Beginners - December 2014 (Page 8)

Wrong byte values when receiving multicast
Hi, following problem / phenomena exists... My message transmitter sends messages (using ip*works mcast-component). When receiving the messages (using same...
[no replies]
C++ Hello World
I've been eager to start learning C++, and so I started using NewBoston's C++ tutorial, however,when I typed in the coding for the "Hello world!" program using ...
[5 replies] Last: i did an upper case L to show you it was the letter and not a number '... (by mutexe)
comparison of two character arrays
why this code is not working. i want to display the either you entered same name or different name #include <iostream.h> main() { char name1 ; char n...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you very much!!!!!!!!! (by affan535)
by b1gzz
If, else if and else statements
I was just having fun with these statements when I came across an error: int main(){ unsigned int fstNumb = 0, sndNumb = 0; cout << "Choose the first numb...
[2 replies] Last: Oh, I thought that using or not the brackets wouldn't make any differe... (by b1gzz)
Please Help with my Random Name Generator
Hello This is my Code: #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std; int main() { const string wordList1 = { "ancient", "hollow", "cobbler"...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you deathslice This has fixed up the bug still trying to figure ... (by Althalus)
Example code illustrating Expression Templates
Hello, I'm trying to explore expression templates. After reading from quite few sources, I'm getting the basic idea of using ET and benefits they provide suc...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you JLBorges for the links. They're very helpful. (by pranavladkat)
by vxk
bitwise copying and trapping values
In C, unsigned char is the only type guaranteed to have no trapping values, and which guarantees copying will result in an exact bitwise image. (C++ extends t...
[1 reply] : The object representation of an object of some type T is the seque... (by JLBorges)
Why is first letter of string getting cut off on output?
Everything is working fine except that the "N" in "North" keeps getting cutoff in the output. Does anyone know why? I tried a lot to figure it out. Thank you...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks! (by bigzigzag)
Hello This is a question I am so stuck on and just don't get. I'm sorry if this sounds stupid but what is "getline" used for? I'm having a lot of trouble try...
[2 replies] Last: Oh okay that makes sense. Thank you. (by Nikolai)
Were and how can I find a function library similar to the funcky function librarys that were for the clipper language. Or can i link this old function library.
[1 reply] : What is funcky? Please provide some links to the library in question?... (by kevinkjt2000)
funky for loop
Hello, I am having trouble with a for loop that refuses to stop. i created it to generate the fibonacci problems less that 4 million for project euler, but it...
[2 replies] Last: thank you (by drewdddd)
by SeNNa
I can't figure out the error in my class program for a bookshop
So the program is a Bookshop which is the Class Book It should contain : ISBN, title, author, quantity as members; set , get , print as methods. and out...
[9 replies] Last: You have many logic errors. For example: b is an array. But on the lin... (by MiiNiPaa)
initialise variable sized array
Is there any way to initialize a variable sized array in a single line? int main() { int n; cin>>n; int x ={}; cout<<x ; } ...
[4 replies] Last: [quote=rajroushan95]Is there any way to initialize a variable sized ar... (by Cubbi)
Without Nested Loops
Write a program that reads n<1000 then n numbers each of which is between 1 and 1000 inclusively from the input. Then, your program will find the numbers that e...
[2 replies] Last: If you want someone to do your work for you, consider paying them. If ... (by Avilius)
What is a data field?
A union that contains structures for the different event types. Can you explain what is a data field? The site that I'm reading this from is https://wiki...
[2 replies] Last: No I know what a union is. I had to look it up on the site. I haven't ... (by brokenbot)
Need Help guys. (Arrays)
Hi, my program is kinda seating arrangement system, it works like when i enter a seat number, the program will change the value of that array from 0 to 1. De...
[2 replies] Last: Many Thank bro . u solved it. Thanks again. (by Paragon)
Which return type declare when using two templates?
Sorry for my probably wrong title, i don't know how to call it properly. I've got a function that has two parametrs. These parapetrs are templates. If 1st p...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you, it works. (by TheHardew)
by CS1
int x and char(x)
int x is used for declaration of x and in memory a space is reserved for x variable but what happens when i use char (x)? like i mean what is the concept behind...
[1 reply] : char(x) converts x to char type. For examlpe this line will print "c" ... (by TheHardew)
adding a qt3d scene to graphicsview
Hello, I have a cubeview (qt3d scene ) object view. I want to display it in the graphicsView pane of the main window. void MainWindow::on_pushButton_click...
[1 reply] : Maybe post your question on qt-forum. And btw qt is not that good on ... (by TheHardew)
Scan in word per char
I have the following program: char* c2; for(char& c1 : str) { c2 = &c1; textbuf->append(c2); textbuf->append("Between"...
[1 reply] : i'd turn each char into a string. #include <iostream> #include <str... (by mutexe)
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