by nj1995
Issue with program
[1 reply] : You need to check function return codes for errors. Probably cin is n... (by koothkeeper)
by dvarona1
Function and Array Issue
[5 replies] Last: There are other problems also. Line 17: triangleLengths is defined... (by AbstractionAnon)
by RGB 455
While Loop
[2 replies] Last: could there be a way to write this without using if statements? Yes.... (by AbstractionAnon)
by MisterWHite
Alarm clock program
[no replies]
by gambler2841
Removing Elements from a 2D Vector
[3 replies] Last: Yes but why are you using this constant in a for() loop that removes e... (by jlb)
by maanu4393
Delete Every Third Element in the array
[2 replies] Last: Break the problem into two parts. 1) Create a loop that identifies ev... (by AbstractionAnon)
by tcc5164
Factorials and Recursion
[8 replies] Last: I have put a loop in it and I don't know where it should go. You hav... (by AbstractionAnon)
by stratovarios
Char dynamic array
[3 replies] Last: You can do this within a function only. Keep in mind that it is essent... (by coder777)
by jgg2002
Swapping Elements in strings.
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. I knew I had forgotten something, but couldn't remember what :... (by jgg2002)
by latvian4life
Dividing array in two new arrays
[5 replies] Last: You could 'delete' them by moving all other elements at higher indexes... (by cire)
by Peter87
Initialize array inside constructor
[5 replies] Last: A big disadvantage of not saving the "size" in the class is that the c... (by jlb)
by Memento
Becoming intermediate through real projects?
[no replies]
by Othello
Core dumped in print
[4 replies] Last: Hey I fix this but i get still segmentation fault(core dumped). How c... (by Othello)
by Nielyboyken
Need explanation: Equation solving code
[4 replies] Last: Sometimes it can help to just step through the code and work out what'... (by TwilightSpectre)
by Ulugbek
vocabulary trainer
[1 reply] : I imagine quite a few of us can. Why do you want to know? If you're ... (by MikeyBoy)
by sajis997
comparison between the signed and unsigned integer
[6 replies] Last: You may do this: const glm::int64 t_2 = T / 2; (by coder777)
by beccak0316
[10 replies] Last: If you fix the error in line 7 the output will look like this. -5 390... (by Thomas1965)
by schellman2
Final project help (1,2)
[24 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <fs... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by RatStick909
Trouble with finding lowest value in Array!
[17 replies] Last: Thanks for your help! (by RatStick909)
by derekle560
Getting Error when using remove() with strings
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for responding. I replaced that bit of code with the one coder7... (by derekle560)