Beginners - February 2012 (Page 44)

by Nalyk
For each question.
I'm into array's in the CLR environment, and I had a question about the for each loop. I'll bold my question in my code. // Sorting an array of Kyes(the nam...
[3 replies] Last: It has nothing to do with how you name your variables, you can read a ... (by naraku9333)
csv file
Hi. I need to send data to an output file that can be opened in excel, so I made my output file a csv file. However, I need to include commas and quotation mark...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, excel loads it as follows (each | represents a cell border) when ... (by CJC0117)
Store input that hasn't been passed to cin yet
I'm making an IM system, I want both the clients and the server to update and show any messages that have been sent without erasing what has been typed, is ther...
[6 replies] Last: Is there a problem with him designing the back end in a console, and ... (by clanmjc)
Passing Array Into Function
I'm trying to pass an array into a function file in order to solve a simple tridiagonal matrix. I keep getting an error that says 'Error: Incompatible types in ...
[15 replies] Last: Here is some code that I used to test: My first try, g++ 4.6.2 on 6... (by Cubbi)
by Nalyk
-> Length
#include "stdafx.h" using namespace System; int main(array<System::String ^> ^args) { array<double>^ samples = gcnew array<double>(50); // Gener...
[4 replies] Last: The guy rather pushes it to the back burner to be honest. I could just... (by Nalyk)
Deallocating after c_str()?
Do I have to worry about deallocating the memory used by a string gotten by calling the c_str method from the string class? for example, 1- string str("he...
[4 replies] Last: Gotcha!, Thanks Peter! (by santih87)
Book says one thing, compiler says another
Hi! So I tried to create my first program using this 500+ page book beginners guide to c++. Here is the code. // Program 1.1 #include <iostream.h> ...
[2 replies] Last: Certainly. // Program 1.1 #include <iostream> int main() { std... (by moorecm)
Cast Question
Hi, I have a problem with casting. Following Class: Class One { public: method1(){}; Two* ptr; } Class Two { public: meth...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you very much for your help! I will then try it with inheritanc... (by dmwizard)
Pointers and security
Hi, I know that I can access a spesific memory location, like this: int * ptr = 0x11223355; int value; value = *ptr So what if I know there is a ...
[12 replies] Last: I am just trying to understand how stuff works together. Since I am no... (by yasar11732)
char * ch = "where does this pointer store all these characters?"
i am having trouble understanding a char *. how does it handle the, what seems to be, limitless string literals it can point to? for example, lets consider ...
[4 replies] Last: A pointer points to ONE THING. There may be other things AFTER that on... (by LB)
Doubly Linked List issues (with iterators)
I'm currently making a Doubly Linked Lists using Iterators. I'm not sure whether it's my addhead/addtail functions that aren't working, or my iterator accessing...
[no replies]
vecotr working for .erase but not .pop_back
in reference to:userMain.BookingsVector.pop_back(userMain.BookingsVector.begin()+book_name_select); Error 2 error C2660: 'std::vector<_Ty>::pop_back' : functi...
[15 replies] Last: Your code is terribly hard to read. That's why nobody wants to help yo... (by ciphermagi)
by CMinus
Something wrong about classes in my program
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class CRectangle { public: int width, height; void set_values (int, int); int area () {retu...
[4 replies] Last: Well Guys I go a way to do it !! Thanks (by CMinus)
Persistence of memory leak
When I create an object with new, I know that it has to deleted, otherwise, memoryleak occurs. But, I am wondering if this memory lost, even after the program c...
[8 replies] Last: Hmm. I better delete things then. Thanks a lot for all the comments. (by yasar11732)
Array of pointers and segmentation fault.
So, I have this class shape, and I created an array of two pointers like this: Shape * two_shapes ; two_shapes[ 1 ] = new Shape(206, 65, shape_wid...
[no replies]
by Maiels
Special characters
Hello! for a while I have been trying to make "\a" doesn`t ,by not working I mean that it makes no BEEP as it should... Any idea? thank you!...
[8 replies] Last: I give up. I`m sure that my PC is the problem. Thank you everyone anyw... (by Maiels)
How many headers can a project have?
^ meant to ask header files. I have a project and keep getting a weird error when I try to integrate them in main.
[5 replies] Last: Yep. That was it. I was bringing it up to the project and being able t... (by closed account 365X92yv)
2 errors in run mode c++
Whenever i compile my work,, it shows no error, but when i execute the program,, it always show 2 errors. unresolved external symbol... and 1 unresolved extern...
[1 reply] : What are the errors? Copy and paste. (by clanmjc)
i was looking at an example of pointers and it did a char with value x and the output is y after doing ++ to it. here is code // increaser #include <iostream> ...
[5 replies] Last: ok thank you. (by gelatine)
I have several errors on one program
I can't guess what's the problem, can anyone help me? #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<fstream> using namespace std; int some_numbers(string s); in...
[2 replies] Last: LOL :D:D:D:D:D F***in string. LOL :D:D:D:D thanks (by mishonacro)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 4243444546... 64
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