Beginners - February 2012 (Page 32)

How do i calculate the median of a vector
So i dont quite understand how to calculate the median of a vector can someone show me an example this is my code so far im having to use a struct for this prog...
[5 replies] Last: this is what i have so far and what zhuge said is working to find the ... (by vega512)
Finding Three Dimensional Force Vector
I was looking for a way to a find three dimensional force vector. I currently in high school taking physics and thought is would be cool if I created a program ...
[8 replies] Last: I made a little program which uses the polar coordinates of two 2D vec... (by bacia)
by ojima
Link error?
Hello everybody! I've recently started programming in C++, so I don't know much about errors. I've just created a new program, but when I'm trying to execute...
[9 replies] Last: hmm, tried it, I renamed Setup to main (btw, thanks, didn't know t... (by ojima)
Recursive Decent parser
Hey guys, just wanted to see if you guys could catch what I can't... It runs fine except that when an invalid character is input the program loops instead of ju...
[5 replies] Last: yea ok so the full line needed to be consumed otherwise it would take ... (by looptesting1)
can't visualize how to do his with code
I am new to coding and am trying to expand my skills and checked out project euler. How in the world do I calculate all the multiples of 3 and 5. I am pretty...
[4 replies] Last: THank you, Thank you, thank you, thank you. I hate it when I hit road ... (by Jake McGhee)
by trojsi
Multi source files in visual studio
Hi, I already used more than one source file in my project for simple functions and everything compiled successfully. Now I am trying to add another sou...
[3 replies] Last: Oki worked worked perfectly :) Need to add: -Never initialize varia... (by trojsi)
Variable ' ' not being initialized?
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using namespace std; void main() { //This program will help file and list monthly sales tax...
[8 replies] Last: My math is skewed..i see, i'll try another approach - if you see a fix... (by Sunny101)
Am I just stupid? (1,2)
Hey guys, I'm new to C++, I have small amounts of training in XHTML, but this is just blowing my mind. I've read the first 3 pages of the tutorial over...and ov...
[26 replies] Last: Hey avragehuman , Now u have an IDE & a great tutorial !! But if u as... (by CMinus)
by mowali
Simple Pointers help!
[4 replies] Last: 3. void MyCopy (int * x, int * y, int n) { int i; for (i = 0; i... (by Berzeger)
4*4 Sudoku
Hi, I was asked to write a program,given board with some integers fixed, outputs a valid solution or reports No solution if the board has no solution.I use "....
[1 reply] : On line 11, you should initialize j to i so you're never checking an e... (by cire)
date conversion
write program that converts 2 dates (mm yyyy) to month format
[3 replies] Last: What do you mean by 'month format'? Give us your code so far and be a ... (by georgep)
create a simple WEB to stream movies from my data base
I'm not a programmer and I try to create a simple WEB code to stream movies using VLC (<object data= .... >) from my data base of about 50 movies. I have a W...
[no replies]
by manp
puting the characters in their right positions!
I am trying to write a program in order to draw a filled circle with asterisk. I have written the code in c++ with a for loop. cin >> r; for(x=-r ; x<=r ; x...
[2 replies] Last: First of all thank for any reply. I have figured this problem out. in ... (by manp)
How can i AUTO-PARAGRAPHIZE a none paragraphized code?
I transfered code to a diferent enviroment and the paragraphization was lost. How can I auto paragraphized it - auto tab it? Is there a tool on VS or a st...
[2 replies] Last: WOOOW! THANKS! I was about starting manually line by line tabbing! :OO... (by imakaia)
by rb485
Trouble defining objects
Hi, title describes it really. I am using Dev-C++, and have succesfully defined my first object and used it in a program (hooray!). However, object number 2 is ...
[2 replies] Last: Argh, can't believe I didn't spot that. Thanks very much (by rb485)
Magic Square
I found a code for magic square but it has no output how do you output this ? #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int n; ...
[4 replies] Last: doesn't matter =) (by FlashDrive)
using arrays and classes
nevermind figured it out......
[no replies]
by shangy
using void function to display string
what seems to be the problem everything seems al-right with me #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; //Insert function displayData here /...
[9 replies] Last: i was so close but hey thanks (by shangy)
i need help with my c++ <cmath> program
hi guy i need some help writing my c++ program i need to write something like this and im getting errors need help can anyone correct it so i can see how...
[10 replies] Last: ok now everything is correct thank you so much do you think i need to ... (by kondi97)
Software for Horoscope
I am making astrology report manual and this is tacking lots of time. I am also a software engineer and i have good experience in C,C++, C#, PHP, can anyone tel...
[no replies]
February 2012 Pages: 1... 3031323334... 64
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