by GRDfzx
[1 reply] : C++ doesn't know what a screen is. Check your OS's API. Wazzak ... (by closed account zb0S216C)
School Project Pointers |
[9 replies] Last: I believe you have some extra brackets floating around in there. Ther... (by Lori)
by Jeremiah234
When to use NULL
[7 replies] Last: Your compiler doesn't think it is. Maybe you should recheck the type. (by cire)
by atjm88
[11 replies] Last: i didn't say that, i said the closest integer of 2.6 is 3. NOT the flo... (by Jikax)
by amb154
How do I store numbers from a text file in a 2d int array?
[no replies]
by yakyakbig
retrieving data from memory address?
[3 replies] Last: I get it, thank you all for your help. I was just thinking that keepin... (by yakyakbig)
by pzling
How to choose from multiple function definition
[2 replies] Last: awesome, thank you so much (by pzling)
by paper32
Fill box issue
[4 replies] Last: @paper32 You need to create another function to get the char variable... (by whitenite1)
by xKeb
"srand" function and how to implement it.
[12 replies] Last: lowerbound + rand() % upperbound; should be lowerbound + rand() % (... (by Muckle ewe)
state error >.< |
[2 replies] Last: okay fixed it thanks heaps now all i got to do is get rid of this warn... (by programmeraie125)
by bluepixel
two dimensional array
[no replies]
by jpm61704
Multiple Choice aPI
[3 replies] Last: You can do it with any console lib that allows you to print to a given... (by Disch)
by coinage23
Noob question! (IF and Else)
[7 replies] Last: Does that mean I will have bad luck? According to my kids it is equ... (by clanmjc)
class / creating a temp object and assign it to invoking object *this
[12 replies] Last: it definately works out well :) not only that, but i can snip the i... (by AARGH)
wont load menu |
[no replies]
by davy92
i am using Open Watcom and i need some help with the fuctions
[2 replies] Last: Multiple threads. Please... (by ciphermagi)
by opiop65
Integers are being weird
[8 replies] Last: Ok, thank you, I'll read up on that! (by opiop65)
by agent99s
trouble creating a calculator which can also calculate %, s, and e.
[no replies]
Calculating and outputting numbers |
[3 replies] Last: You need to track the current value and add them as you go: #includ... (by Stewbond)
by smallmos
accessing the data of a template class
[7 replies] Last: I don't know why it is 26 from looking at what you've posted, what is ... (by clanmjc)