Beginners - December 2012 (Page 16)

i have a xml file to extact it i have written few code but these code only give me the root element the first childelement not ol the elements code: #includ...
[1 reply] : noone in this forum can help me ????????????? (by pradeep rawat)
by Jayzor
Problem solving Loop Practice Problem from Jumping into C++
I am currently going through "Jumping into C++" by Alex Allain, and I am absolutely stuck at the Chapter 5 Practice Problem #3 which entitles "Write a program t...
[3 replies] Last: well After trying to figure out from your helpful code, I came up with... (by Jayzor)
Go back a line.
How do you go back a line? (Opposite of \n) . I have Dev C++.
[9 replies] Last: @whitenite1: Thanks! (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
not enough explaination
3. write a program that allows the user to enter students name followed by their test score. it will first ask how many students to enter, then asks the student...
[2 replies] Last: To start with, here are a few points you should work on: 1. Reading th... (by kameswarib)
Issue with stringstream
I'm attempting to compile this code to test out certain blocks before I proceed to others, but there seems to be an issue at line 51 with stringstream. I don't ...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, this solves the problem, thank you! In response to your question... (by Xan Mead)
by bensko
Would like advice for books and courses to learn c++
Hi I am interested in learning to programme in c++ I currently have no programming experience I understand fully I will not learn this quickly and that a lot of...
[3 replies] Last: @bensko You can study the language with an experienced tutor. It is b... (by vlad from moscow)
by Marcan
Program crashing, need a little help!
Hi everyone! Glad to be here. I'd really appreciate if you guys could take a look at my little program, which I've done as an exercise to Accelerated C++, a re...
[2 replies] Last: It seems so obvious now. Thanks! (by Marcan)
Data Structures and turn based games
I am in the process of designing a turn based computer game based on RISK. At the moment I am not bothered about Game graphics or a GUI. There will be some, but...
[5 replies] Last: So set up a class for each continent. Then perform a check on all the ... (by rubbish coder)
by syaufe
Math operation on Structure..
hello! can anyone help me with my problem?? here i want to write a program which is about the ticket reservation.. here my reservation number ca...
[3 replies] Last: To count the amount of classes you might want to use a static variable... (by Lowest0ne)
C++ Video: Koenig Lookup and Interface Principle
The purpose of namespaces is to avoid name clash. It seems Koenig Lookup mixes up the names and defeats the very purpose of namespace. Why do we need Koenig L...
[1 reply] : [quote=boqian2000]It seems Koenig Lookup mixes up the names and defeat... (by Volatile Pulse)
dynamic memory allocation
plz hlp me with this program.. Question is:- create a class called name which has a char pointer to store the name and memory for storing the name is allocate...
[3 replies] Last: Yes (by maeriden)
Instantiation of an object with vector in constructor
Hi there I have this problem where I made a class SettingCategory which takes a string and a vector as parameter and on the other hand i have a new class Contr...
[3 replies] Last: I like the look of cubbi's solution too, i'm a bit confused about one ... (by fuerchter)
How do I compile my code into a standalone Mac application?
Hi. I have a project I'm working on (in OpenGL), and I want to send it to my friend. He doesn't have Command Line Tools installed though, so I cant just send hi...
[1 reply] : use a mac (by SamuelAdams)
getting the size of the buffer
What are some alternatives to the following: // obtain file size: fseek (pFile , 0 , SEEK_END); lSize = ftell (pFile); rewind (pFile); // al...
[1 reply] : you want the size of a file ? (by SamuelAdams)
by Duden
Characters in array
Hey, i am a beginner in c++. I want to whrite a programm where i have an 2 dimensional nxm array and in array i want to put k charakters. All of the charakter...
[1 reply] : why don't you write a program to spell check. (by SamuelAdams)
parts of string.
Hello :) I have the string string str="thisisjustanexample"; . How can i use parts of the string str,for example string dev=beginning from str and ending at ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for the fast answer,it works. (by Guzfraba)
delete operator - multidimensional array
Hi to everybody, I'm writing a c++ based program on Ubuntu OS using code::blocks IDE and g++ compiler. I'm a beginner with this language so this may be a dumb q...
[8 replies] Last: I'm talking about square matrix if that program is supposed to do s... (by Cubbi)
Hello First of all i am new to c++ im using c++ 4.5 or turbo c++ 4.5 (borland) because i want to learn the old c++ before the new c++ so i can make a thesis a...
[13 replies] Last: the x vlaue ,where.. (by beginning)
Need help in using a STL list and polymorphism (1,2)
Suppose I have a class A Then I create a class B derived from class A I also create a class C derived from class A I then create a Class X that will store ...
[20 replies] Last: You also have a memory leak in your X class. You have no dtor, but you... (by Volatile Pulse)
help me use template class
here is my code for pair.cpp and pair.h: pair.h 1 #include <iostream> 2 using namespace std; 3 4 template <typename type> 5 class homoPair{ ...
[2 replies] Last: When dealing with templates, they need to be compiled with your progra... (by Volatile Pulse)
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