Beginners - August 2019 (Page 4)

Help in Tough Question
Given 3 array of integers A, B, and C each of size 4. At the beginning you have:- - A units of item 1, - A units of item 2, - A units of item 3, - A unit...
[5 replies] Last: EDIT: For the record, whoever reported OP is either malicious, or an ... (by Albatross)
by dhay
How data can be structured in an appropriate way when programming C++?
I'm looking for the good/right practices and I also wonder what advantages I can achieved when following the methodology of this. I can't seem to find many good...
[1 reply] : That's a pretty broad question, but definitely a good one. Here are s... (by dhayden)
Hi Everyone i've asked before how to make combinations it helped but this time i'm trying to make an infinite combination: a b c... aa ab ... ba bb ... ca cb ...
[1 reply] : Technically these are permutations, not combinations. With combination... (by dhayden)
by kmce
Sort a vector of strings
Hi I am hoping someone might be able to help with with a quick question. I am working on a problem on paper as I am not near a computer, so I can not test what ...
[5 replies] Last: std::string is * movable (by keskiverto)
Delete last node in linked list
Why am I getting an arbitrary output on the place of the deleted element ? Please help. Below is the function I wrote LINKED LIST: 4 3 2 RESULT: 4 3 16608944 NU...
[2 replies] Last: Draw pictures until you get a feel for this stuff. a list: 1-2-3-4-... (by jonnin)
I am beginner and I need help with C++ learning
Guys I am new programmer in C++ community. Since I want to learn programming I need your help. I know this is tutorial but should I write codes and reading thi...
[2 replies] Last: Simply reading won't do you any good, you have to write code. And wri... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Parking fee
parking fee calculator. creat a program that will ask the user to input the the time that car enters the parking lot and the time it is about to exit. compute ...
[9 replies] Last: Returning to the original question, the program needs to do the follow... (by dhayden)
C++ Exercise II
Hi Guys... I tried to do the following exercise: Write a program that asks the user to enter the number of pancakes eaten for breakfast by 10 different pe...
[10 replies] Last: No one can eat 4294967295 pancakes, either. 1. You've not met some o... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by bvox
Gtk::Window always in the foreground
Good evening. I have been using gtkmm recently and i need to create a Gtk::Window that always remains on top and has no icon to resize or minimize or close. ...
[2 replies] Last: WOW Yessssss Thanks. (by bvox)
Analyzing a question
My instructor gave us a problem but i really cant seem to understand what it supposed to do or its output. Can someone please give me an idea or an example of i...
[13 replies] Last: yea it hits its limit MUCH slower than i initially thought. I was thi... (by jonnin)
why the count result of permutation is wrong? #include<iostream> #include<string.h> using namespace std; void swap (char *x, char *y) { char temp; temp =...
[3 replies] Last: PLEASE learn to use code tags, it makes reading and commenting on your... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Array placement
Hello, I am trying to do a simple battleship game, however i am trying to get the 0's in place, however they are coming up like: 0 00000 00000 00000 0000 and w...
[6 replies] Last: Yes. I meant zero mod anything is zero, which is making him put an en... (by jonnin)
C++ Exercise
Hello Everybody! I just recently joined the community. First, I want to start off by saying that I L O V E C++. Now, I am facing this exercise: Write a prog...
[14 replies] Last: I get it now, so whenever I write 'return=x' I am telling the program ... (by jonnin)
Do we always pass the size of an array to a function (along with the array)?
When you pass an array to a function, do you always pass the size of the array as well? I ask because I usually work on an STM microcontroller, whose built-in...
[12 replies] Last: interesting takes on it. I don't consider it so big a mistake. In C ... (by jonnin)
Where do you hire programmers for a big project?
I have a big project that I can't do on my own. I need workers. What do you recommend?
[2 replies] Last: LinkedIn has a "post a job" section. Maybe >... (by salem c)
by hbcpp
Upload Files To Cloud Storage
Is there a way to take files from my computer (image, video, audio) and upload to some cloud storage account like google drive or pcloud, mega?
[5 replies] Last: Thank you Albatross, I have that c++ library and as I couldn't find ... (by hbcpp)
by frza45
Need function assistance.
Hello, so I am trying to put some code in a function for reuse. My main question is if I should put it in a member function in a class or write it as a normal f...
[19 replies] Last: [quote=frza45]This code is confusing me: void getInfo(Personal&); & ... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Explanation needed regarding base class Ctor usage
As many of you know .... going through Stroustrup's PPP text book. And in it he has the following defined structure that is a sub-class to the base class: Shap...
[11 replies] Last: Niccolo, I get it now. It depends on how I declare the members. I s... (by Xanadu4ever)
Function is not being called
The code did compile but the application only give me Test 1 and not Test 1&2. Thanks in advance. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstring> u...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the answers. Now its working. (by Lumppax)
by turqo
Class class member function
can some one explain me this how to access one member function from another..thanks class A{ //data members void foo() { bar(...
[2 replies] Last: got it no i had some confusion it is clear now (by turqo)
August 2019 Pages: 123456... 8
  Archived months: [jul2019] [sep2019]

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