Beginners - February 2012 (Page 45)

This application has requested the runtime to terminate.
I have this code: #include <iostream> #include <deque> using namespace std; int main() { char iword ; string str_iword2; int ilength=0; ...
[2 replies] Last: I am trying to check whether the first user input (iword[1, 2, etc]) i... (by shooninjo)
random walk problem, correct format
Hi all, If it's OK, I post this again (with indentation now). My question was if anyone has suggestions for improving the code or correcting some big mistake...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. Seems there is still lots of work to be done here... (by HomesickAlien)
Code withdraw from ATM
ATM withdraw max of 500 dlls per day if customer withdraw 300dlls or more they get charge 4% the Machine (atm) does not allow customer to withdraw 500 or more ....
[1 reply] : (by webJose)
by atjm88
Open CV
Hi, may I know how to start an open CV program using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 C++? I've try to run a some program from Internet but seem like not even a sin...
[no replies]
by dumbo
c++ class member variable changing without explicitly being modified
I am trying to implement a heap. I have built a class to store an array of integers, the number of ints currently in the array and the total size of the array. ...
[2 replies] Last: That program can't even be compiled with a standards-conforming C++ co... (by Cubbi)
by atjm88
Basic Function
Hi, I'm a newbie who just learn programming, my problem here is I just try to do a simple Addition program but the addition does not give a result but always gi...
[2 replies] Last: On a technicality - line 8 isn't wrong - it is just unusual - you can... (by guestgulkan)
Why isn't any change in a Base class member reflected in the Derived class?
Here's the snippet of my code: class Base { public: int a; }; class D1:public Base { public: int b; }; class D2:public Base { public: int c; }; class D3:public ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks clanmjc! (by Dhanshree Arora)
by htown
ASCII to decimal
How would I convert a single ASCII character like 'A' 65 to its hex value 10?
[1 reply] : Just cast it to an int: cout << "Character 'a' is " << int('a') << " ... (by LB)
by Perman
When does a window made in C++ update.
Hi. I'm pretty new to C++ but have been working with regular C for +20 years so this is a new world for me. I have a question about update of content of a crea...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you very much Sloppy9. That was exactly what I was looking for. ... (by Perman)
Creating SQL Database with Visual C++
I'm a CIS student and want to create a C++ application that uses windows forms for a user interface. When I try to add new items, such as a database it only all...
[2 replies] Last: I have visual studio 2010 and am able to use windows forms in C++ as a... (by knightwriter)
by SithV
Phone number formatter
Hello world=) Im having problems with my C++ assignment, could anyone help me please? Im asked to write the following: //***************************************...
[3 replies] Last: I would use a string. Where did you get this "subtract" class functio... (by Moschops)
Escaping a called function and returning to main()
I was wondering what the best way to get back to the main function from the called functions: int addition() and int subtraction(). They are called from the swi...
[6 replies] Last: When you go out of scope( the function ends ) you lose the data stored... (by Lynx876)
Baffled on Displaying a List (while, do, for...)
So I have this assignment. The user must enter weights of various packages one right after the other, separated by a space each. When the user is done entering ...
[9 replies] Last: You can do this with an array (it's still 1 variable) double PWeight ... (by coder777)
Can I set spacing in an output file??
I have been given a block of numbers to read in by a file, add the columns and rows, output to a file, then display the file. I have it working fine, but t...
[1 reply] : Don't worry so much for little things. You can make a guest of the col... (by ne555)
Ascending Arrays
Ok so I have built an array program but I can't seem to figure out how to test the array so that it make the array in ascending order. Ideas? ...
[3 replies] Last: In order to rearrange the array yoy can use a lot of method. The simpl... (by eypros)
Somewhat experienced, but stuck
Running through a function assignment, most of it works, but I'm stuck on a particular function: I am supposed to take in 4 parameters and return a true stateme...
[9 replies] Last: The last reply was the most helpful for the problem I had, but all of ... (by eyesofhope)
OpenGL issues
Yup, third post about this because my rage is greater than the Sun. I apologize dearly. Here's the link to my last post
[4 replies] Last: Ok well then I learned that. Doesn't really help with the issue though (by ResidentBiscuit)
Need help overloading < in ADTs
Basically I need to compare data contained in an ADT of the format of 4 numbers followed by 3 letters, for example : 3000-wtz (It has the dash). If left to i...
[2 replies] Last: See if this helps. You might want to do more error checking. #includ... (by histrungalot)
getting coordinates and compare it
Hai any one can guide me, how to get coordinate values as input(x,y), and how to compare it like (x1,y1)<(x2,y2).
[1 reply] : Would you explain how a point on a grid is less than/greater than anot... (by LB)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 4344454647... 64
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