Beginners - February 2012 (Page 14)

Front and Back of a Loop
Here's the best example I can give: int x = 360; for(int i=0; i<=x; i++) { // Formulas to retrieve data. if(i<=8) { // Retrieves all data for just 1...
[no replies]
Question 2
Suppose A, B, C are arrays of integers of size M, N, and M + N respectively. The numbers in array A appear in ascending order while the numbers in array B app...
[10 replies] Last: Thank you to all of you.. (by prestige)
Question 3
Write a user-defined function in C++ to find and display the sum of both the diagonal elements of a two-dimensional array MATRIX containing integers. I...
[5 replies] Last: Awesome... Now got it. @Albatross: I cant at this moment but will do a... (by prestige)
Random Group Maker
I just started learning about arrays and decided to make a random group generator for school. This is what I have so far #include <iostream> #include <string> #...
[no replies]
Why doesn't my array read in correctly?
I'm working on a program that reads in characters and then has to convert them to integers in order to finally multiply them all. When I go through my code in t...
[no replies]
Issues with SQLAPI++
So, I'm trying to work with this API, but it keeps telling me my sqlapi.dll is missing from my computer. I can literally see the file though. I moved a copy to ...
[12 replies] Last: So this sounds like if I wanted to log in as an admin, I'm just out of... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Best practice Cstring/int input
Pushing through Prada c++ primer plus and still confused about best way to deal with Cstring input. There seems to be many pitfalls (buffer overflow) and unexp...
[no replies]
by craya
Overloading Operators
So I'm working on an assignment regarding templates. We're to inherit an array class we created to make a fixed size array. The only problem I'm having is wit...
[no replies]
Pause system for random time?
So I'm creating a text based rpg and the player can search for potions. Right now,you find a random amount of potions instantly, but I was wondering if I could ...
[6 replies] Last: No harm done, anyhow. </thread> (by ascii)
ternary search (non recursion)
Hello I'm in my second programming class learning about objects. We have covered a few sorts and searches. As Extra we are asked to write a ternary search based...
[no replies]
by pzling
What is -1.#IND?
Hi I'm trying to pass the (vector of vector) output of a wrapped object into another vector of vector. The line of code I have is: vector<vector<double>>...
[4 replies] Last: thanks everyone for your help knowing that -1.#IND indicated -infinit... (by pzling)
uninitalized local variable
i am creating a menu for my pong game and i keep receiving the error c4700, but i believe i have iniitalizal my variable but its telling me that i haven't and i...
[2 replies] Last: okay fixed it thanks =D (by programmeraie125)
C++ Primer Plus 5th Ed. Help
Having trouble with Problem 1 on Chapter 5. How would I make a dynamic array that reads the integers in between two that the user types. For example: The user t...
[6 replies] Last: Okay I got it. Thank you all for your help. (by TinkerTantrum)
by dk3919
Expected unqualified-id before '{' token
First off, I was wondering what exactly does this error mean? I always see it but have no idea how to fix it because I don't know exactly what is wrong. Her...
[4 replies] Last: Ah thank you that seems to have done the trick! (by dk3919)
by moot1
help with calculator
in this calculator say i enter 3 to multiply it works fine...but if i press 1 to restart and then multiply again it gives me the wrong answer...why? #include ...
[2 replies] Last: cout << "The answer is " << Answer; Answer = 0; (by WhiteWind)
would this work
okay i have made some collision code for pong but when i test it my pong crashes just as it opens and it had no error codes so i dont't know how to google a sol...
[4 replies] Last: i cant locate any reason why it would terminate, i guess there is a li... (by programmeraie125)
Issue with pointer to a vector
Hello Friends, I am a Java programmer and c++ is new to me. I have an issue with a pointer, in the code below i try to iterate over a list and push the poin...
[11 replies] Last: I am new to c++ and my first post here. I am tying to learn. Yes that ... (by Aditya Sirohi)
what am i missing
So i am new to programming. I am having some trouble writing a do while loop that will stop the code when i type in exit or EXIT. The code below is a shorter ve...
[3 replies] Last: that worked!!! thanks so much guys, i know i have changes my logic be... (by slinger)
by moot1
I use code blocks. I was exploring the program and i saw for a project choice was open gl and win32. what are those for either of those can i make a calculator ...
[no replies]
I have the following program for a simple programme written using visual studio. ------------------ Q))))))) and how can i display the final sum when user...
[1 reply] : By no means a perfect solution: #include <iostream> using std::ci... (by Texan40)
February 2012 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 64
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