Beginners - February 2012 (Page 43)

Accuracy with Float Numbers
I am new to C++ and am wriiting a simple program to determine how much change a machine should give and what coins it should return. I have declared 'costPrice...
[2 replies] Last: Here's a good guide: (by Moschops)
by shangy
Calculate multiple entries which are undefined
//I need to write a program that calculates total calories eaten in a day using // WHILE loop and the For loop #include <iostream> using namespace std; in...
[no replies]
unresolved externals
menu() { char w; cout<<"\n\n WELCOME TO GRAPHICS AID ENGRAVING\n"; cout<<" POINT-OF-SALE\n"; cout<<"\n What Do you want to do?\n"; ...
[3 replies] Last: sorry,, how will i delete it? (by yhangel)
by Atari
Need help with my program
So, i wrote a program, that couts digit 2 amount in the number, but there is one problem with the if . #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by Atari)
by trojsi
Menu for Hangman
Hi, I am working on a menu for my hangman game. I have three options: -New User which asks user to enter details and save to a binary file (done) (here...
[5 replies] Last: Hi again, I managed to get the menu working with new user, ... (by trojsi)
Program taking far too long
I'm stuck on Problem 12: on The problem is to find the first triangle number to have more than 500 factor...
[8 replies] Last: A composite number n can be decomposed as n = p 0 i 0 + p 1 i ... (by JLBorges)
by thair
great element and its index
dear all first I want to say hi for every Im new in C++ programing and I hope to find help here i've create the small function to type the great numbe of an arr...
[3 replies] Last: thank you verry much now its clear for me. (by thair)
recursive solution and arrays
how would i have a recursive solution that takes the last number of the array, then can move either one or two spaces to the left(towards beginning of the array...
[1 reply] : Path from 10 to 0 = min(path from 57 to 0, path from 6 to 0)+10 Write... (by hamsterman)
by yoyoyo
Need graphical command help.
I'm a beginner in c++ and need some graphical command help. What graphics libraries are their and where can I find some good info on them? Any advice is greatly...
[1 reply] : See or (by hamsterman)
by Barkin
I couldn't write some part,please help.
Prompt the user to enter an integer number. Prompt the user to enter a C++ arithmetic operator (i.e. + - / * %). Print an error message and exit the progra...
[13 replies] Last: Oh I see, it is confusing. @OP: I suggest using "op" short for "operat... (by LB)
unresolved external from void
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl readAndCount(int &,int * const)" (?readAndCount@@YAXAAHQAH@Z) referenced in function _main 1>C:\Users\M...
[1 reply] : On line 17, you pass numwords as a reference (the '&' characted), in t... (by sargon94)
missing ';' before .
with all the errors of missing ';' before '.' trying to call functions (not sure if i'm doing it right... #include <iostream> #include <math.h> using ...
[11 replies] Last: After a class definition, you need a semicolon: class A { }; // <-- h... (by moorecm)
hi everybody, i need help with this problem i tried to made a calculator in c++ for my programation class and i did it well all the way but at the final when yo...
[5 replies] Last: well it seems to be ok but when i start debugging and i enter the seco... (by lawrencebl4ck)
how to make the count start at zero and not go under
how do i automatically assign count to be 0, and to make it not able to go under #include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std; class c...
[1 reply] : a simple: if( count < 0 ) count = 0; would do it. (by roberts)
Math functions and if statements
This is the assignment I am having trouble with, sorry for the wall of text but I feel it is necessary to get help. The Fast Freight Shipping Company charges ...
[3 replies] Last: Helped a bunch thank you! (by closed account 2EURX9L8)
jump it game
i'm making a recursive solution to a jump it game. 0 3 80 56 7 10 i ca either move forward 1 or jump over 1 to thereby move 2. The goal is to get the low...
[7 replies] Last: how would i get the position to start at the end of the array and move... (by maharris)
user generated array
i'm wondering how to do a user generated array, have a user enter a variable to enter array size, then i dont know how to have the user enter specific number...
[2 replies] Last: It is possible to dynamically allocate space for an array, but you hav... (by atropos)
error: invalid operands of types `double' and `double' to binary `operator^'
I have a few errors here that I am trying to clear. I am using Dev-C++ to build this program. Obviously I am new to this. The errors I am receiving; main...
[2 replies] Last: Yup I took that out and gave distance a value as it had not been defin... (by Paul Cruse)
Chess moves using array
Hi, im trying to write a program that uses an array to show all of the possible moves of a chess piece. Im working on the queen right now and could use some hel...
[2 replies] Last: ok, so in my move_queen function, i thought maybe this for loop would ... (by Grimlocke46)
Invalid if statement?
Hello all, I am relatively new to programming and ave encountered a problem in a simple text base RPG I am writing. The program compiles without error however ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for the reply clanmjc :) My code is now: #include <st... (by tylergard702)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 4142434445... 64
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