Beginners - February 2012 (Page 22)

Making sdl work with MS Visual studio
Hey guys I read the tutorial on lazyfoo but it includes alot of big scary steps and I was wondering If there was any way to make it so I dont have to do that ev...
[1 reply] : Or how to permanently link any library at all for that matter. (by bboy212)
is this a correct array declaration?
I want the array to be a member of a class this correct : string array ?? and let's say I use a constructor to initialize the values then does the c...
[2 replies] Last: thanks peter. ok, so if i'm using an integer or class object data t... (by cpplover)
by PL285
Help! Constructs Not working?
Hello, I want my default constructor - CylinderClass() to reset the height and diameter of the cylinder to 1 every time the user chooses 6 and my constructor wi...
[4 replies] Last: My point is that you initialized a new CylinderClass object and nothin... (by Albatross)
Chess Programming Questions
Hi, My name is Dan, and I am developing a chess engine from scratch. I have the alphabeta function working, and have a few questions about how to implement ...
[no replies]
Files with Arrays
Hello all, I'm having a bit of trouble manipulating a program that I have already written, and could use some guidance. The program I have written creates...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks for all of the help Jikax. (by Orangejuice)
expected primary-expression before else
What exactly am I doing wrong here? At the last else statement the expected primary expression before the else statement error keeps coming up. If I don't us...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a million man. If I didn't finish this program it would've hau... (by Zebulun5)
Im having issues with connectioning to my database on SQL Server 2008 with SQLAPI++. I'm not really sure why, it runs and compiles, just doesn't connect
[no replies]
Segfaulting trouble
I am trying to copy the content of one vector into the other. here is the code that calls the operator= function: Vector<int> a,b; for (int i=0; i<10...
[4 replies] Last: template <class T> Vector<T>& Vector<T>::operator=(const Vector<T>&... (by oonej)
by EeAA
need idea on how to Convert Arabic to Mayan number
Does anyone have an idea on how to Convert Arabic to Mayan number: Arabic = 1222 Mayan = … . .. 1222/20 = 61 remainder 2 .. 61/20 =...
[6 replies] Last: I am still trying to figure out how to output the Mayan number so far... (by EeAA)
Trouble with Templates/Classes/Pointers/Exception Handling
I have read the tutorials on this site and now I am testing what I've learned. So far it's not looking good. I have the following code with a template class tha...
[13 replies] Last: So in place of lines 21 and 22, I wrote: RowData operator (int row) ... (by CJC0117)
*sigh* whole code isn't working
So this is math based on My assignment is due today, and I am frustrated and just want the code to work. I don't really ...
[3 replies] Last: Often scapping and starting again can be much faster than fixing exist... (by Muckle ewe)
Questions about class constructions
Hi everybody. I have a few questions that came up to my mind while looking at the tutorials. First, I have read that by default, all members of...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks peter, this was really helpful. Regarding the second question, ... (by lucasnutz)
error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments
Try as I might, I need this code to work today! I keep getting the code I put for the title on this code and I have NO IDEA why! I had it set up as a for loop r...
[4 replies] Last: Figured it out, I had a variable int century laying in the larger func... (by eyesofhope)
by Ch1156
Vector Help
Hi, i am currently learning vectors, pretty easy. But i have a question in this code: #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; i...
[4 replies] Last: I see now, this but in plain english, you could translate :: into "bel... (by Ch1156)
How to seed rand with a number range
I am seeing all sorts of ways to seed rand with time. What I hope to find out is how to seed rand with a range of 1 - 52. I am writing a function to cut a dec...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you very much. (by chriscoleo)
Compiler not liking cin
I have to write a seemingly simple code for class that continues to ask for numbers and add them to a running sum until the user wants to stop. When I try to co...
[3 replies] Last: Getting rid of those endl fixed it. Thank you for your help! (by EricaFH)
Randomized multiple choice
okay so I have gotten my code sorted out, and now it works. But to be adaptable to 3pi robots, which I will be loading it into eventually, the user has to be gi...
[no replies]
I'm New at this and can't figure this out
HI I have pasted my code below for a program we are suppose to hand in. I'm new at this and can't figure out whats wrong with my code. Can someone please help...
[11 replies] Last: Do not do this: main(); Caliing main() is not something you should... (by Moschops)
Weird problem with custom vector class
So, I recently started doing some OpenGL stuff and have hit a problem I just can't figure out. I've created a class called "Scene" which, among other things, ho...
[2 replies] Last: Yes! I changed it to void Scene::set_bgColour(float newRed, float ne... (by norgent)
by htown
div & mod
How would I use div and mod in a floating point number? Ex. 1245.87 I know mod will not work with floats, is there a way around this? Thanks.
[1 reply] : (by LB)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 2021222324... 64
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