Beginners - February 2012 (Page 29)

by eves
Multiplication function
Hi, I have a multiplication function for multiplication of 2 numbers (vectors). I used the compare function to first select the larger/ longer number. the compa...
[no replies]
by xKeb
Adding additional steps/loops to a program.
So, I have this program already: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main( ) { int Num; float Input, Sum = 0, Average; cin >> Num;...
[1 reply] : Same problem discussed here: (by GRex2595)
why won't this compile?
Hey guys, I am a beginner in C++ and I have a question on one of the programs I've been writing for some programming practice. it keeps on giving me an err...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys, this helped me a ton! I can't believe I forgot the closin... (by Alex Green)
help with structures please!!!
So I am trying to make a simple structure which will read and write the members of a family but I am getting this errors and I dont seem to get where the mistak...
[2 replies] Last: damn it worked, THANKS MAN! its always the small mistakes that ruin a ... (by sedative16)
Need help.
While this is for an assignment, I currently do not need help with it. Right now I am asking the user to enter a filename for a txt file. Here is the curren...
[17 replies] Last: Had a look at that too. I prefer the "light" feel of Dev C++ though. (by georgep)
[HELP] My code is not getting the correct data
Code is failing to do the correct average calculations. So when i compile i get some really large number in sci notation. #include <iostream> using name...
[4 replies] Last: sizeof(*array) will return sizeof(int) because array is an integer arr... (by tntxtnt)
Plotting Functions Using Dot Plots
I am trying to plot a simple function, but am getting confused as how to write in the different vertexes. The function is: f(x)=10-100cos((2*pi*x)/50) ...
[no replies]
overloading comparison operators
Hello. If I overload comparison operators inside a class, it there any way to make the left hand argument const? say, I could make "a" const in the following co...
[2 replies] Last: Oooh! Right! Thank you! (by AoZplusplus)
padels wont stay on screen
having problems making them stay in the boundares of my screen, i also cant figure out how to get collision from my ball but ill try and figure that out myself,...
[2 replies] Last: cool thanks i fixed them now they stay on the screen =D now all i h... (by programmeraie125)
String is out of range.
This program converts string of Mayan number something like ".. .-- 0" to Arabic number. I am getting the "String is out of range" error. Please help! #inclu...
[4 replies] Last: I got it. thanks. (by Natasha)
Can someone please help me with this: #include<cstdlib> #include<iostream> int main() { int i; for(i=1;i<6;i++) { if(i%5!=0); ...
[5 replies] Last: I figured you weren't, just wanted to make sure nobody was left out. ... (by GRex2595)
by PL285
Trying to change data--not working? Help please
Hello, here is my code. I am trying to make it so that the I can set either the high or low temperature of a day through selection 5. Right now, my program prom...
[4 replies] Last: This did not work, I think I do want to change their value. I want the... (by PL285)
Reading data from a file
I'm working on a homework problem that requires me to get a name from the user, and then compare that name to names from a file that I've been given. If the n...
[1 reply] : First, you need an array. You probably have one, but I don't see any.... (by GRex2595)
plz help with endless loop on failure
i am writing a homework and i try to make a loop that check the data input from user to be only positive int i search a lot and i read some thing and i decide ...
[4 replies] Last: thnks you so much both of you!!!!!!!!!!! (by sorcerrer)
Singly Linked List
I am trying to make a singly linked list, but I am having problems. I cannot seem to be able to insert the first element after the head. I feel like my init() m...
[1 reply] : These are all completely different memory addresses, you are correct, ... (by clanmjc)
by patmac
Operators in if-else statement????
I have to write a program that reads a phone number and validates it. I thought I had it but it seems I'm not using the 'OR' and 'AND' operators properly. Can s...
[6 replies] Last: I get it now, thanks again! (by patmac)
Nested for loop help or other..
Hi this is my first time being in this website and i am pretty much newbie with programming. Straight forward, here's my question: Is 3 nested for loops ...
[4 replies] Last: Hmmm... So do i gotta use string in here to store the datas for three ... (by pclovechristian)
by shangy
this program needs to input information of two people and out it
A little assistance, this need to input names and addresses of two people then output. When i input address like "P. O Box 2548" it terminates and shouldn't d...
[9 replies] Last: thanks guys.. (by shangy)
Quicksort problems
Hi, I've been struggling to find the problem in my code for quicksorting a list from an input file. It gets stuck in and endless loop displaying strange numeric...
[7 replies] Last: @Gaminic: Found it on google. Seem like sort() is better than qsort().... (by Perman)
by atjm88
Program Run Non-Stop
#include <iostream> #include <conio> int main () { int choice=0; cout<<"\nWELCOME TO CYBER BREAKFAST\n"; cout<<"\n1: Nasi Lemak with Kopi O"; ...
[17 replies] Last: Code::Blocks; It was my first compiler, and I stuck with it :) (by hnefatl)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 2728293031... 64
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