Beginners - December 2013 (Page 56)

How to Read in Float, String, Float from file?
Hello! I am wondering how I would go about reading in values from a txt file, a float, then a string, then another float for each line. Delimited by commas....
[1 reply] : use a stringstream. (by mutexe)
Student Programmer needs
I am working on a program that displays a table showing the fahrenheit temp and and the Calsius temp with a function called celsius. This is what I have and I a...
[16 replies] Last: That was it thank you. (by kmartar)
by enemy
why are these 2 functions generating the same array=
Hello! Please, how to achieve that each function generates ANOTHER 2dd array? Many thanks! #include<iostream> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std...
[2 replies] Last: Works!!! MANY THANKS!!! (by enemy)
by Chubby
how to calculate only decimal
For example, If I enter like 2.75, I only want to get the .75 * 60. So I would have 2.45. I do this because I have homework that like this number.
[4 replies] Last: You do realize that this is a C++/C forum, and not an Objective-C foru... (by yulingo)
Array to Vector
How would I go about changing this program of arrays into one with vectors? /* -------------------------------------------------------- This progra...
[1 reply] : since you are using strings, it is appropiate to use std::string rat... (by nvrmnd)
Using typedef
Hi all. just want to know for what and why we use "typedef" ? i just doing some homework and I found it in example below we have one struct named " Student" ...
[1 reply] : typedef is used to define an alias for an already existing type , i... (by nvrmnd)
Sorting an array of strings from a txt file. (1,2)
Hey for my code I need it to sort an array of strings in alphabetical order. The strings are stored in a text file and can be loaded to be written in. I cannot ...
[20 replies] Last: Hi there thanks for the reply. I am not too sure what you changed but ... (by chocolatepig)
Ask user for seed?
This code uses the date and time as a seed. I'd like to know how to ask the user for a random seed. I thought it'd be as simple as replacing (time(0)) with and ...
[2 replies] Last: Ahh! That works, thanks a bundle. (by Hydropulse17)
Memory management question
The code I'm asking about is from a user-defined class called String. I want to be sure I'm not creating a memory leak. String& String::operator+(const St...
[2 replies] Last: first of all, operator+ is supposed to return a value, not a referenc... (by heebleworp)
C++ GUI with Two Forms
Hi, I am writing my C++ GUI program in Visual Studio 2013. I had a program running with one form that performed all the functions. I went ahead and added ano...
[no replies]
by sunni
Help on the final parts of my calculator
Hello all! You probably remember me from the last week or so. I have another question for those of whom might be interested. I've finished my calculator f...
[9 replies] Last: Ah, well this is my final. LOL. I thank you all for helping me. I'm g... (by sunni)
Presenting your Program
Hey Guys , Its the end of my CIS 5 class ! For the final project we have to make tic tac toe and another game/app of our choice . ALSO , we have to make a prese...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you ! this really helped !! (by ericjets)
overloaded operator question
Okay so I have a pretty simple question. I'm just trying to figure out what exactly this one variable is in an example we were given to help us understand over...
[no replies]
Calculator Menu
I made a calculator with the following code: #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int addition(int num1, int num2) { ...
[no replies]
starting C++ typing
Write your question here. Dear Mr/Mrs How are you there? How do used typing visual studio 2010 ? I started typing "Hello World" and the next step...
[no replies]
Check Writer C++ Issue!
// Chapter 12-- Assignment 14: Check Writer // This program can convert a dollar and cents amount given in // numerical form to a word description of the ...
[10 replies] Last: i'm doing the same program, the part i don't get is how to put the dec... (by sr41790)
Loop issue?
So I have this assignment that requires me to do the following things: 1. Take a roman numeral input as a cstring. 2. Convert the roman numeral to all upperc...
[no replies]
Caotic errors
For example, I've this code: #include <iostream> class TipoMoeda { public: public: struct real { double valor; ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, and I'll use while loop. Where do I use this cin.ignore? Thank... (by iQChange)
Multiple files (two .cpp one .h)
Hello all, So I am having some major problems with using multiple files. I am using Visual C++ 2010 Express and cannot figure out for the life of me how to ...
[3 replies] Last: Right click a project filter and go to 'Add->New Item' to add a new fi... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
Where's the error in this simple code?
Hello. I've this simple code, but I don't know how fix these errors. #include <iostream> class TipoMoeda { public: struct real { ...
[1 reply] : Sorry, solved. #include <iostream> class TipoMoeda { public: ... (by iQChange)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 5455565758... 69
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