by carlplusplus
How will I repeat my whole transaction again? (codes inside)
[1 reply] : Hi carlplusplus, I think for you to understand easily you should divid... (by krugle)
Opening Text File |
[1 reply] : What exactly is your problem? By the way: 'binary sorting' dosen't ex... (by coder777)
Array |
[2 replies] Last: Hi randomperson27, I've found a few mistakes, one of them pointed out ... (by krugle)
by Cydriic
Question about Class Destructor
[3 replies] Last: You shouldn't need to use new there. (by ne555)
by amitk3553
Array 4*4
[2 replies] Last: I want like int a = { 1 2 3 4 }; actually i ha... (by amitk3553)
by Cexus
How to count different words from a sentence I have entered?
[14 replies] Last: You need a container to store words you've read in. As you read in wo... (by cire)
by Inferno1315
Min of array always setting to 0
[7 replies] Last: <algorithm> has more than one sorting algorithm. Some do less work tha... (by keskiverto)
by hilft
Loop continue problems
[2 replies] Last: continue might seem somewhat misleading. If i is less than five, t... (by xismn)
Using cStrings and Pointers |
[1 reply] : the internet is a good resource to start : functions http://www.cplus... (by nvrmnd)
by luv2program
How to swap variables of type char..?
[1 reply] : basically how to bubble sort arrays of type char *.* (by luv2program)
by slimfit
Need help about switch function.
[3 replies] Last: I don't know where you got the magic number 65000 from - the range of ... (by LB)
by ossant
highlighted text
[no replies]
by metulburr
invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'char*'
[3 replies] Last: yeah that does make sense. thanks. const_cast<char *>(s.c_str()) ... (by metulburr)
by kolo7880
Range of a random number
[1 reply] : scratch that, I've figured out how to use rand() I believe, but would ... (by kolo7880)
by lynn1991
Not sure how to do this loop with a read in file to validate a credit card
[2 replies] Last: Thanks sorry for taking so long to respond I was about to figure it ou... (by lynn1991)
by hilft
strings and arrays question
[no replies]
by fahmankhan75
[3 replies] Last: no problem :) we dont always respond the fastest but we usually can ge... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
by Mordorjon
Need help
[1 reply] : For one thing your code has 3 { and only 2 }. Don't think you need th... (by SamuelAdams)
by hilft
Inheritance question!
[1 reply] : How does creating an object of a class, runs the functions inside? ... (by Cubbi)
by o1234567
uses classes calculate cylinder volume and surface area issues.
[1 reply] : I was able to figure out the error about the 'class Cylinder' has no m... (by o1234567)