Beginners - February 2012 (Page 42)

by Smoke
*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (out): 0x09fbd2d0 ***
Recently I have come across this error, I have found what is causing the error but don;t know how I fix it. From what I can tell the variable value is either co...
[7 replies] Last: Since there's only enough memory allocated for a single char, all the ... (by Moschops)
cannot change int * into float *
Int main() { int hello = 8; function(&hello); return 0; } void function(float* hello) { *hell = 5; } Is it possible to to make this code work without changi...
[no replies]
a little question to start programming:)
hello, i want to learn c++ but before i begin, i would like some advices on how to plan my reading...(what to read first, what are the most inmportant for a beg...
[9 replies] Last: i have windows xp...unix is too far for me now:// (by vthimis)
Teach Yourself VC++6 Stuck on Day3
Hi everyone. I have been doing the Sam's Teach Yourself Visal C++6 in 21 days and I am stuck on Day3 already. I was able to create a simple drawing program but ...
[4 replies] Last: Hamsterman, your advice worked. I changed 1sChar to sChar1 and 1hCurso... (by JouleConfisc8r)
shortening a super nested if with struct function c++
prodref() { products alg, als, br, st, acre, acri, imp, mirr, mag, usp; //Prices alg.price.belowten=140; alg.price.belowfifty=85; alg.price.belowon...
[1 reply] : another problem occurred. whenever i'm trying to cout one of the membe... (by yhangel)
Need to copy part of a string to a new string
Hello all, I am working on a program that will check to see if an infix expression is valid, as defined by grammar given to me by my teacher. I am stumped at...
[5 replies] Last: I just wanted to give everyone an update, First of all, thank you aga... (by Billy Colley)
parse a double in reverse?
is there a way to parse a double in reverse? I' need to convert a double to a string as a monetary value ex. 567.12 becomes Five Hundred Sixty Seven and 12/100...
[no replies]
by trojsi
Sorting data in a binary file
hi, in a game menu for hangman game, I am trying to sort entries in a binary after I delete a user profile to remove the whitespace. My technique was to copy al...
[2 replies] Last: Can you specify your method in more step by step pls and what to use t... (by trojsi)
Binary Tree
OK, I'm trying to create a binary tree. I'm sure I have a bunch of unhappiness going on in my program but I'm mainly concerned that the input is not going into ...
[9 replies] Last: I got it. Thanks! (by monkeybutt)
by Isolde
[Linker Error]
Hello. Forgive me if this was posted twice. I don't know what happened. I have no idea what this error mean (using Dev-C== compiler, Vista, IE7). Error Msg. [...
[1 reply] : The linker can't find the definition of getInventory. Did you write on... (by Peter87)
Function Pointer Help Please
class try { public: int b = 20; } int main() { try try; function(10,try.b); functionsecpnd(); return 0; } function(...
[1 reply] : argument x is expecting an integer (which you indeed pass in) and xs i... (by Texan40)
by atjm88
Addition Program using Ms Visual Studio 2010 C++
Hi, I run the following program well in Borland, but when I copy the whole code to Visual, it cannot detect something like conio, cin, cout...May I know why wil...
[5 replies] Last: Hi Peter, thanks for it, I just know that Visual need namespace std in... (by atjm88)
Write a C++ program that uses an array determine and display the prime numbers between 2 and n
Hi,i need to write program to print prime number between 1 to n(user input),please give me outline :) I have absolutely no idea :( Write a C++ program that...
[1 reply] : can anyone please help :) (by kyky365)
by atjm88
endl? \n?
Hi, is there any different between "endl" and "\n"? Are they the same? Thanks...
[5 replies] Last: (: (by Lynx876)
I can't tell what my instructor is asking for??
I can do this problem fine with MarkNumber(char ); but I'm not sure if that is what he means. Marknumber(char); will only read one digit, right? Write ...
[9 replies] Last: Look at the output he gives you and start counting. Notice any pattern... (by Duthomhas)
compiles well on borland but shows error in Dev C++...need solution .. i am experimenting with pointers on classes
//This Runs fine on Borland but errors are shown on Dev C++ //The errors in Dev C++ /* Errors when compiled on Dev C++; In function `int main()': 83 n...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks...... I got it......... polygon(const polygon&) is a copy c... (by helpMePlze)
by atjm88
ifstream and ofstream
Hi, what is the usage of ifstream and ofstream ? #include <iostream> #include <fstream> int main() { float val1, val2, val3, val4, average, add; ...
[4 replies] Last: Ok...Thanks peter^^ (by atjm88)
how to Create a primitive type bool array with all elements initialized to true.
how to Create a primitive type bool array with all elements initialized to true. Array elements with prime indices will remain true. All other array elements wi...
[3 replies] Last: thanks ssegota and JLBorges !! But bool p ; < the n has an error , sa... (by kyky365)
by Smoke
Undefined reference to: Arith::mpmod
This error has recently appeared undefined reference to `libbase::Arith::mpmod(std::vector<unsigned char, std::allocator<unsigned char> > const&, std::vector<...
[no replies]
Virtual machine
Hiho all! I was thinking of writing a really simple virtual machine one like this but with c++. I w...
[no replies]
February 2012 Pages: 1... 4041424344... 64
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