Beginners - December 2012 (Page 50)

by fazer
WM_DESTROY is not being caught
help please, I'm trying to make it so that when the x on my second window is pressed I can intercept it and call code, but what I've got that I think should wor...
[1 reply] : Hi, Your second window doesn't have a window procedure as far as I can... (by methodos)
Inverse sine of an angle
Good afternoon people, i have a problem with a sequence for find a inverse sine of an angle... i don't have idea how make this problem... if any of you can me h...
[no replies]
by xyfz
C++ (WinForms) Play .wav file from resource
Hey, im trying to play a .wav sound from my resources in c++. works with PlaySound() in console app. but i cant figure out how to play the sound in w...
[1 reply] : I made a form app some time ago. I looked up the source code and it ha... (by methodos)
by deedub
six functions only
Good morning all, This assignment is to write six functions only. Our professor will be writing the main function to test. I understand that the fatal err...
[1 reply] : Your best bet is to add a main function in to test it and compile it a... (by Volatile Pulse)
Need help catching up on homework
I need help!!! Is there anyone available to work intensely with me over the next 7 days one on one through e-mail or in the forum to get caught up on several...
[4 replies] Last: see lots of people ready to help when you give us something (by devonrevenge)
Refrencing to make 2D array of variable size
Am having trouble getting my references to change the size values of an array. The goal is to accept a user input and use that to assign a size to my array (...
[1 reply] : Just gonna start by pointing out some lines that need deleted: ch... (by freddy92)
Help with ofstream
So, I'm trying to write a program that will parse data from a few text files, append them, send the new string to a class, and then spit the worked text back ou...
[4 replies] Last: That's what I figured, I'm writing it now to overload the << operator ... (by imagitron)
Initialize Array using a for loop (HELP)
PROBLEM: Write a for loop to initialize the following array (int data ) with the values 10, 9, 8… 1. I want to initialize data to 10, data to 9, and so ...
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int data ; ... (by SamuelAdams)
Deck of Cards OOP
Hi, I'm working on my first OOP project and the goal is to make a deck of cards, shuffle the cards and then rank the first five cards based off of general poker...
[1 reply] : card:card() is private line 7 of card.h You've put the default constr... (by Moschops)
How would I go about this? Totally clueless.
The Summer Olympics have past by during the summer of 2012. Your programming assignment is to develop a program to find out the winner of the gymnastics competi...
[1 reply] : open a txt file, put in the data, save it with the correct file name. ... (by SamuelAdams)
by pen
Problem in using Macro
#define sqrt(x) x*x sqrt(2-5); Can anybody tell me that why the above statement results -13 instead of 9 ? I wanna know how this statement works actu...
[4 replies] Last: Classic pitfall of C. Just remember, the preprocessor works like an au... (by Catfish3)
help with code of calendar
hello i got a homework to do a c++ calendar for november 2012 , but something wrong with that code the numbers it the third line move right. and are not under t...
[3 replies] Last: I would add it before the "i" Your adding a space, it's your homework... (by SamuelAdams)
by Phazon
Why is string.find_first_of returning 1 every time?
I posted the whole function although the problem seems to be with the while statement. The problem is, string s is "dog?" and vector vs is {", ', ,, ., !, ?}, s...
[3 replies] Last: Yeah, I was just thinking that if you don't use vs for anything else t... (by Peter87)
string class toupper() to lower()
i am new to c++ still but i sort of know what im doing. i understand that when cin takes a string it turns each element into ASCII then when you output it it go...
[2 replies] Last: thank you for the fast response. That was a simple mistake that i was ... (by jumperkid400)
get current time using time(0)
I have this project to get the current time and date using the time(0) function which resets to the time to 1970/1/1 00:00:00. to get current time, i would h...
[1 reply] : If you want to use time(0) to get the date, you'll have to write a if ... (by SamuelAdams)
by RiDeL
Calculator(Read From File)
[5 replies] Last: . (by RiDeL)
getting an infinite loop not making sense
When I enter a character or string I get a infinite loop. can some one help me please #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int ma...
[2 replies] Last: cout << "Enter a number between 1-12 "; cin >> num; ... (by Chervil)
Please tell me what's wrong with the code.
The program would stop at after one of the statements. There's no error shown by the compiler. //-----------------------------------------------------...
[3 replies] Last: Another thing to mention is that, line 17 is the last one that gets ex... (by Novice Coder Alpha)
Passing Arrays as Parameters to a Function? HELP!
I have a question on a homework assignment that I would like to understand/answer better. When an array is passed as an actual parameter to a function, what...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks (by cassidy)
problem !i
the code isn't running on the codeblock #include<iostream> #include<string.h> using namespace std; class person { char name ; float age; pub...
[2 replies] Last: is there any problem in this line person & person :: greater( person ... (by hasan101002)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 4849505152... 65
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