)
by myoni
gets not working
why gets() is not working ? here's the function code: int searchStr(char **Str, int &size) { char word ; cout<<"enter the word to search: "; g...
[1 reply] : Do not mix <iostream> with <cstdio> in your code. Use one or the other... (by LB)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 4647484950... 64
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