Beginners - February 2012 (Page 24)

a number guessing game how to initialize number in an array??
a number guessing game. Your task is to crack a code which has been randomly created by the computer. To crack the code, you make guesses and the computer res...
[4 replies] Last: "How to initialize 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in the array if the user input 6 o... (by timmyyyyy)
Optimiztion Assistance
Help with optimization is needed. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int Divisors(int); int main(){ int d=0,i=1,n=0; while(d<=500){ n+=i++; ...
[4 replies] Last: My mistake. Should've looked more closely. (by cire)
Console loading bar?
How would I make something like... [= ] [== ] [=== ] [==== ] And so on? How do I make a cool loading bar?
[4 replies] Last: ^ It's running in another thread (by ne555)
looping file read wont find eof
I'm trying to read in a large file containing voting data stored as candidate,precinct ex. B,4 and keep track of the votes in a 2d array, but for whatever reaso...
[5 replies] Last: thank you Cubbi that fixed it. (by savan12986)
Help with my Magic Square C++ program
My assignment is to make a magic square based on an odd integer entered by the user. The number entered is the order of this "magic" square. The reason this squ...
[3 replies] Last: the problem is that you are trying to create an array that has no size... (by oonej)
Dynamic Collision Detection help?
Hi there. I apologise for the two new threads, I'm pretty new to C++ and having quite a hard time with this I can get static collision detection to work perf...
[2 replies] Last: Basically, rather than testing to see if a moving sprite has collided ... (by ribenaman)
Question about refactoring code..
Hey all good people, I have a question.. I took some time learning C++ and now I'm starting to work with graphic engines, namely the Ogre3D.. Now reading lesson...
[6 replies] Last: void Game::setupRenderer( Ogre::root* r ) { r->loadPlugin("RenderSys... (by cire)
Class Memory Usage
If I do this: class first { first(void); ~first(void); class second { second(void); ~second(void); }; } And then do this: first::second Somename...
[3 replies] Last: You declare second in the scope of first, however, you are not using c... (by clanmjc)
how to cout symbols in specific shapes
I have to solve a problem which will help me with a more difficult one. I must write an algorithm that displays a triangle made of numbers. More details below: ...
[7 replies] Last: There is no reason not to use '\n' "\n" or std::endl as you wish... (by cire)
by lql44
what is the meaning of "template<class T>"
as per subject thanks
[1 reply] : (by Disch)
20x20 Int Grid..Maximum product of 4 num's
Euler project help again! Problem 11 //euler prob_11 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int Horiz_Max(int*); int Vert_Max(int*); int Diag_Max(int*); i...
[3 replies] Last: UPDATE: the problem was that my reset of sum wasnt happening, due to i... (by jwroblewski)
by HoJo
Compiler Downloads
I have made several attempts to download a C++ compiler but not having any luck. If I would like to know how to bring up the program and put a file into it. T...
[1 reply] : What compiler have you tried to download? I don't understand your seco... (by Peter87)
by Smatik
Games in C++
We have to make games on c++ for our school project. We have been thought Loops,arrays,structure,basic stuff and functions. If there is a way to make games like...
[3 replies] Last: You can make tic toe fairly easily. The other two require some more st... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Hi there. I've run into a bit of a problem using C++ in the sense that I am trying to draw a sprite that will draw itself at a random value between 1 and 600 on...
[2 replies] Last: The x position is part of a member variable for the Sprite, "m_pos". H... (by ribenaman)
function pointers
when i try assign a pointer globally why does the compiler gives me error? it works fine when i do this inside the main function. #include<stdio.h> int x=10...
[3 replies] Last: Does this work? #include<stdio.h> int x=10,*p = &x; int main() { ... (by Stewbond)
Program scipping input
So I am working on this console game and so far I am still at the beginning of making everything. I ran in to a problem with printing a 2d char array on the sc...
[13 replies] Last: I stand corrected. :) (by Berzeger)
any solution for this? only basic c++
i need to make this work by using basic c++: #include <iostream> using namespace std; input() { int no; char letter, yon; cout<<"Please enter a ...
[1 reply] : get into the habit of fully qualifying function names. input() should... (by roberts)
Help with program (Arrays and data files)
Hi everyone. I'm having some trouble with my program involving arrays and data files. I have a text file called StudentRecords with: Jone Adams M123456 3....
[1 reply] : I just fixed the second issue of the program only saving 1 file. I'm ... (by Betray1st)
Looking to improve my programming
Hi everyone, I have just started out with C++ programming and am looking for some advice from you as to how to improve. I have taken an Intro to C++ Programm...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for your replies. I will check out the Professional C++ book... (by Bararuloke)
Correct the following code so that it correctly initializes and outputs the elements of the array. myList; int myList ; for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) cin...
[8 replies] Last: Oh yes, sorry I din't see that. Grey Wolf and Athar are very true. Als... (by closed account 2NywAqkS)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 64
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