Beginners - February 2012 (Page 20)

Passing const reference
Hi everyone, class S{ public: string getData(){return data;} S(const string&); private: const string data; }; S::S(const string& d) { da...
[4 replies] Last: I thought I was initializing in the constructor itself. I did not kn... (by learningtocode)
Temperature Convertion
hello i have been trying to convert my temperature from fahrenheit to celcius and i am having troubles trying to figure out how to get it to convert. i got the ...
[5 replies] Last: I think you'd have to merge your two for loops for that, which, if you... (by Albatross)
by EeAA
Converts a number entered in Arabic to Mayan
I am trying to figure out how to output the Mayan number so far can print out array with Arabic number in a reverse order, but how do I go about the Mayan =...
[4 replies] Last: thank you for sharing it:) here is what we did //main.cpp #incl... (by EeAA)
by tomd2
fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file
ok, ive ran out of ideas and im asking you guys for help... out of nowhere i started getting this error while trying to compile the release version of my little...
[3 replies] Last: to anyone having the same issue, ive figured out how to fix it. simply... (by tomd2)
C++ in Japanese
In Japan do they use none latin characters in their compilers? I'm just curious because I'm trying to apply for a games placement which already requires me to...
[no replies]
by TRL
Question regarding a calendar program
Hello everyone! I've been reading this forum for several weeks now, trying to wrap my head around the world of c++ programming. I have found that this websi...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you whitenite! You have helped me out a great deal! (by TRL)
Help with or statement in while loop
//Validating calculation type while(userChar != false) { if(type == 'a') {userChar = false;} else if (type == 's') ...
[3 replies] Last: here's the whole code and ive also solved the problem that your letter... (by gelatine)
rhombus made of asterixes
Hello. Here I'm trying to write an algorithm that displays a rhombus with n (cin>> by user) lines. I used the algorithm from the topic I previously posted about...
[8 replies] Last: Ok, guys, another problem solved. Thanks to all responders. I won't ad... (by catalin10)
Cutting a deck of Cards
Writing a program to play a game of War, and cutting a deck is one of the functions. I wrote the function. I was hoping someone could look it over for me and ...
[7 replies] Last: Ok, I see now... pointers would be the better way to go, but being as ... (by chriscoleo)
2-D Array of cards (1,2)
Hi guys , i am new to c++ and have been reading two books for around 30hrs+ of study so far! I am actually really enjoying it .... which is good! I am looki...
[25 replies] Last: Tested and recompiled above code under Microsoft Visual C++ Express (f... (by Perman)
What is wrong here (cosine using series)?
I had an algorithm written up that worked perfectly, except my professor wants it to call on a function which i didnt do. So i tried to change it and im not sur...
[2 replies] Last: 1. No where in main is func called. 2. func doesn't make use of angrad... (by roberts)
second degree ecuation solver program
Hello again. The algorithm I have to write must do exactly what the title describes, it must solve 2nd degree equations until the user wants to stop. For some v...
[10 replies] Last: Ok, I'll "keep it real" and leave it this way. :) Thank you for your h... (by catalin10)
gcd and Lcm of 2 given no
/*please explain this program*/ /*Program to find GCD and LCM of given two numbers*/ #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int gcd(int m,int n) {while(m!=n) {...
[2 replies] Last: Stop reposting. We've answered your questions already. (by Gaminic)
by atjm88
#include <stdlib>?
#include <iostream> #include <conio> #include <stdlib> int main() { int a,b,c,d; cout<<"Enter the starting number"<<endl; cin>>a; srand(a); ...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks iHutch value % 30 + 1985 after +, the value is bigger than b... (by atjm88)
by atjm88
Non-Standard Header??
Hi, I saw some people said, "Non-standard" in some header file, may I know what does that means? "That there non-standard, platform-dependent function is fou...
[10 replies] Last: Ok...thanks for the explaination... how about header file and library... (by atjm88)
uppercase check function
i was reading the documentation about specifieing templates when i discovered a function about uppercase chars. i didnt get anything of it. can someone please e...
[4 replies] Last: thanks (by gelatine)
by Lio
Practice pointers c++
Looking for website or book with programming questions for pointers and folowing solutions Thanks
[no replies]
Error: expected a statement
Hi I'm using a book called "C++ through game programming, third edition". I found a program in that book called "Hero's Inventory". Now I want to modify t...
[1 reply] : You have empty for loops. For syntax for (int i=0; i<numItems; i+... (by MrHutch)
by Maiels
Perfect squares
Hello!As I am a beginner I have a question to a program that I want to make. I need to do the sum of the elements that are perfect square. It is not hard to do...
[6 replies] Last: In fact I have solved the Problem . I just had to use the sqrt functio... (by Maiels)
Could any one give me an example of this?
In C++ primer: While a constructor or destructor is running, the object is incomplete. To accommodate this incompleteness, the compiler treats the object as if...
[1 reply] : class Parent { public: virtual void Print() { cout << "Paren... (by Disch)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 64
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