Beginners - December 2015 (Page 31)

My c++ program error
Can someone please help me fix following c++ program? #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> #i...
[2 replies] Last: OP, don't double post please. (by mutexe)
C++ run project using standalone files, rather than a Code::Blocks project
Good afternoon! I'm currently working on a final project to close my first semester of C++ (and also programming in general) and I was wondering how I can pr...
[12 replies] Last: Hmm I see, so I'm worrying over basically nothing or at least it's not... (by BaloneyOs)
increment months? help plz
I can't figure out how to manipulate the month argument inside the function so that when it gets to the last day of the month, it will return a new month value,...
[7 replies] Last: In the main function, your function call inside the for-loop should lo... (by Arslan7041)
what app can one develop using C++?
what app can one develop using C++, I want to be cleared, have heard many jargon about this. can someone put it right.
[9 replies] Last: suppa, I have personally explored (and still exploring) following libr... (by codekiddy)
how use sprintf() with string?
how use sprintf() with string? i have these function for format the numbers: string FormatNumber(double dbltext, string textformat) { string text...
[5 replies] Last: yes.. thanks for all (by Cambalinho)
For deletes my following order
Hello, i have a problem with my code, when i want to calculate the "pagoInteres" it equals it to 0 and i need to calculate the "interes" trough the formula but ...
[1 reply] : Try #define interes .20f If it still doesn't work try to change from... (by malemale777)
by nj1995
I/O program keeps failing
Whenever I compile and run my code it fails after I input my file names. I am confused as to why this keeps happening, any help would be appreciated. Thanks. ...
[1 reply] : Whenever I compile and run my code it fails after I input my file nam... (by cire)
Need some help with my C++ program.
Hi, i am a really really really new to c++ (and programing overall) and im having trouble with this piece of code. The thing i want to create is: Write a p...
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int n = ... (by KenzOne)
by Andym
Linked lists (1,2)
I have to create a program that demonstrates the understanding of linked lists, sorting and exception handling. I have to read a file and assign that data to a...
[22 replies] Last: well, ive been working on this for a few days, trying to digest this a... (by Andym)
Help with undefined reference when creating class object!
Hey, another confused beginner here looking for some help. Didn't sleep for a while so might just be brain freezing but need to finish my assignments tonight an...
[5 replies] Last: If I recall, when you conduct a build with Code::Blocks, there is an o... (by Moschops)
by markd
How to pull data from txt file and put into a sturucture
Hi i'm really new to c++ so bare with. I am looking pull data from a text file that displays multiple cities in the format cityname xcoordinate ycoordinate and ...
[7 replies] Last: Your vector is called cities . So you would need to access cities .n... (by Chervil)
60x7 array for sudents grades
I'm having an extremely hard time with my code. I must Write a program that can be used to determine grades at the end of the semester. For each student, who i...
[9 replies] Last: You don't have to use 2 different loops just use one of them. Use fo... (by malemale777)
I cannot sort the arrays. Can someone help me with that?
This program stores student roll-numbers and their marks in two separate arrays. Their roll-numbers are being stored in the array. If I type in the roll-numbers...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks maleman777. God bless ya (by kamilhassaan)
for loop
Im a total beginner. I have to count how many flowers will be after 'n' days if every day 3 times more flowers appear than yesterday.. but this code isnt good ...
[1 reply] : Start by having sensible variable names. You're not being charged by t... (by Moschops)
Menu oriented project problems
How come that when i compile this and run it through the loop after picking menu choice 1 and then Y for looping back to main menu that it doesn't display the c...
[5 replies] Last: Bump i need a solution fast, this project is due in a few days and i c... (by jDurks619)
Pointers and references
I was trying to understand this example for my programming course and what I don't get is why a and b don't have the same address. Is it possible that a pointer...
[4 replies] Last: Problem solved... I found out that int* const is for a constant adress... (by Maxim28)
Loading and printing function
I can´t see whats wrong this code, after cout << "Sort order by :" << endl; it stops and doesn´t print out anything. Can someboy help me. void load(...
[7 replies] Last: I expect because there's a problem with fin. I expect because Bank.tx... (by Moschops)
Need Help With Bonus Rate Program
jm sales
[12 replies] Last: yes my assignment is due tomorrow and since I posted my answer on the ... (by JohnWilliams)
cout to printf
Hi how do i convert this code with cout to printf ? thanks int n; char * grid; grid = (char*)malloc(n*n); for (int y = 0; y < n; ++y) { for (...
[1 reply] : To print a char with printf, you use the %c modifier. So your code mig... (by Shadowwolf)
Differentiate between "\n" and endl
what is the major difference between ("\n") and (endl)when used in c++
[3 replies] Last: thank you all, I appreciate (by Fabulouskenn)
December 2015 Pages: 1... 2930313233... 43
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