Beginners - February 2012 (Page 41)

by W0JC1K
Wojcik_A1.cpp(68): error C2181: illegal else without matching if
I have to build a program which simulates an ATM Machine. I'm pretty sure that I have the code all figured out but I keep getting one error msg illegal else wit...
[3 replies] Last: There is a while loop between if (xinput_main == 1) and "******els... (by Awareness)
Function Call Function Loop
void A() { B() } void B() { A() } This will loop forever, is this good? It just simplifies and isolates the segments of the program well as...
[3 replies] Last: It's the same as you would write a batch file with the content <name o... (by FlashDrive)
by SekalN
Assignment help!
We received this assignment today and I cant find a way to start it. Any help is appreciated! "" (1) Generate a data file to record students' grades. ...
[2 replies] Last: he's totally right. But if you have any questions on source code as it... (by FlashDrive)
by cokane
Help fix failed assignment
I am noob taking a C++ class, I need a little bit of help figuring out the correct answers to two question I got wrong. What is the value of n after the ass...
[11 replies] Last: anyone no how to make the font on codeblocks bigger so my tired eyes ... (by Athar)
const method difficulty
This method works when it's not const but when i make it const i get an error: invalid conversion from const char* to char* btw this is in debian using g++...
[5 replies] Last: 1) A pointer is not an array. It is a number (representing a memory ... (by Catfish)
What does this mean "::"
for example : String&&String :: operator = (const String & rhs) What does this line mean? thank you.
[4 replies] Last: I guess this string :: operator int() {} means that the string is... (by FlashDrive)
How to program a soccer league match fixture?
Hello, I want to create a program which creates a soccer league match fixture.There are 18 teams in the league and each team will have 34 league matches. ...
[no replies]
simple graphics output
Hi all, If, for example, I have solved a differential equation with some algorithm (say Euler's method) and want to show the resulting curve in a graphics wind...
[1 reply] : If you just want to look at the shape of your output without having to... (by mik2718)
return by reference : what's different here ??
Hi guys, i've two functions declared like the following. int& readRef(int& num){ return num; } int readNormal(int& num){ return num; } I thought the func...
[4 replies] Last: Why... this, then? #include <iostream> int & crazy(int &i) { re... (by Catfish)
by passing exit c++
does anyone know how to bypass exit? as in it will not ask for "press any key to continue". program will directly exit.
[10 replies] Last: That is correct. I usually test my programs from the console anyway...... (by Duthomhas)
Play Again Loop
Im 11 and im learning c++. For the last few hours I've been trying to make a number guessing game. I made it and all but I want to ask the user if he wants to p...
[5 replies] Last: ty (by Anmol444)
Issue with strings
Working on another simple program, I've come across an issue. I've dumbed it down to highlight the issue itself: #include<iostream> #include<string> usin...
[4 replies] Last: Oh right, thank you very much! I didn't get the correct answer straigh... (by georgep)
Division Error
#import <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; class Measurement { float thou, inch, foot, yard, chain, furlong, m...
[1 reply] : floats? I can't even remember the last time I used one of those. Thi... (by Ben Duncan)
Syntax error?????
At the call of decTobin(), it keeps saying there is a syntax error(error C2059: syntax error : ']') but I just don't see it. Am I not seeing something very obvi...
[4 replies] Last: Oh, I see. Silly mistake. Thank you. (by monkeybutt)
by rushab
iostream and iostream.h
I Use turbo c++ 3.0 and in my compiler... to print "hello world!" I should type this: #include <iostream.h> int main() { cout<<"Hello World!"; return 0;...
[6 replies] Last: tnx dev c++ is my fav!!! but i face lots of errors in visual c++...its... (by rushab)
Need help with a IF Statment program
Hello everyone, I need some help. I have been braining over this for a day now and it's time for a different view on this problem. I have to create a program th...
[1 reply] : You could use the #include <cctype> header and use the tolower() [ht... (by Ben Duncan)
mingw installation
i downloaded mingw...but i dont know hot to make the command line compiler to work...what to execute etc...a total mess:// if someone could help me plzz:///
[1 reply] : You may want to read this: (by yasar11732)
Function Does Not Take 3 Arguments
Okay, so basically I'm trying to allow the user to talk to NPCs in the room and when they do, it'll read text in from the .txt file (depending on what room they...
[2 replies] Last: Ahhhh ok, so that's my problem. Thanks! (by Phil123)
command lline compilers:)
hello all, i would like to have some information on command line compilers(what to download and how to install because i dont know at all:/) i'm using windows...
[2 replies] Last: i dont want an IDE:// thats why i want the command line. i 'll try min... (by vthimis)
Homework Assistance: Working with pointers to read/edit/write an .ini file
Below are the files that I have. Most of everything below ConfigINI.cpp was given and have minimal edits by me (ConfigINI.cpp, configINI.h and ConfigStuff.cpp ...
[4 replies] Last: A SEMICOLON -- A FRIGGIN' SEMICOLON. I had been missing that - I was ... (by Anaximander Thales)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 3940414243... 64
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