Beginners - February 2012 (Page 30)

by adesh
Could not understand for loop
Hi , The below program finds square root of a given number double sqrroot(double val) { double i=0; double temp1,temp2; while(i*i<=val) ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks , i feel now i have understood it after all the trouble with th... (by adesh)
overloaded operators - compare strings
as part of an assignment, i have to add an overloaded operator as a member function to a base class which will compare 'people objects' according to their name,...
[14 replies] Last: excellent, working now, thanks a lot (by smallmos)
Text-Based Adventure-Need Help
#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; string choice; void roomB(); void roomA(); int main(int argc, char...
[10 replies] Last: yeah i dont know how to use classes (yet) so thats probably why I like... (by bacia)
why do i get warning in declaration of new
pn= new (nothrow) string ; pn =" Aluminum Gold Engraved "; pn ="Aluminum Silver Engraved"; pn =" Stainless Brass "; pn =" Stainless Steel ...
[2 replies] Last: i choose to start it in pn so the end user will not be confuse with t... (by yhangel)
by Taylrl
How should I approach this problem? r.e. How to use opendir()/scandir()
Hi, I am currently writing a program but am beginning to see that I could have problems in the future due to the number of files that I may want to open with...
[6 replies] Last: Wait this code is only printing on line 31 at the moment. I'll just ch... (by Taylrl)
by CMinus
A little Encryption / Decryption Program !
Hello all , Today I tried to make a little Encryption / Decryption program that its en/decryption depends on an array of numbers (repeated when the last element...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks dude it works now , although I didn't understand the use of cin... (by CMinus)
by jaff
ceil function question
Hi again everyone, ceil(2.3) gives 3 as I expect. ceil(3/2) gives 1 but I expected it to give 2 because 1.5 <= 2. Could anyone explain this please? I tri...
[6 replies] Last: never assume... know... ;) (by Jikax)
Basic spellchecker not working
I'm trying to create a program to read words for a file(word1.txt) and check against a dictionary (wordlist.txt) and output the number of words which match (i.e...
[3 replies] Last: when you start checking a new word from word1.txt you need to start re... (by Jikax)
understandig the text of a problem
I just started using Project Euler and I'm at the second problem. The trouble is I'm not that good at English and I can't exactly tell what the problem wants me...
[3 replies] Last: In simple: -Find all Fibonacci numbers <= 4.000.000 (four million) -... (by Gaminic)
Defining a variable in different way and reading tokens
I was writing a simple scripting system. Actually, I was just simplifying my C++ code for easier developing. In other words, I was creating functions. PS: I kn...
[5 replies] Last: Just for funsies... #include <iostream> #include <Windows.h> st... (by cire)
Connecting to/working with SQL server
So, I have been getting into SQL and SQL Server 2008 because I feel like it's a good skillset. Anyway, I want to create a back end to some random program idea I...
[1 reply] : I suggest you look into using MySQL++; It's been around long enough t... (by Texan40)
[HELP] C++ random access file
I have some problems when i need to delete one record after I enter the number, the problem is 1) no matter which record number I enter(both exist or not exis...
[2 replies] Last: ya. you right the problem is fixed after i add "ios::in" in line 71 so... (by alfredhin)
by mrshah
Run Time Code Degeneration
Hi. I've ran into a problem of my code "degenerating" during execution. Its an array based problem. I'm trying to work with numbers that are "too big" to stor...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you cire, I just compiled and its working beautifully. Brilliant... (by mrshah)
by SithV
Test a string of digits for characters
Hello Im having difficulties with my assignment...,i have to do the following: A valid phone number is: - One that has 10 or 11 digits. - One that if it c...
[3 replies] Last: can you place some code? i do not understand what you mean... (by Jikax)
want to quit program at any prompt with q
I have only been learning c++ for the last 3 weeks. Here is my code for a calculator, it works ok, but I was wondering if my code is any good. Also, I can quit ...
[1 reply] : (by cire)
How to: Open 'My Documents' in my program
I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to open up the 'My Documents', 'My Pictures', etc folders from within my program. I've already got it setup to ...
[1 reply] : However you're starting iexplore ; do the same thing with explorer C... (by Moschops)
Does anybody know how to use fmod to do 3d sound as I am new to coding and do not know where to start from.any help is appreciated
[no replies]
Win32 API - Tab Controls
Can someone link me WORKING tutorial for tab control or teach me how to do it? I've tried several tutorials (even from MSDN) and I'm still getting some errors &...
[4 replies] Last: @bacia I hope that was just joke... @texan40 thanks, I'll try it late... (by mekkatorqu)
pong frustations
okay here is my problem i been trying to get my collsion agaist my paddles to work and i simply can't do it. here is a list of my varibles and all the differ...
[2 replies] Last: if(ballx > 1000 || bally > 450) if(ballx < 20 || bally < 5) if (b... (by cire)
Beginner questions about File I/O
So I have a few questions, just trying to get my head around this file business: - Is there a more direct way to assign the data from the file to the new ob...
[3 replies] Last: There really is no need for the array int Data at all. All you need ... (by Galik)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 2829303132... 64
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