Beginners - February 2012 (Page 36)

by EVKiev
expected primary-expression before "else"
Hey guy it from about 2 hrs that iam trying to fix this errors but no luck o far.So i have this assigment for an introductory C++ Class and iam getting 2 err...
[2 replies] Last: Your if statement should be on the same line as the code it is che... (by Hippogriff)
input/ output files
im having problems with my input files. It will output, but my file wont accept an input. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; #i...
[5 replies] Last: Once you've opened the file (ie. you have said ifstream inFile; ) you... (by georgep)
C++ books for engineers/scientists?
Hi all, I'm a physics major and I'm looking for good C++ books geared towards engineers and scientists. Any recommendations?
[no replies]
[A or B win] using recursion
Hi There is a question asking A or B to take turns to take coins out off the pool. assume that there are n coins, A always takes first. they are only allow to...
[4 replies] Last: Just looking at: int main(){ int n; cin >> n; bool *evaluated= n... (by cire)
Terminating program too soon
Why does my program terminate when the user puts in his input? I have it so that the user puts in the number that is next to the subject in math they need help ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys I really appreciate it, I am a beginner so I'm not too goo... (by Alex Green)
Allegro Won't load Images
I'm using Code::Blocks 10.05 and Allegro 5. I tried the following source code from one of the tutorials on bitmaps: #include "allegro5/allegro.h" #include "all...
[no replies]
doubly linked list problem
My problem is creating the linked list. I'm trying to read the data for students from a file and store it in the list. I don't know how to store multiple pieces...
[3 replies] Last: Problem solved! Thanks for the help. (by DocCeaser)
by aslv
PlaySound and winmm.lib
Hello everyone! I've read some posts about PlaySound function but I have a question. Where can I get the winmm.lib library? (I can't start my program because th...
[5 replies] Last: Actually, later I solved my problem. It should be written -lwinmm in t... (by aslv)
Problem with operator<<
This is my code project.h #ifndef PROJECT_H #define PROJECT_H #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "staff.h" class Division; class ...
[7 replies] Last: When I change it to std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, Divi... (by VladTeppi)
by Steves
Not able to apply
Hi guys, I posted a thing earlier about help on a tic tac toe program. I am posting this because its as if I am not able to apply any of the information Ive lea...
[5 replies] Last: can I use *pointer as the player input? It seems kind of odd (by Steves)
compile and run DevC++ console programs
Hi there! its me again I am still struglin to compile and run my programs. when u compile a window pops out for about a second then disapear, then after that co...
[4 replies] Last: Oh. Were you pressing the "Compile" button? There are three of them: "... (by hamsterman)
Searching for strings/values/entries in text files
Hi. I have an assignment to where I have an existing text file and I need to pull information specifically out of it. A few lines of this file would be: scor...
[1 reply] : I'm really just looking for some sort of direction 1) Open File 2)... (by clanmjc)
using realloc with templates to make MyVector class
First off thanks for any help I can get here, I'm pulling my hair out in frustration with my lack of knowledge on this subject. My professor has asked us to ...
[5 replies] Last: Correct (by roberts)
Need help with problem
The point of the program here is to convert a list of temperatures Fahrenheit to Celsius, then at the end give the average of both Fahrenheit and Celsius. T...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for your help its much appreciated. I have the averages working... (by fuzion1)
Problem with having to input twice
I am writing a simple program that will take a number (range 1-366) and output the month that that number is contained in. I am pretty much finished, but am hav...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks you guys, I was unaware of how to use that correctly. (by Paul Reed)
by Isolde
Wrint Input File to Screen
Hi. I have tried everythin in my limited C++ knowledge to write the input file to the screen. I've also tried to "cout" the output.To no avail. #include <f...
[7 replies] Last: You're welcome ;) (by FlashDrive)
by bxadd
Deleting an element from a vector through user input
Hello, have been learning c++ for the past week and the book that i'm reading has given me a task in which I have to maintain a list of games, allow the user to...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks man it worked. (by bxadd)
Fibonacci sequence question
Hello, I am trying to write a fibonacci sequence generator program, here it is: #include<iostream> #include<new> using namespace std; int main() ...
[4 replies] Last: wow, really? 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, signed?? That's REALLY a lot..... (by psych0dr)
Classes and Text files
I am trying to get a function to read account numbers from a bankaccount.txt. I only want it to read one account at a time but when I insert the account number ...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks Moschops, this has clarified a lot. (by pearce007)
by seppel
C++ standard documentation
Where would I find it?
[6 replies] Last: It is a bitch to read Over 1300 pages of bitch. What's more, progr... (by MrHutch)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 3435363738... 64
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