Beginners - December 2013 (Page 58)

by Teemo
value-returning function
Write a value-returning function, isVowel( ), that returns the value true if a given character is a vowel and otherwise returns false. Using function isVowel(...
[11 replies] Last: No worries dude. You were nearly there anyway. (by mutexe)
by hychan
Basic Recursion Exercise
My teacher gave me an exercise on recursion (I think so), and the task is as below: Given 3 integers, N, T and P. N represents the number of blanks. T re...
[5 replies] Last: Recursion way: You only need to calculate values for P*N < T (if P*N <... (by heebleworp)
by hilft
Classes question need quick help!
here is one of the questions from my assignment. I don't know the answer, but I think y is protected. Can anyone confirm the answer and give me a way to test ...
[3 replies] Last: I hope you don't do that when you write real programs... (by IWishIKnew)
How to make a Tic-Tat-Toe games
I'm currently a college student majoring in Computer Science. My professor request every student in class to make a C++ program, so I decide to make a Tic-Tat-...
[4 replies] Last: Thank You. (by jakesweater)
Putting a struct array.quantity into a new int array
Part of my assignment is to sort the remaining quantities of sodas from highest to lowest and display. I can print out tables no problem, but I'm having issues...
[3 replies] Last: int findMaxValue(int quantityArray ) { /* function findMaxValue */ ... (by captain geist)
Swapping Textures
How i could do to swap texture "menu.bmp" and "f40.bmp"? void initRendering() { glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);//Permet el test de profunditat o Z-Buffer glEnabl...
[no replies]
Design a Graph class. This class will be used to help implement the shortest paths algorithm. Example methods you need are: copy constructor, default construct...
[1 reply] : Great question. Where's your code? Where are your specific problems? (by Mats)
I have written a program for a Car salesman, I am wondering how do I add a new record to the program and also when i want to display a record of all the cars, i...
[1 reply] : Assuming you've defined a "salesman" class and a "Car" structure, you'... (by heebleworp)
"Creating functional errors"
Hello! I've all the stuff from the tutorial, but sometimes, in this forum, (like in one of my questions: , from...
[5 replies] Last: I'll buy Deitel 5th: How to program. There isn't any online source? Th... (by iQChange)
Program to calculate frequency of letters in a text file
Hello, I'm trying to come up with a program that finds how many times each letter occurs in a text file, and then outputs the results on a screen. I don't kn...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you very much for the help. (by Michael 11)
by rineae
Function that reads arrays
How exactly would you write a function which has three parameters, an integer k and two arrays. One array is an array of integers; the other is an array of num...
[1 reply] : you could search on this: (by krugle)
i made programme to print a hollow dimond of star.but i made it with 6 i want to make it with 2 or 3 loops..helpppppp i can made it??
[3 replies] Last: Things to consider: 1. How many rows there are in total in the diamond... (by keskiverto)
printing 2D arrays
i've given an assignment that i should genereat a 2*3 array with a given values and i want to print out this array in a tabular structure #include <iostr...
[1 reply] : Hi Shebbo Muhammed, you could use setw(int) as in: std::cout << std::... (by krugle)
is namespace like Macro.
I do get class and function Is namespace a form of a macro so more in the time to process is where my question is. less time to process macro namesp...
[5 replies] Last: my instructor does use the word pre process and at compiler but see i... (by J Lee Hughes)
by enemy
Retunr array[]
Hello! I want to make third function operating with elements of m1 . Please, how do I achieve that array m1 can be memorised and translated to another functi...
[2 replies] Last: Hello! I tried m1 , produced in function Array1d, which is not MAIN, ... (by enemy)
Stuck on a problem
I have been given an assignment and i dont know how to write the code for it. Most of the code written below was given to us by our tutor, the problem is I dunn...
[no replies]
3 function Array Please help
Write a program that asks the user to enter a series of one-digit non-negative numbers (you will need to do error checking). When the user has finished enterin...
[3 replies] Last: Hi randomperson27, In order to get the code compiled you need either ... (by krugle)
by Ratham
URGENT: Segfault Problem
I'm writing a queue/scheduler program. The problem is after it prints out the high queue correctly, it segfaults. I've spent hours trying to fix this code and c...
[5 replies] Last: run() is always returning selected even if you fail all of you if ch... (by histrungalot)
getting class to add data to an array
Hey ya'll, I have huge problem with my code; im trying to pass a number to a class function and have it add it to an array of that class. The problem I get is t...
[4 replies] Last: Wow, simple for loop helped tremendously. Thanks alot for your help! (by bookLearnin)
can some help me change this to descending
at the min the descending is ascending, could you help me descend it // Number Sorter #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <functional...
[5 replies] Last: See the examples in: (by keskiverto)
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