Beginners - February 2012 (Page 15)

Objects dealing with varibles
Im a little confused on objects concering varibles. Here is an example #include iostream class Sally { public Sally(); int xvar; //...
[1 reply] : Think of it like this: You have, on your desk, a keyboard. It's you... (by ciphermagi)
Keyboard Not Responding.
I have been beginning to use the Win32 API and I'm starting to making a simple top-down shooter however to get keyboard intput i used the code: case WM_KEYD...
[6 replies] Last: np. Glad it's working. It always bugged me how OpenGL does things ... (by Disch)
singular word to plural
hey guys can u help me with this code? so i have an assignment to make a program to convert from singular to plural and this is the sample run sample inpu...
[3 replies] Last: thank you soooooo much u really helped me :D (by lulu girl)
help using codeblocks with TBB
I'm trying to use Intel TBB with codeblocks but it keeps giving me an error. I'm following TBB documentation. Starting code: #include <iostream> #in...
[1 reply] : I downloaded and built tbb. Used above code compiled and linked fine.... (by Texan40)
Text editor Mac getting started.
Just started using a mac and I want to use text editor to write my C++ programs. How do I run a program using terminal? Where do I need to save the program? D...
[5 replies] Last: Yeah I can get it running in xcode now. But text editor and terminal p... (by hicksincoming)
Program that needs extra modification
I have the following program for a simple calculator written using visual studio. cout<<"Do you want to do another calcualtion? (Press Y/N)\n"; ...
[1 reply] : (by ciphermagi)
by dotjan
pass info to a class or use class members
Hi, some confusion in learning this. I have a custom class with a public function which needs some string to be passed in order to process them. AFAIU these inf...
[14 replies] Last: The front end of the program hasn't even begun to be worked on, what's... (by ciphermagi)
fopen problem
whats wrong in this code? #include<stdio.h> int main() { char *c; FILE * xfile; xfile = fopen("del it.txt","w+"); if(xfile!=NULL...
[4 replies] Last: yap feels like i was pretty close. thanks for helping. (by time to c)
vector class
Hi everyone. I have the following code: #include <vector> #include <limits> #include <iostream> int main() { int i,j; std::vector<int>col(...
[2 replies] Last: Okay, thank you. I just wanted to check. (by CJC0117)
Homework Help
I need help with some code for a class. I need this to compile without using static functions #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; using...
[3 replies] Last: sorry about the length, instructor requirements to have it all in one ... (by trobbers405)
by cokane
Decision Maker
I am trying to write a small program that calculates that area and perimeter of a rectangle. The problem I am having is the program needs to output an error mes...
[7 replies] Last: cokane, Your code compiles, but it doesn't "work." Checking for neg... (by ciphermagi)
Need some help with polymorphism and overloading the extraction operator
I have an assignment to learn about polymorphism. I'm suppose to create a class hierarchy to represent shapes. I have included the code I have which does work. ...
[2 replies] Last: That is what i have done in my code that is posted above. If you look ... (by jokerfwb)
C++ Array of Characters rearrangement issue
All help will be appreciated. I need to find out why the code is not working as intended for purpose of revision. Challenge: I need to generate 2 sets of arra...
[no replies]
save name-text rpg
Ok, I found a good save system that works, but I can't save a custom name. I tried using getline to ask the user a name, but no matter how I arrange the strings...
[1 reply] : fout << "name "<<s1<<"\n"; //... if (fieldname == "s1") See the pr... (by Disch)
by atjm88
MFC in MVSC++?
Hi, may I know what's the differences between MFC types below? I used to do a very basic programming inside Win 32 Console Application only, but not in MFC, is ...
[no replies]
What Should I Return?
I've got a method that supposed to yield the index of a map entry that has the requested tag. The index is of type unsigned int . Since unsigned types cannot...
[5 replies] Last: You could do what kbw suggested, what vlad has suggested or you could ... (by clanmjc)
Getting the total amount of items sold
I am writting a program where I enter in the product number and the number of items sold of a product. This action is repeated until the input (-1) is entered. ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys... I am seriously a novice and was making this way too com... (by Joshua Spears)
While loop problem
Hi! Im trying to make a program that takes your first and last name and writes it out with the last name first. The name has to be stored in one char variabl...
[2 replies] Last: I think you should define two character arrays in your function printW... (by vlad from moscow)
by Zu007
pow function in math header file
Hello, plz help in this problem. plz provides me pow(); defination .In borland turbo c 3.0 math.h contains only function Declaration any one tell me where i...
[7 replies] Last: This is now more of a theoretical math question rather than a programm... (by Stewbond)
by hveed
help with nested structs and pointers
hello all I'm trying to copy a data member from one stuct into a seecond struct that has an array of the first struct types nested inside it, but I am having...
[2 replies] Last: if I have correctly understood you are trying to copy member sname of ... (by vlad from moscow)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 64
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