dynamic memory allocation

plz hlp me with this program..
Question is:-
create a class called name which has a char pointer to store the name and memory for storing the name is allocated dynamically with new operator..also there is a parameterized constructor to which the name is to be stored in the char pointer is passed as parameter .also include appropriate destructor to de allocate the memory allocated.. tou may add further fucnctions or data members in addition to the constructors that is mentioned to achieve the same.the entered name shul also be displayed and there should be a member function to modify the entered name as well.
I see no question.
Question is:-
Create a class called name which has a char pointer to store the name and memory for storing the name is allocated dynamically with new operator..also there is a parameterized constructor to which the name is to be stored in the char pointer is passed as parameter .also include appropriate destructor to de allocate the memory allocated.. tou may add further fucnctions or data members in addition to the constructors that is mentioned to achieve the same.the entered name shul also be displayed and there should be a member function to modify the entered name as well?
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